Unity – Judgement
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Judgement
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Thu Dec 17, 2009 @ 7:01pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD 16 - 15:00hrs
Lieutenant Se'lar Trellis stood at the docking ring and as the Romulan vessel docked with the station and went through its typical power-down sequence. He knew that the arrival of not just a Romulan Admiral within the Tal'Shiar meant that something significant had either occurred or was about to occur. Either way, he wanted to make sure that there was no further incidents on the station to complicate the manner. Gabriel's method of ruling with an iron fist had resulted in enough damage, he hoped to turn all of that around.

"Should we be expecting anybody else?" Trellis asked to Rh'vaurek as he stood on the other side of the docking area with his normal demeanor.

Rh'vaurek raised an eyebrow, Trellis obviously had not heard that contrary to the usual practices of his people this so called admiral was openly consorting with the human mother of Isha's half-breed niece. "I'd hate to spoil the surprise," he said.

"Admiral t'Khellian, welcome to Deep Space Five. I am Lieutenant Se'lar Trellis, Acting Chief of Station Security. I will be escorting you and Ambassador Raedheol to the Romulan Embassy." he stated formally.

"Acting Chief of Security?" R'vek replied with a raised eyebrow and a laugh, "What happened to Dorian Gabriel? Painful I hope." He turned his attention to his temporary superior and later punching bag, Raedhol, "Raedhol, you old space dog, it's good to see you haven't become a Klingon's trophy yet."

Ashara never dreamed of laughing at her father's joke, like it or not Raedhol was in charge for the time being, but Eleni felt no such need to hold back.

"Stop it, darling." Eleni giggled, nodding to Raedhol, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Now, before we go to the Embassy I'd like to see my daughter." R'vek stated, looking directly at Trellis.

Trellis paused for several moments before he responded to the official. "Yes sir, I can escort you to your guest quarters and when the Commander completes her shift I will have her visit you all in that location." he said as he gestured towards the turbolift.

"No ma'am, at this time Commander Monteros is on the Flight Deck and we cannot allow non-starfleet personel into that area due to its sensitivity" He replied in his most diplomatic tone. "I'm sure you all can understand the station's need to protect itself,"

R'vek held up a hand to stop Ashara from proceeding any further, he could tell she was becoming angry and that would help neither of them, "Eleni, you and Ashara go to Rianni. Trellis, you will take me to Cdr. Davies, he and I will have a word." His steely eyes bore straight into Trellis very soul, letting it be known he meant very serious business.

"I understand that, sir" Trellis replied quickly. "But a lot has transpired in the past few days that have required the station to take a more proactive step in maintaining order. For the safety of everybody on board, namely your daughter." He stated more firmly. "Now, if you would follow me, I can escort you to her quarters." he repeated.

"My wife and daughter can find their way, you will take me to Cdr. Davies." R'vek restated, "Unless you wish me to get back on the bridge of my Warbird and on channel to Starfleet Command to tell them that some lackey refused to cooperate with a diplomatic request. Do you really want me on a channel to your C in C, Trellis? Is that how you want him to learn your name?"

Trellis bit his tongue to keep from responding in an inappropriate manner. "That will not be necessary," he sighed in a dejected manner. "I will take you to Commander Davies office." He replied, "Will there be anything else?" He inquired.

Unobtrusively Rh'vaurek withdrew, he had received a troubling communication from Llaiir t'Khellian, one that the newly arrived admiral and his entourage clearly knew nothing about; it couldn't be true. Could it?


Acting Ambassador erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedhoel

Se'lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security