Judgement – Assisting with Enquiries
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Assisting with Enquiries
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Fri Nov 12, 2010 @ 8:37am
Location   Box of Delights/Main Security
Timeline   SD 35 1600

Yolanthe didn't even look around when Pelin opened the door. The drink was finally beginning to kick in, and her head was just starting to swim. "Just leave the bottle, Pel. I'll open it in a second."

"It's security, Boss," the young bajorran stood aside to reveal the yellow clad officers.

The bokkai got to her feet, swaying slightly as she nudged the empty bottles under the couch. "Please, take a seat." She indicated the plush sofa she had been lying on. "Have you found who did it yet?"

Trellis observed the room before taking a seat. He could tell by the blood-shot tint of her eyes that she had been consuming an extensive amount of alcohol recently. It was understandable, considering that she was close to the victim in question.

"Ms. Ibalin, what was Kila's occupation?" He asked.

"She programs holo-programs. Games, novels, she was very very good." Yolanthe had to lean against her desk. "She does - did," she corrected, "commissions, custom stuff."

"Did she have any known competitors or enemies in general?" He continued.

Yolanthe shook her head, which made the room spin. "Not that I know of. I mean she does have professional rivals, but none that would want to..." She trailed off, unable to say the word. "Sometimes we'd have problems with men thinking that because she's Orion, she's supposed to provide sex, but it hasn't happened here so far. So no, no-one. Why?"

Trellis took a pause before continuing with his inquiry. "We are going to need a list of her rivals, as well as any man who had propositioned her in the past." He requested. "It is possible that perhaps a gentleman was offended by her denial of his advances and sought to exact revenge against her." he added.

"Moreover Ms. Ibalin, have there been any disruptions or disturbances within your establishment since your arrival on this station?" he asked.

She looked at him flatly, squinting through her blackened eye, "What sort of a damn fool question is that? You know full well there've been 'disturbances'."

"I mean any disturbances in particular that would encourage a person to do harm against her." he clarified.

"The last time I saw her, we had a row, in public. She threw about 2 litres of risian mai tai over myself and Ambassador Getal." A murky orange rose from the soot dark grey of her skin for a moment before sinking again.

"Did she have any particular feelings towards you and the Ambassador's relationship?" he inquired.

"She doesn't like him, and didn't want me seeing him. But we just kind of...happened. So I lied to her." The orange started to rise again, "And we got found out when he came that night. She threw the drink over us, we screamed a bit, and she stormed off."

Trellis nodded. "Did anybody follow her or visit her that night to the best of your knowledge?" he asked.

Yolanthe shook her head. "She got in the turbo lift alone. And I think she went home - there was a bucket of ice cream left on the couch."

"What was the Ambassador's reaction to having a drink thrown on him in such a fashion? Did he make a statement directed towards her or anybody else?" he asked.

The orange got stronger, "Well he did have a little moment" she admitted, "but would you keep you're cool if you got called a slimeball in front of four hundred people?"

She squirmed a bit on the couch. "Well, he did say angering him would have consequences, but it was the heat of the moment. And he's impulsive - if he was going to hurt her, he would have done it then." She frowned. "You think he...?"

Trellis merely noted the information. "I'm not in a position to speculate as to what was going on in the mind of any participant or witness of the altercation. However, it is essentially that you describe any person involved that might have said something untoward to the woman during or immediately after the incident." Trellis responded.

"How well do you know Ambassador Getal? Have you known him to ever be violent towards another person? or perhaps has he ever ordered one of his subordinates to harm another individual?" Trellis inquired. It was not beyond the realm of possibility that the Ambassador exacted a plan of revenge against the woman and it simply got out of hand, leaving her with a fatal injury.

She considered the question. Everyone seemed out to Getal, and the situation did not look good for him. "I'd say he was a martial man, and he commands warriors so i guess the answer to your question is yes. But I don't know if anyone talked to Klia right after. I didn't manage to follow her." She couldn't bring herself to meet the trill's eye. "Tharek and I went back to the consulate." Then the bar tender rubbed her palms on her thighs and let out a sigh. "The last time I saw her we argued, and now she's gone."

There was a moment of silence. "I didn't go back to our quarters until the night after." She stared up at the ceiling. If she hadn't been so selfish and gone back sooner. "Is there anything else I can tell you?"

Trellis shook his head softly as he put away the padd and nodded to the other officers. "We will be in contact with you if there are any further questions." He responded as he stood up.

Yolanthe decided she didn't want to risk moving from where she was perched on her desk, she was feeling distinctly unsteady. "I'll help in anyway I can. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help you find whoever did this."

Trellis nodded and signalled for the other officers to follow him out of the door.


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, the Box of Delights