Unity – Private Matters
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Private Matters
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Tue Dec 01, 2009 @ 2:15am
Location   Counsellors Office
Timeline   SD16 15:10

David left the Ops and headed down to greet the new arrival, the counsellor and she was much needed at the moment.
"Computer, locate Lieutenant t'Jay." He enquired as he stood on the transporter pad.

"Please restate request. No crewmember is listed under that name." The computer responded.

David rubbed his chin. "Locate the counsellor." He repeated his request.

"The counsellor is on deck 55, counsellors office." The computer now confirmed.

Davies requested deck 55 and seconds later was pressing the annunciator to the counsellors office.

Kreallia was sitting in her office looking at carpet colors when the new chime tone rang.

"Come in." Kreallia told the chime.

He entered the room with a certain amount of trepidation and peered in.
"Hello?" he said cautiously, unsure how or what the new counsellor would be like and chose to take 'baby steps' as he introduced himself. "Commander Davies." he said, extending his right hand in greeting.

Kreallia tied her hair back to reveal her soft pointed ears and extended her hand to meet his. "Lieutenant Kreallia bree'Shore t'Jay, I'm the new shrink." Kreallia said with a smirk.

Her hands were warm and comfortable and her grip not too harsh. He noted her ears and the way she displayed them proudly. She was either Romulan or Vulcan but from her eye colour, he was not positive enough to make the assumption.
"Shrink, now there is a term I have not heard in a while, not since .... a long while ago." He responded with a warm smile and allowed their hands to fall away. "Lieutenant Kreallia bree'Shore t'Jay, that is quite a name. What do you prefer to be called, except for 'Doc?" David asked as he looked into her striking violet eyes and for a moment, he would have sworn they glistened, as if mesmerising him.

"I like Kreallia, but Lieutenant is fine." Kreallia said as she retracted her hand. "But the Klingons like calling me 'Romulan'." Kreallia said with a glistening smile.

David smiled at her response, now he was certain that she was Romulan and quite striking for a Romulan female.
"May I enquire about your eyes, they are ....... unusual, for a Romulan." He asked choosing his wording carefully.

"Oh um, I dont know actually!" Kreallia laughed.

There was a cheery warmth to her laugh and David found her comforting and realised this is what made her choose to be a counsellor.
"Well, if I can offer any assistance, just hollar." he said with a reassuring smile. "Now I have to get back back to what I was doing," He said feeling quite relaxed and now back into a frame of mind to do some work, "but if you get the chance, would you pop to the brig and have a chat with Commander Gabriel. I think he may be needing a little counselling." He said turning back towards to the door.

"Alright." Kreallia nodded.

He gave a nod and the door slid apart and he headed up to Ops.


Commander David Davies

LT JG Kreallia t'Jay