Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Working the field (pt.1)
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Working the field (pt.1)
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sun Jan 11, 2009 @ 2:31pm
Location   Runabout- Launching bay 3
Timeline   SD6 0740hrs

Jarred walked around the runabout he had arrived in a few days earlier, the flight control team had given it the designation USS Preditor. Jarred then proceeded to load some equipment he would need for this mission, he was going too the location where the legacy was last seen, he'd gone through the records he'd acquired from kaia and the other ships near the coordinates, the files are incomplete but its a start.

As Jared tossed the last case into the hold he felt a presence, someone new, and annoyed. 'this must be Lt. Kasikova, her timing sucks, but I could use her help.'

Zorana has some free time before she was due back at the office so she decided to go for a walk. Her eyes were sore from writing her reports. She sighed and left her office. The PADDs were piling up and she wanted to get them off her desk. She had a long night a head of her.

Zorana started walking through the corridors thinking about the long night ahead of her, the work had been piling up on her desk and she knew she would pull an all nighter to get it done. She looked around and realised that she was on the runabout, then she saw him. Zorana sighed but was ready for what was sure to be a confrontation. She walked up to the Ensign.

"Well Ensign Wallace...It looks like I am going to have send out a search party every time I need your attention."

"Sorry about ditching your appointment requests, but the Legacy was a higher priority." Jarred could sense her annoyance. "I'm about to leave on a mission, so either you can come with me or sit in your office and speculate on my metal health."

"You do realise that this is going into my report, the fact that you seem to have a complete disregard to my authority." She replied with annoyance.

Jarred tapped his commbadge "operations this is Wallace, I'm taking Ms. Kasikova with me, for 'special observation' duties."

"Now just wait a minute Ensign I am not coming with you!"

"One other thing, since your going too be on a mission with me your gonna need this." He held out a holstered weapon, "it's not a hand phaser, its a TR-110 pistol, I've got a feeling phaser isn't gonna be effective enough for this mission."

She took the weapon and stared at it, it was the first time that she held a weapon...besides the weapon training that she received at the Academy. Did she not tell him that she wasn't going with him? Why ignore her?

"I'm...not coming with you." She said calmly but her confidence draining.

Jarred looked at the younger woman, with some degree of annoyance, and spoke rather gruffly. "I need help here and Lt Dorian is too busy being a bureaucrat to help, and there isn't exactly enough field operatives to go with me, I've got a job to do and you walked through the door. So get on board I'm departing now."

"I don't like this ensign." But as she spoke her legs disobeyed and boarded the vessel.

"Flight Control this is Preditor departing on mission, awaiting take-off clearance."

A voice came over the Comm "Preditor take-off granted, take care of special cargo."

The runabout got under its own power and glided out of the bay into the empty void of space.


Ensign Jarred Wallace
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Zorana Kasikova
Chief Counselor