Unity – New Security Measure
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   New Security Measure
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Jun 10, 2010 @ 5:39pm
Location   Hangars
Timeline   SD19-After "When Does a New Life Begin"

Burns, fresh off of telling Sector Command he'd succeeded in getting Rianni Monteros out of Starfleet, decided to stop by the hangar bay and let her former subordinates know that her reign of terror was over. Stepping through he called out in a loud voice, "Who's in charge here?"

"I am" came Dunham's reply as he poked his head from out of his office, "Who's asking?"

"I'm Lt. Cdr. Burns, Lieutenant." Burns answered, "I wanted to take a second to talk to you about your security measures in regard to your former CAG, Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian. Sector Command is very worried she might suffer another attack of instability and try to use Starfleet assets to harm herself and others so we want to make sure her access is restricted."

"Wha....?" said Dunham coming out of his office, he raised his hand palm up as he walked towards his superior officer, "Hold up, wait, go back a bit. Former CAG? When did that happen, I knew she was going through a rough patch, but thought she would always come back home."

"And she probably intended to." Burns laughed, "But I took care of that, so now everybody here is safe and can do their jobs without worrying about her having an episode and sending you flying to your deaths. She's out! They'll probably make you CAG now, congratulations!"

"You need to leave sir, now..."Said Dunham seriously, the tone in his voice emphasised only by the sudden silence that now filled the hanger bay. This officer had just come into their barn, their domain, and laughed at the problems of the CAG, many an icy glare shot towards this Burns.

Micklin, famous for losing his stripes for beating the frack out of officers already, had heard everything this jackass had been braying about, too, and set his wrench down to walk over and 'chat' with him about his bedside manner, ~On second thought.~ He mused, going back to retrieve the wrench, ~This might get in depth and technical.~

"I don't understand why you're so angry, Lieutenant." Burns replied, genuinely shocked, "I mean, it's good you feel loyalty and sympathy for Miss Monteros, but we simply can't allow some basketcase behind the stick of as deadly a weapon as a Federation fighter."

"Besides," Burns protested, "I made her a deal, I felt sympathy for her, too, you know? Yeah, I allowed her to resign her commission instead of giving her a Section Eight and having her committed, so she's still got her life in front of her, just not her career in Starfleet. Maybe someday she can pass a psych panel and get reinstated to some sort of administrative posting, I won't oppose that."

Micklin shook his head and groaned, not believing this idiot actually thought he was doing Rianni a favor, "Hey, College Boy." He called to Dunham, smacking his left palm with the wrench he held in his right hand, "Want me to show Sigmund Fraud here the door?"

"Only if he doesn't leave himself," Said Dunham turning to the sergeant, then turning back to the commander with his arms crossed. "As I said sir, time for you to go. Now." Dunham emphasised the word 'now', and nodding towards the main exit.

"I do not understand you people!" Burns protested, "I don't have a problem with Miss Monteros, I was just following orders given to me by my superiors."

"Why you still talking, go away!" Said Dunham gesturing with his hand towards the door.

"Now see here, Lieutenant, I am still a superior officer!" Burns replied, "I know you might not understand why I had to do what I did and I know you don't like it, but it's the cost of doing business."

"Cost of doin' business?" Micklin snarled, stepping between Dunham and Burns, "You're about to find out the cost of doin' business, boy. It generally starts at about three pints. Ya see, that's the usual amount of blood a man loses from a broken nose."

"Who are you, Sergeant? And where do you get off threatening an officer?" Burns spat, his voice cracking as Micklin scared the hell out of him.

"Oh, well forgive me for not introducing myself, I'm Master Sergeant Andy 'Bitch Killer' Micklin." He replied, "And unless you got somethin' real helpful to say here in the next few seconds you're on the road to bein' a bitch, boy."

"Stand down for a moment Sergeant, Let me try and explain why we have come to this unfortunate scenario to lieutenant commander Burns." Dunham stepped closer to the superior officer, well into his zone of personal space. "You see sir, your right, were all starfleet, and we all obey our orders. And your perhaps correct in your assessment saying that its just business. But what is not good business, what is poor professional conduct and a mis-courtesy by you, is coming down to a person's place of business and laughing about their misfortune to there colleges. I personally will be filing a complaint to command about your conduct in this matter, as for the sergeant here well...... I'd walk away now commander, before you dig yourself into an even bigger hole."

"You better listen to College Boy, big mouth." Micklin warned, "He ain't gonna be able to hold me back if I decide to split your skull just for practice."

"I certainly didn't mean any disrespect." Burns stammered, "I thought you would all be happy she was gone?"

Dunham shook his head in utter disbelief. The guy just didn't know when to shut up. "Wow, just wow. I'll also note in my complaint that, none of Lieutenant Commanders Monteros-t'Khellian's subordinates, got to speak on her behalf at an official hearing, or interviewed as part of any psychological profiling of her. Now get out here before I walk away and leave you with the Sergeant."

"And that's what I came for!" Burns yelled back, "And they said just confirm the suicide attempt and process the discharge."

Micklin stepped away from Burns for just a second to grab Dunham, "College Boy, if this bitch is tellin' the truth, we got a whole new set o' bigger problems and so does Rianni. Maybe we oughta hear him out. Then I'll split his wig."

"Ok start talking," said Dunham, his head rushing with thoughts like, there had been a major break down in due process, they needed to talk with JAG, and lastly, what if Rianni didn't want come back? Starfleet brass had treated her like crap.

"Yeah, and no double speak, boy." Micklin warned, the wrench at the ready.

"Okay, so I'm minding my own business doing psych evals on the Wijambu, my ship, and I get an urgent communique from Sector Command." Burns began, "They want me to come out here to do an emergency psychiatric evaluation on Lt. Cdr. Monteros because she attempted suicide. So, I got on a shuttle and came here. When I got here, the game changed, they said they wanted an emergency eval and a recommendation regarding a possible medical hardship discharge."

"Before I even get out of the docking bay, I get another message." Burns continued, "This one tells me that they want to process her for discharge if I see fit. So, I went to check in with your XO, per Sector Command's orders, because she's also the station JAG officer, she reacted very similar to the way you two did, just to state a fact."

"Shut up and talk, boy." Micklin growled, he was already getting angry at this guy again.

"Well, I go to do my evaluation, letting sector command know that I'd spoken to Cdr. Villiers along the way and that she planned on petitioning against any discharge of Lt. Cdr. Monteros." Burns continued, "They send me back a message with new instructions, said to confirm her suicide attempt and begin processing the discharge." Burns sighed and leaned against a nearby fighter, "And that's what I did."

"Off my bird, boy." Micklin snapped, causing Burns to get off his bird just as quickly as though he had a warp nacelle strapped to his butt, "So, what do you think, College Boy?"

"Well, I don't get paid to think about their decisions, Sergeant Micklin." Burns replied.

"Not you, College Boy!" Micklin yelled, indicating first Burns, then Dunham with his wrench, "This college boy! The fact they don't pay you to think ain't no surprise to me except for the fact the fleeters know at least one way to save money!"

Dunham sniffed the air, "I smell conspiracy, curse this dump of a space station, for its political machination and Machiavelli secrets," mumbled Dunham angrily to himself. "Ok. thanks Burns, go now, I'll be in touch. I need to speak with a few people including Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian."

"Okay, glad I could help." Burns nodded, exiting the hangar in a hurry, just in case Micklin lost his cork again.

"This stinks, College Boy." Micklin said, "You know me, bein' the simple minded fracker that I am, when I hear thunder I wait in anticipation of lightnin', and very rarely have I been wrong to expect it. Every instinct in me says this goes a hell of a lot higher than that borderline retard shrink that just left our barn, I wanna know how high and to where."

Dunham paused a moment and scratched the stubble on his chin in contemplative thought. "We do nothing until I have spoken to the one who this all revolves around, and ask her what she want's to do." Dunham pressed the comm badge on his chest. =^= Dunham, to Rianni Monteros-t'Kehellian=^=

=*=Go ahead, Rick.=*= Rianni answered, completely informal as there was no need for it anymore.

Dunham smiled, glad to hear she was feeling a bit better. =^=Can we meet up please? like for a drink or something, I'd like to have a chat if we may?=^=

=*=You know the address, Rick, I didn't move out of the neighborhood, I just got fired is all.=*= Rianni replied with a slightly bemused, though slightly amused, laugh, =*=You can bring Chelsea if you'd like and I can wish I had a date.=*=

=^=How about I head up to yours now, this is business....but may well require drinks. =^= Said Dunham already giving a nod to the sergeant and heading out of the hanger bay.

=*=All right, I'll see you in a few, t'Khellian out.=*= Rianni said, her voice having a happy lilt to it for the first time in a very long time.

Dunham went via his joint quarters to pick up a bottle of his finest vodka. A Drink he only broke out for very special or very serious situations. Before heading up to Ria's quarters. When he arrived he pressed the chime for entry.

"Come on in, Rick." Rianni called, she was seated comfortably on her sofa in her well worn Green Lantern t-shirt and black exercise shorts and didn't feel any real desire to get up, preferring to keep her seat and relax.

"Ok then" said Dunham as he crossed the threshold into her quarters. He headed over to the replicator and asked for a couple of shot glasses. After they had materialised on the small pad, Dunham picked them up, then went to sit down next to Ria on the sofa. He placed the glasses and the bottle on the table in front of them, and then went on to pour two shots of vodka. As he did so he began to talk. "Ok so down in the barn, we heard what happened from this Burns chap. So none of your subordinates, got to speak on your behalf at any official hearing, or interviewed as part of any psychological profiling of you. There has been a serious break down in due process, and we have more than enough to make a case for your reinstatement. Which me and all the lads down in the hanger bay are ready to fight for on your behalf." He picked up the vodka class and gulped down the liquid. "But.....I guess my question is, do you want us to?"

Rianni downed her shot without blinking, then answered, "I know you would all fight for me until your last breathes, but I don't want any of you to do anything that would endanger your careers. This came from someone way up high who wanted rid of me for reasons not yet known, but I think it's got something to do with the points on the ends of my ears. And, while part of me really wants for you all to fight for me so I can go back to the barn, the logical part of me realizes how selfish that would be and that it would only cause trouble for all of you, and that's the last thing in the galaxy I want. It's your job now, Rick, take care of my people."

Dunham nodded slowly to himself, digesting her words and listening intently . He poured two more shots into there respective glasses. Put the bottle down and took another gulp of drink. "So what are you going to do now?" said Dunham, Ria had his full attention.

"My aunt gave me a job." Rianni laughed, downing the fresh shot Rick had poured her, "So don't worry, I can still pay the rent."

Dunham almost spat out his drink at the news. "You've joined the Romulan Star Empire?" It was a shock to the system, Dunham was glad that Ria was under the protection and safety of her aunt Isha, but there were moral implications. "If it ever came to war again against the Romulans and the Federation, could you fire on a starfleet vessel? Could you shoot me down?"

"Rick, relax." Rianni giggled, "The ship belongs to the family, not the Empire. We've got our own fleets and our own forces apparently, and you know my aunt would never allow a war between the Federation and the Empire, especially not here. It's fine, my main job is fracking with the Cardies."

"Amen to that" said Dunham pouring two more drinks. After he poured he raised his glass then proffered it in a toast. "You will be missed...my mentor....my teacher....my friend, my cag." Dunham downed the drink in one. "A new life begins."

"Just do for someone else whatever you feel I did for you." Rianni smiled, downing her drink, "And you'll be an excellent CAG. Besides, I have every feeling you and I are far from done flying together."

Dunham poured to more drinks, and picked up his glass, "Let's hope that's the case, but it's not my decision, who get's promoted to CAG. It's the CO's" He took a swig of his drink.

"Will you please can the humility with me, Rick?" Rianni laughingly scolded him, "You know that I've been grooming you for my job since you got here, and you know there's no way command is going to let a great candidate like you, who already has the support of the wing, get away. Here, I got something for you."

Rianni disappeared into her room and quickly reemerged holding an oak box about 2" by 3" by 2", "Hold onto them, I'm sure they'll tell you to put them on soon enough." Rianni smiled, revealing her Lt. Commander's pips to Rick, "You've earned them."

"I'll make sure the commander puts them on me." Said Dunham, looking at the pips in the palm of his hand, and thinking mournfully that promotion to Lt. Commander was probably still a long way off on this station. He then shoved the pips into his pocket. He lugged down the rest of the drink and put the glass back on the table. "Kick ass, chew bubble gum" said Dunham smiling to himself.

"You do it right or I'll put a boot in your ass." Rianni warned him playfully, though she knew he knew that if he didn't take care of her wing she would kick his ass, even if it was a Romulan boot she used to do it with.

"Don't worry mate. She's safe with me." Said Dunham with a cheesy grin, but a tone of sincerity.

"Good." Rianni smiled, "There's nobody else I would trust."


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan, former CAG, DS5

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader