Unity – Head Shrink
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Head Shrink
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Tue Dec 01, 2009 @ 12:14am
Location   Security Detainment Center
Timeline   SD 16 -

"197 . . .198. . .199" Gabriel chanted as he continued to perform his daily regimen. It was one of the few things that he could do that kept him from going stir crazy. He was not sure how much longer he would have to sit within the Detainment Center, but he knew that he was growing tired of staring at the same drab interior walls within the area. He'd have to make it a point to change the color upon his being released. However, he had to admit that all things considered, his stay had been relatively peaceful, that is until his stomach began to turn as he saw who walked into the area.

Kreallia walked in her normal seductively graceful walk into the detention area to see Commander Gabriel. She had received word that he was in detention for who know's what and that he could be released sooner if Kreallia did a psycho-evaluation. "Good morning Commander." Kreallia said politely

"Hell has officially frozen over." Gabriel said as he stared at the woman, not so much as an individual, but moreso an eyesore within a uniform that he valued more than his own existence.

Kreallia gave him a raised eyebrow. "Sir?"

"I'm referring to you. It was bad enough that there was one of your kind controlling our planes," He said referring to the station's current CAG. "But now we have one of you as Counselor. Will a Borg become a new Engineer?" He asked sardonically.

Kreallia was initially taken back by the sudden hostility. "Commander Gabriel I was assigned to do a psych evaluation and find out what your problem is." Kreallia said in the most polite tone she could muster up.

"My problem?" He asked incredulously." My problem is that your people have brought this station nothing but chaos and destruction! They launched an unprovoked attack against this station that resulted in the death of over 100 Federation citizens." He responded angrily.

"Well that wasn't me Commander, I'm a Federation citizen, my adoptive mother holds the rank of Vice Admiral, I may look Romulan but I'm a Starfleet Officer." Kreallia said in a defending but polite tone.

Gabriel laughed as he leaned back against the wall. "You are a Romulan, no matter what misguided fool took you in," He said in an even tone. "Sooner or later you'll be placed in a situation where you'll have to choose between the Federation and your own kind." He said as he looked directly into her eyes. "No matter what color uniform you wear, you are nothing more than a green-blooded, duplicitous, Romulan."

Kreallia thought for a moment, his words were harsh but he might be right. "I don't think.." Kreallia stuttered. "I don't think that's a far statement, you don't know me, you don't know what I've gone through and................and you have no right to judge me Commander." Kreallia said with a shaky and innocent tone.

Gabriel maintained the cold stare. "I'm sure you've read the incident report." he said. "There's more going on here than you have any idea." he added.

"You're referring to the Romulan doctor, yes I know. Commander let me tell you with all the most certainty that he is dead. My mother has barked up that tree for years and has uncovered nothing, so why on the face of this galaxy would you attack LT Tan?" Kreallia asked.

Gabriel's eyes narrowed on the woman again, "You!? You can tell me ANYTHING with certainty?" He started, he paused for a beat before continuing, "The only thing that you can tell me with certainty is that you are a confused child trying to live up to the legacy left by her mother. But you -- you don't even know who you are. How dare you presume to help me? You can't even help yourself." He said as he regained his composure and straightened his collar. "Now, get out of here. Before I say something unkind." He said as he turned his back on the junior officer and walked back to his cot.