Things Past – We Have Engaged the Borg
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   We Have Engaged the Borg
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Tue May 14, 2013 @ 9:28pm
Location   Starfighter Cockpit
Timeline   Past

Malak sat back against the Pilot’s seat. His eyes going to the controls of the starfighter. The matter/Antimatter reactor was good. The Fusion reactor was nominal. The ship sat in the standard patrol pattern that DS5 Strategic Intelligence had set up. Now all they had to do was … wait. It didn’t take to long though. The Proximity sensors went off only an instant before the green hue reflected on the ship, through the glass. The communications console instantly coming alive with one of the scariest hails any species could receive through their comms.

“We are the borg, lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technology distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us.”

It was the instant before combat that most every (sane) being went through, the fear. The realization that the time to turn around or change your life style was done. You were committed and the resolution revolved around your actions now. The Starfighter Wing Executive Officer’s eyes went to the scanners as they confirmed what he could see right infront of his window. One Borg Cube. One Borg Sphere. Both of the enemy vessels slowly began to move forward – not even paying attention to the small starfighter contingent, atleast for the moment.

“This is Quadrant Alpha – We have the borg. Repeat.. Quadrant Alpha – We are seeing one Borg Cube and One Borg Sphere.” Malak quickly stated on the emergency lines – alerting the other forces to fall back to the predestined positions and prepare. His eyes going over the Data. The Borg Cube passed over his ship – his shipp getting hit in the shock wave. The small amount of ships there were not a threat and the Borg had a specific threat they wanted to engage – Deep Space Five.

“Ok, Team. This is Strike 1 to both Sqaudrons within the Quadrant.. We are to Engage the Sphere.” Malak quickly talked into it.

“Sir? The Sphere?” Strike 4 – The smooth cool collected voice of a Vulcan Ensign.

“Yes.. The Sphere. We don’t have the resources to do any damage to the Cube. We will drop the engines of the Sphere and ensure that it doesn’t have it’s support craft. DS5 will have to handle the rest on their own.. Focus on the Engines – that’s our key. No Heroics here people. No person here is as important as stopping the Sphere Advancement. Keep your engines at one hundred and twenty percent of Impulse.. They’ll be required to manually track and can’t rely on their auto targeting sensors..” Malak spoke hastily. He didn’t mention that running the engines that hot would eventually burn them out.. They could Last atleast 4 or 5 minutes in the battle before systems started to go critical. Malak looked serious as he formed up with the elements that were current there. He reached down towards his console and tapped the button - A modified quantom torpedo heading straight for the Sphere.

That moment had passed.. the fear was gone. Atleast for now.

<4 minutes into the fight>

The glass dimmed as Malak shielded his eyes only for a moment as Strike 4 shattered from multiple internal explosions right infront of him from from the Sphere’s beam weapons. Malak didn’t have a lot of time to worry about the loss of his friend, as he brought the remaining elements around the sphere to continue to pound at the same point. The shields had finally come down and they were doing a lot of damage. Alert Klaxons fired around the interior of the starfighter as the engines began to red line. The Fusion reactor was completely down which means that Malak was burning Antimatter fast. They had lost four ships of the twelve that could respond.

Malak growled softly as the starfighters continued to pound. And then it happened, a few soft internal explosions of green and white and the report came through. “Sir, The Engines are down!”

The pilot looked with a relief he had rarely felt,”Good Job.” He said hitting the comm,”Break away – rondevue back at DS5.. Go Go Go.” He turned the ship around and engaged at full impulse to get clear for warp. Just as the ship began to slip to light speed – the green tendril of the tractor beam caught onto his ship. Before Malak could even realize what had happened, the soft green swirl enveloped him.

His eyes darted from right to left as he now found himself in a Borg Ship. The Trill looked around frantically as if there would be some obvious escape. A borg drone came through the door towards him, no emotion or care. Malak’s hands came up,”Look.. I’m a Joined Trill – Not exactly sure how this would work.. You could damage theSymbiont..” The borg drone continued to move towards him – forcing him against the wall,”My name is Malak Muz.. I’m a Lieutenant with Starfleet.. We can Free yo..” His words cut short as two tubules came into his neck.. and with in seconds the drone and surroundings melted.

Malak fell with a soft huff on the holodeck. The more sophisticated blues and greys now surrounding him. The doors opened and the Ensign from Strike 4 walked through with a Padd. She smirked,”You’d look good in green.” The Lieutenant looked at her annoyed and reached over to snatch the Padd. He didn’t even speak to her as he went over the results.

Federation Ships lost Total: 5
Sphere Disabled: with in 4 minutes 32 seconds.
Starfighter Wing Command codes compromised.
Mission Results: Mixed.

A soft sigh as he glanced up to the Ensign,”Ensure that Commander Dunham and Base Intelligence receive these results. Prep the squadron as well. We’re going to do this until we got it right.” He offers with a nod.


Malak Muz
Starfighter Wing Executive Officer


Starfighter Pilot - NPC