Judgement – The Transfer
by Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein

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Title   The Transfer
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein
Posted   Sun Dec 05, 2010 @ 8:46pm
Location   Shuttle/Quarters

Robert walked to the shuttle, from his guest quarters on DS4. His full transfer had taken days to happen, he was hoping he could have hoped a nice Galaxy class or even Sovereign class ship to his new home, but that wasn't happening. He was given a Class-2 Shuttle, small enough to fly, and hopefully fly by itself, some sleep was needed after his slightly inebriated night he had last night.

"Lt. Feinstein reporting." Robert said as he walked up to the shuttle bay.

"Ahh, yes," an ensign said, tapping a few panel keys. "Sir I have your shuttle over here," he continued, as he walked away from the Lieutenant. "I had your possessions ferried ahead of you last night, they are on a supply ship heading there now, It will probably beat you by a few hours."

"Very well," Robert said, "Anything........" he paused for a moment, "Bigger? I could use a nice comfortable bed."

"Sorry sir, orders are orders, right now Type-2 shuttles are all I have. Plus we have a conference starting tomorrow, and we will need our Runabouts to ferry people to and from a few of the local planets." The ensign said. "You know the basic controls right?"

"Yea," Robert said turning, and opening the door.

"The shuttle will be released in 15 minutes. Sir, safe travels!"

Robert stepped in and threw his knapsack on the bench, turning around and hitting the door panel. "Computer begin ignition sequence."

*Ignition Sequence Started.*

Robert tapped a few of the on-board commands, and the ship powered up. "Computer prepare course heading and speed for Deep Space 5. The quickest path please."

*Course Prepared.*

"Shuttlecraft Orion to Shuttlebay Operations, shuttlecraft is ready, and course is plotted. Waiting for permission."

The ensign hopped on the channel. "Sir we are reviewing your course now." a minute break, and he came back on, "Sir, permission to proceed has been received. Please exit shuttlebay heading 030, mark 15. Once you are clear of all traffic, you may proceed on course, warp 3."


Robert hit a few of the commands, and the ship lifted, and proceeded out the shuttlebay. After the appropriate space, he hit warp 3.

"Computer, proceed on course, alert when needed, I will be sleeping."

*Understood. Course locked. Alert for all approaching vessels, and any abnormalities.*

"Oh and shields up computer!" Robert said laying his head down.

--An Unknown Time Later--

Still not having slept, and tossed and turned for hours, Robert sat up. Looked out the front of the shuttle and saw the station approaching.

"Shuttlecraft Orion to Deep Space 5 request landing, in Shuttle Bay 1."

"DS5 here, Shuttle Bay 1 is not available, proceed to Shuttle Bay 2. Course being transmitted now. Reduce speed to full impulse, and proceed to 1/4 impulse once within 8000 meters."

"Understood." Robert said, as he moved into the seat.

A new place, and a new start. Hopefully this will be useful.

Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space 5