Unity – The Plan
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   The Plan
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Mar 03, 2010 @ 1:15am
Location   Somewhere on the station
Timeline   SD17 9:10
Darkness covered the enclosed area. The only light that could be seen was that coming from the small console in front of Elliot Hartsfield. His eyes could be seen scanning over the screen in a hastened manner as he absorbed the information about the recent bombing and the preliminary damage report.

Cordova, the founders voice, initiated the link to Hartsfield. "Hartsfield, are we on schedule?" He questioned, keeping his voice low, so as to not disturb anybody in either of the mens vicinity.

Elliot was caught off guard by the spontaneous activation of the holo-communicator. By now it would seem obvious that Elliot would have grown accustomed to the individual's habits, but it still managed to catch him off guard.

"I would say that the plan is proceeding accordingly. The detonations occurred precisely as they were supposed to. Station security is currently racing around trying to contain the area and search for the culprits. I assume station Command has been caught equally off-guard." Elliot stated as he looked away from the console.

"I've been in contact with Raymond and he reports that his crew is hammering out the last portion of their plan. With them onboard, that will secure the Romulan Core and distract Starfleet long enough for you to obtain the artifact on the planet." Elliot stated as he took a deep breathe to take in the depth of everything that was about to happen.

"Have you anticipated how you will deal with the archaeologist team that is on the surface as well as the Marine Detachment?" He asked. "They aren't aware of the significance of that planet, but once they do, how will you handle them?" He asked further.

Cordova contained his mirth. "Command is too busy tracking their own tails, that they have not had time to analyse the finer details." He grinned demoniacally, "As for the archaeologists & Marines on Greiirh, all in good time. Suffice to say, as long as our man on the surface not only retrieves the artefact, but initiates it, then they won't have time to say hello, let alone send out a distress call. I have a man entrenched in the marine unit so we have constant data streaming back to us." He shifted his position, losing the signal momentarily.

"What time is the ship due to make its appearance?" He asked, beginning to get uncomfortable in the enclosed surroundings of the Administration departments under flooring.

"The vessel is within striking distance. They are finalizaing their plan now. Their plan will be to provoke a conflict with the single Starfleet vessel in the vicinity. It will immediately surrender to the Starfleet vessel and will be brought onboard the station to be detained. Once upon the station, they will split up into teams and secure the Romulan Core." Elliot stated as he continued to review the padd.

"Once the Core is secure, we will be prepared for you and your team on the planet surface." He added. "Can this plan really change everything that has happened?" Elliot asked, wanting to believe so strongly that this was all worth it.

Cordova stared at the screen, his steel blue eyes held Elliot with a firmness. "Absolutely. We are in a prime position. We have staged events on the station and our distractions have worked better than we could have hoped. The Fleeters are all over the place, confused and angry. The civilians are feeling the same. Unrest is rife and everybody is looking for either someone to blame, or someone to herald as the hero." His lips parted in the beginnings of a smile. "Are you ready to be a hero?" He stated more than asked, confidence in his tone.

"Heroes are always the first ones to die." Elliot responded. "We will begin immediately, from there we'll await your instructions once you have obtained the device." He responded, knowing that the hard part was going to be holding the station for a sufficient amount of time.

"I would wish you good luck, but I know you do not need it, the arrangement is in place and we just have to follow the flow. Cordova out." He said as he slipped backwards beneath the floor, making his way to his next target area, Secondary Operations.

Anthony Cordova
Founders of Freedom
by Mark

Elliot Hartsfield
By Thom