Judgement – Final Responsibilities
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Final Responsibilities
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Fri Dec 09, 2011 @ 9:51pm
Location   Deck 141 - Section 37B
Timeline   1500 day?


Engineering can be a wonderful place of fulfillment. The whole idea is to provide power, keep things running, keep everyone happy, and not get noticed. The title of Assistant Chief of Engineering means that you have a great deal of responsibility to make sure things are implemented, completed, training is accomplished, everything is on schedule, and in most cases receives very little recognition for his efforts. Yet, when something goes wrong, it all falls flat on his or her shoulders. Of late, that has been the case for Lt. Vincent Kramer, Assistant Chief of Engineering.

(( Main Engineering ))

From behind his desk Lt. Kramer can look out through the transparent wall across all of main engineering, especially Core Control there in the center. Kramer knew full well that it was the nerve center for everything Engineering. At this moment he was watching some elevated activity. He figured he better find out what was going on.

Lt. Kramer walks up to the Core Control and demands, “What going on?”

Several people begin talking at once. Lt. Decker EOD (Engineer On Deck) silenced the others and began to explain the situation, but the other officer began adding their part and the three voiced became a convoluted mess of conversation.

“Everyone shut up.” Kramer commands. He had heard enough parts of the 3 conversation of explanation that he got the drift. “Lift status?”

Lt. Decker replied, “Power is down to 3%.”

“That shouldn't be a problem.” Kramer stated, “Safety protocols?”

Decker continued, “Yes, but it is because safety protocols were implemented and physical breaks were extended that the lift is stuck in between decks.”

“I see.” Kramer said looking over at the diagram display on the console. “Have you beamed out the occupants?”

“No sir.” Ens. Miltiss piped up.

Looking at Miltiss annoyed, Kramer asked, “Well, why not?”

“Sir, there are two Sarafins on board and they refuse to be transported.”

Kramer looked at Miltiss blankly then at Decker. Wanting further explanation, “What are Sarafins?”

Ens. Miltiss continued, “Sarafins live on an agricultural planet and have a cultural belief of not having their bodies molecularly disassembled and transported.”

“How ludicrous and ignorant . ..” Kramer said before he could stop himself. “All right. I assume you have a team there?”

“On its way, Sir.” Lt. Decker stated.

Taking another moment to think through the situation, “All right.” Kramer began, “I'm headed that way. Don’t wait for me, get those doors open.” And he turned and stepped down from Core Control.

“Aye Sir.” Decker replied.

As Kramer walked over to the nearest turbo lift, the recent events went through his mind; of how he was responsible even for everyone else’s decisions and actions. He had to try to prevent any mishaps in this situation.

(( Deck 141 – Section 37B ))

Kramer walked down the corridor from the nearest useable turbolift. When he arrived Kramer found the Engineer repair team on site and the turbolift doors were still closed. The engineering crew were tapping into the local controls to physically open the doors. As Kramer stopped before the lift door, the doors opened. Before him in the shaft, he saw the top of the turbo lift extending up only 40 cm or so above the deck. Looking to the right and then the left at the techs Kramer asked, “Did you bring a mag-lev unit?”

They just looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

“Okay fine. Just get one up here in a hurry.” Kramer instructed.

One of the technicians ran off down the corridor.

“All right.” Kramer said aloud to kind of change the atmosphere. He walked to the wall control and tapped the Comm button. And in as pleasant a voice he could muster, “Hello. This is Lt. Kramer from Engineering. We are attempting to . . .”

He was immediately cut off by three frantic voices, all making statements at the same time. “Well it's about time! Oh thank you, thank you. Please, please get us out of here. It’s dark, I need to . .”

Kramer raised his voice to take control of the situation, “Is every one all right?”

Again the three voices responded in unison, but this time Kramer could not understand them.

“One at a time, please.” Kramer asserted.

“Lieutenant,” came a strong calm 4th voice. “We are all well. The two ladies present are just a little anxious about being in this confined space for so long.”

Kramer replied encouragingly, “I understand. That will be corrected soon. I understand that the Sarafins refuse to be transported off the turbo lift.”

Again the three voices erupted. Kramer could not understand a word this time from the convoluted and fast talking. He looked at the others present to see if they understood any of what they said.

Over them Kramer heard, “That is correct Lieutenant. Mr. Brox and I have decided to stay with them until you are able to get us all out together."

Kramer replied, “I understand. That is very considerate of you.” Kramer heard something behind him and looked back down the corridor. The technicians were bringing the equipment needed. “We will have you out in just a little more time.”

After a few minutes, technicians placed the mag-lev device above the turbolift and activated it. It latched firmly to the top of the lift.

Kramer said to them, “You may feel a lighter gravity, because of the equipment. It will be just another minute or so.” Turning to the technicians, “All right gentlemen, release the emergency break/lock to free the lift.” Then thought better. “No wait!”

Turning away from the turbolift, Kramer tapped his commbadge, “Emergency Transport, this is Lt. Vincent Kramer from Engineering.”

“Yes Lieutenant. Go ahead.” Came the quick reply.

Kramer detailed, “I need a transporter lock on 4 individuals stuck in a turbolift, Deck 141, Section 37B.”

“Standby,” came the reply, then “Yes, Lt. Kramer. I have them on transporter lock. One Denobulan, two Sarafins, and 1 Vulcan.”

Kramer cocked his head to the side and thought to himself, ‘That must be our 4th voice. No wonder he was so calm in there.’ “Thank you. Please stand by.” Then to the technicians, “All right boys, let’s lift that thing up slowly.”

The technicians tried different things. One even walked out on top of the lift and then came back out. “Sir,” Ens. Florint began, “The emergency break/locks will not release.”

‘Why does this have to happen to me’ Kramer thought to himself. "Have you tried the manual override from the Jefferies access?”

“Yes Sir,” Ens. Florint replied quickly, “Crewman Phillips is in there now. They are locked out from within the lift itself. We will have to reactivate more of the power system before we can get it to respond.”

“Of course you will.” Kramer said exasperatedly. He walked in a small circle outside the lift thinking, Then an idea came to mind. “Transporter control? How precise can you get?”

“Are you asking me to do surgery, Sir?” came the reply.

“Not exactly, but close.” Kramer quipped. “I would like you to remove the 8 breaks that are locking the turbolift in place. I have a mag-lev attached to the top and active.”

“Yes, I see that by my readings. One moment please.” The transporter chief instructed.

Kramer walked back to the Comm next to the turbolift. “We are about to release turbolift. Please hold onto something.”

The transporter chief came back, “The breaks will be removed in 5 . . 4 . . 3 . . 2 . . 1”

Kramer stood before the open lift as the Chief counted down. The turbolift barely shuddered and dropped only a couple centimeters, but then hovered perfectly.

Kramer then said to the technicians, “All right men, bring it up slowly.” Using the control device the lift slowly rose until the door matched the deck opening.

“Excellent job. Now, let’s get those doors open.” He said standing close to observe their efforts.

The technicians pried and wedged the doors of the lift open, slowly at first, then all the way open. Out of the lift sprang the two Sarafins ladies, jumping past the engineering technicians by the door and both wrapping their arms around Lt. Kramer. He was rather startled by the two beautiful and sexy women embracing him so closely. He had an arm around each at their waists.

They were squealing with joy, “Thanks you, thank you! Oh, I love you! Thank you so much!”

The Sarafins had long flowing blonde hair that was in Kramer’s face, but actually at the moment he didn’t mind.

The 2 ladies were dressed in matching pastel colored dresses made of a light flowing material. The upper part was loose and thin with no sleeves. The skirt was made up of multiple pedal shaped sections that came to a point at the bottom, just below the knee. Tiny strapped flat sandals completed their outfit.

The Sarafins continued to hold onto Kramer's neck, holding their bodies close to his. Kramer could very easily imagine that they were probably wearing very little under their pastel colored dresses. “It’s all right.” He said to them. He tried to turn, but neither would let go of him, but continued to clutch him about the neck and shoulder one on each side, and squeeze tightly and bounce every now and then in their excitement.

Mr. Brox the Denobulan walked out of the lift. “Well, it’s about time. Why don’t you put those floozies down and fix that elevator.” He began to walk away, but stopped and said, “Your supervisor will hear about this from me.” He turned and walked away down the corridor.

Kramer then saw a Vulcan walk past him on his left. It was kind of difficult seeing anything through the mass of golden hair.

“Thank you, Lieutenant Kramer. I am Soval.” The Vulcan said, “I too will make a report to your superior. But, I believe mine will look better upon you and your accomplishments here today."

Kramer didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t even shake his hand since the ladies were still attached to his neck and body.

“I see you are otherwise occupied at the time for a proper thank you." Soval said, "I will contact you later.”

Kramer wanted to thank him for being so calm, as a good example for the others, but then he realized it would be wasted on a Vulcan. Anyway, it was very hard to keep his thought focused and be even able to speak since the ladies still had him wrapped in a body hug. A very distracting body hug.

After Soval walked away, Kramer tried to distract the ladies and asked, “Ladies, may I have your names? For the record, of course.”

“I’m Sierra” The one on his left said with a lifted head without releasing him. Her pearly white smile and alluring eyes were enthralling.

“I’m Heather.” The other on his right said softly, but kept her head cradled on his shoulder. “You are so, so wonderful.”

With a very dry mouth, Kramer thought, ‘This is going to get very awkward, and probably already is.’ Finally, Kramer was able to say, “Ensign Yamamoto.”

“Yes Sir.” The young female engineer said as she stood in next to them.

“Could you please help me?” Kramer almost begged.

With a little gentle tugging and encouraging words the ladies released him slowly. “We have to take you to dinner tonight” Sierra said.

“And thank you properly." Heather said. "Would you come by and meet us at our suite?"

“They slowly released him.

Kramer hesitated for a minute, but how could he deny being cordial to these young ladies, and himself the fun, "Sure, I'll come by about 1900, all right?"

They began to release him, "Oh, thank you, thank you.” Sierra said.

“That will be great. Daddy will be so pleased." Heather said as she released him and her hand stroked across his chest tenderly.

Kramer finally said. "Ens. Yamamoto," he turned and addressed the engineer. "Would you get the proper information from these ladies for the report?" He then added softly, "And their suite number."

"Not a problem, Sir." She said and winked at the Lieutenant. She turned and began talking to the ladies from Sarafin over at the side.

Turning around to face the job still at hand, Kramer said, “Gentlemen, where do we stand?”

Walking out of the turbolift, crewman Tobler said, “All the power systems are completely drained. We were lucky to have communications for the time it lasted. Once we get it to maintenance, we’ll dissect it and find out what happened.”

“Sounds fine.” Kramer replied to them. Then he heard a sound, an odd sound, like a hissing and a little of a squeal. “Do you hear that?” he asked them.

The crewmen just shook their head to the negative.

Kramer stepped forward and explained, “It’s kind of a hissing, even wooshing sound with a little squeal in it now and again.”

Two of the crewman looked at each other perplexed in the Lieutenant’s behavior.

Vincent Kramer has had several incidents during the last 3 years. He still can not explain what is taking place, but for some reason he has some kind of ability. He hears sounds in his head, and after investigation it is found that there is some kind of malfunctioning equipment.

Very perplexed, Kramer walked into the turbolift. All power systems were definitely inactive. Standing in the center of the turbolift, Kramer kept tilting his head different directions to see if he could locate the sound. It was mostly coming from above him. He then glanced out into the hall where Yamamoto was still talking with Sierra and Heather. The technicians were there looking at him as well. Kramer then saw the remote control for the mag-lev on the floor. A red light was flashing very fast on the display.

Kramer exclaimed, “AH, SHI . . . . “ He tried to move, but no longer had traction. The floor was below him, but his feet were no longer touching. He heard muffled screams as they moved away from him. No doubt the Sarafin ladies just saw him and the lift plummet.

The turbolift doors were open, and the shaft outside was flying up. Kramer then realized that he was in freefall, on a space station, in a turbolift with no emergency breaking system. ‘How stupid could I be?’ he thought.

A whimsical thought went through Kramer’s mind, ‘I only have 1100 decks to fall. I got lots of time.’

The Chief of Engineering was surely to hear about this incident as well. And this one would probably go on his permanent record. The question is, would Kramer be there to receive the criticism personally?

This only took a second or so. Finally, Kramer came to his senses and realized that there are only so many floors until the lift would hit something. He reached up to his commbadge, but it was not on his shirt. “WHERE THE HELL IS MY COMMBADGE?” Kramer shouted out. One of the Sarafins must have plucked it off his chest as a memento.

Shear panic then struck him. Kramer thought, ‘No commbadge. No power in the lift. The lights that were flying up were beginning to become hypnotic. And I’m falling because the mag-lev quit working. Why did the mag-lev quit?’

Vincent closed his eyes and thought of his Mother. The wonderful things she use to bake for him as a boy. He always loved it when she called him Vinny. No one else was allowed to use that name. The melodies from her piano playing came to his mind. Those were the good times. 'A good thought is best to leave this life with.' Kramer thought.

The next thing Kramer knew he slammed onto the platform of the transporter pad. Kramer rolled over onto his side to see a smiling Transporter Chief looking at him. "I said that I had you covered."

After sitting up and taking a deep calming breath, Kramer asked, "Would you inform Ens. Yamamoto that I am fine.”

“Chief Bakeman to Ens. Yamamoto.”

She cut him off saying, “Is he all right? Oh my god. Did you get him?”

Chief Bakeman replied, “Yes, he is safe, right here with me.”

Kramer stood up and steadied himself on his feet, feeling a good size dull ache on the right side of his face.

The Chief continued, “He’ll probably be headed your way once medical gets a look at him.”

Standing before the Transporter Chief, Kramer said, “Thanks Chief. I really owe you one.”

Bakeman just grinned and said, “Yes. Yes you do.” Then the both laughed hysterically, a release of tension. He then added, “Let’s get someone to look at you before you go.”