Cascade – Little Ship of Misfits Pt 3: Party Time!
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Little Ship of Misfits Pt 3: Party Time!
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Tue Jun 25, 2013 @ 5:11pm
Location   Torbin Colony, Auxilary base: New Airdre settlement
Timeline   *current context*

The Dawnstar stood out like a ivory monolith against the rest of the surrounding territory, the small armada of trucks and hoppers rolled in moments after the all clear was given. Jason looked up at Isha who looked as if she'd seen parts of her life flash before her eyes, "That wasn't so bad, looks like the marines have rolled out the red carpet too."

She'd faced tribunals before, for murder, for treason and she'd come through. She'd been interrogated by the Tal'Shiar and as a result of what they discovered about her inducted into their ranks decades ago - her will in the matter was not a factor they considered.

Isha did not fear for her life. Fear was long dead but she flicked her thumb to open the weapon controls, 'Threaten my children and I'll destory you all, Isha thought then the forces on the ground stood down.

She rolled her gaze to 'Jason', "You're landing technique requires attention," she observed in response to his comment, "you could meet this atmospheric pattern more smoothly. I will forard a file on the matter for your perusal." The Ionic activity in parts of the Cariel system was a twin of what she had observed on the screens as they went in - but she had the benefit of decades dealing with the fluctuations.

"My friends, we are at our destination, you are dismissed," she said as she rose.

Jason looked at a display before he stood up "Looks like landing strut number 4 didn't lock in until we were on the ground, I'll let Darryl know, he'll just love me for it." he said with a smirk.

"What's his story," Isha asked curious and suspecting that Isabelle's denial would lead to more heartbreak if she (Isha) could not give a sound reason for or against.

Isabelle looked over, "He was a pilot in the 21st century, then during a temporal incident he got pushed forward, there hasn't been much luck recreating the circumstances of what happened, and to be honest I've never seen anyone learn to pilot so many craft."


Two decks below the cargo ramps extended, at a modest 25 degrees incline the first of the argo buggies entered the empty bay, marines in fatigues were aboard, including a Colonel, "You pilot is nuts, and the wives have been slaving over a hot grill all bloody afternoon, so lets get moving!"

There were a few cheers then Jarred spoke "Yeah yeah...can we wait for our guest."

"Where is she?" a marine spoke up

There was the noises of the cargo bay door opening "Here she is now, Colonel Haskel this is Isha t'Vaurek and her children."

She had heard every word of that exchange. "Do you have no children?" Isha queried as she approached, Eviess in her arms. Her question directed at the impatient Marine, "I and the fathers and mothers of every other planet are in awe of you if you can dictate their pace. I expect those wives you refer to, Colonel Haskel might tell you another story."

The colonel half laughed "There are few traditions that have survived the centuries than the Marines spouses cooking a semi-formal event, and this is no exception, and with time comes things worth enjoying. "

Jarred added a comment "The marines love their traditions, I'd take this one in."

A third Argo buggy rolled up the ramp "Our ride is here, lets go!" Jarred said offer to help isha with her Children.

"Lazy traditions spring from lazy minds," Isha said as she boarded, "my Husband would have had a man with such an attitude gutted on the spot," it was both true and easy to say, but then that was fiftey years ago.

"Argelian, here!" Isha said as her son made his way confidently back to the rising boarding ramp. "Jarred, would you mind bringing him back?" she asked. Eviess had lapsed into an unfortunate meld of silence and insolence, with her in her arms Isha literally had her hands full.

"no problem." Jarred said as he turn his attention to the boy ~Come on your mom wants to get going~

The child stopped almost as if he'd been frightened by something, Jarred extended his hand ~you're among friends here~

"No talk in my head," Argelian glared at the man as he said it, "I don't want to go away."

Jarred kneeled down "We're going to meet some people, have some food, and well you might meet some children close to your own age, plus after this stop we're going to be aboard the ship for a few days so it might be a good Idea to be out in the sun for a bit." he extended his hand "Now shall we see what is going on out there?"

Argelian's brow wrinkled as he considered the idea. He was sick of his sister so if there were other boys that would be good. His mind made up Argelian took the hand the hairy man offered, "Ok, but don't talk in my head. They take you away if you hear voices."

"I'm an empath so I hear voices all the time, lets get aboard the vehicle and get going." Jarred said as he lifted the boy into the Argo vehicle, "Here we go!"

The bay echoed as the vehicles revved their engines and sped away, the vehicle shook as they drove down the ramp, the thud the vehicle made shake, "Here we go!" Jarred called out as the vehicles sped up again clouds of dust rising up from behind.

The audable hoots and other noises from the marines and some of the Dawnstar crew continued as they sped into the residential area of the base, the vehicles slowed as the neared a building with whitish grey clouds bellowed from metal drums on legs, as the group came to a stop Jarred and the Colonel stood up.

"Just like back on Chintaka hey?" The Colonel said

"Yeah except no dominion artillery." Jarred replied.

"Something we should all be thankful for," Isha said to Eviess. It was all very primative, roasting meat over flame, but it was something that among certain circles had grown traction, particularly since the herd that she had bought four years ago was beginning to expand and the colony had been able to develop an elite market for the meat with the Empire.

Jarred jumped out of the vehicle, and helped the young boy out, "Lets grab something to drink, I smell burgers of some kind"

the Colonel laughed "The wife was experimenting with some Romulan spice concoction she came across, not bad really."

"ok...sounds like fun..." Jarred didn't know what to think at that idea, but he was game.

The audible noises of marines playing some kind of sport echoed from off in the distance, Jarred looked over at Isha, "Not what you expected?"

"Things rarely do turn out to be. Would you introduce me to your friends?" It might be an informal party but Isha's upbringing was far from informal. Introductions were a factor in that.

Jarred started to point out faces and give them names "Ok, the tall one over helping with the cooking is first Lieutenant Jason Harris, he commanded the squad that found me when they hit the pirate base, the young lady next to him is his long time girlfriend and the medic that kept me alive Alica." moving to Isha's right "That's third platoon, commanded by second lieutenant Patrica Levin, one tough woman, The Vulcan by the beverage table over analyzing the beer is Seron, he's the small arms specialist in the unit here, he's made all of the sniper rifles for this unit and the two aboard the Dawnstar."

Next he pointed to a group gathered by one of the food tables "That Gunnery Sergent Lucas Mitchell, supply officer and scrounger, between him and the Romulan gentleman next too him if it exists it can be found, he goes by Reg, no one seems to have much luck pronouncing his name."

"Last is the group over with the Colonel, Darren Marx one of the top three snipers in the federation, Paul lender starfleet engineering, hes the mad scientist behind the Dawnstar, and next to him is Hanaj Keyton, he's the local head of the Romualn counsel."

Paul and Hanaj started to walk over towards Jarred and Isha "So have you wreaked my warpdrive yet?"

"No but we've burned out three warp coils and we're out of matter cells so the last leg of this trip is gonna take some time." Jarred said the made his own introduction "Gentlemen this is Isha t'Vaurek."

"I'm delighted to make your acquaintance," Isha said still speaking in standard. She grasped her lower lip between her teeth unable to extend a hand. Isha stooped and placed her daughter on her feet. "Eviess, go and find your brother and the other children," she said reverting back to Rihannsu - at least in that language it was possible to give an instruction that could be conveyed toanlly rather than having to debate the whyfors with a four year old. She watched as Eviess trotted away. Seeing Ekenda overseeing not far from where she was headed Isha turned her attention back.

Hanaj spoke first, "Welcome to Torbin, so what brings you to our humble little settlement?"

"I'm en route to Deep Space Five. It seems that I am the pioneering officer in an exchange program between our navys," Isha said.

Hanaj took a drink then spoke "I see....What of your spouse these days?"

Jarred could sense the test in the question, he looked to Isha as she tried to compose an answer.

"I beg your pardon. My husband is long dead and I have taken no other," she said without pause.

"I wasn't aware, I meant no offense." Hanaj said, "One of our freighters had encountered a man only identified as Rh'Vaurek I believe, I do apologize for the mistake, but do you know him by chance?"

"It is not an uncommon name. Tell me what you know of him, and I may be able to answer," she replied. Isha's first response had been that it was her husband, Nvied. Rh'Vaurak's status was based on her own acknowledgement of him as the father of her twins, and on her assertion that he was dead.

"Wasn't that that Captain of the StarShadow, Hanaj?" The Colonel asked

"Yes, but they aren't due back for a week and they are making a run back through the neutral zone which means radio silence, so I can't get anymore answers for you." Hanaj said

The conversation was interrupted by a blonde female "Sorry to interrupt but did you folks want anything to drink?"

There was a mutual no thanks among the group, Jarred spoke next "if this person wanted to contact you they'll have to wait until the station now, this base isn't exactly on the normal list for just anyone, hell half the reunification movement doesn't know the exact location of this base."

"I'll take something," Isha said moving away from the group to catch up with the blonde, "Spring Wine, if you have it," she said, looking back to where Eviess appeared to be mustering the other children both younger and older as if to give an address.

"Sure thing hun." The woman left to grab the drink.

"That was Mrs Wilks, her husband is the head of base security." The Colonel said.

As Mrs Wilks came back with the drink for Isha Jarred spoke "Here comes Darryl with Doctor Lender so this should be bad news."

"Warp drive booster is toast boss we are going to be here an extra day." Darryl said.

Isha was still not quite clear on the nature of this facility, it appeared military, but it was not just the fact that there was a barbecue occurring that was informal. It was more like a family gathering that she had been invited to by mistake.

With that misfortune piece of news, the group split up as the dinner call echoed Jarred helped Isha round up the children, Jarred turned to Isha as they made their way too the line up, "this place is the most boring assignment in starfleet."

"When you have lived as many years as I have you'll start to appreciate the mundane," Isha observed. Even after four years absence she did not relish the thought of returning to Deep Space Five.

"They have been on full alert five times since it was built, twice during the Dominion war, once when leading up to Wolf 359, and a couple of other times I'm not too clear on." Jarred grabbed a small stack of plates passing them to Isha and the kids, "the most excitement here is when they test fly a shuttle or a new fighter prototype."

Holding the plate in both hands Argellian turned his head and cast a baleful eye over the spread before turning that gaze to the adults. "I don't like any of this," he said without so much as sampling any of the food available.

With that pronouncement he let the plate fall from his hands.

This was in contrast to Eviess who had seized a small fistfull of crustaceans with delight.

"Looks like someone has discovered the shrimp, while someone else has passed judgement without knowing what they're missing." Jarred applied some reverse psychology "Since there is nothing to your liking there isn't any deserts to your liking either..." raising an eyebrow.

Argelian merely glared at the man.

"He'll eat when he realises he's hungry," Isha said quietly to Jarred, "I have no wish to make mealtimes a battleground or to bribe him with sweets. He'll learn."

"I'm not good with kids," Jarred admitted freely "so you'll have to forgive me on that part."

"They're only people," Isha replied, "I find treating them as intelligent small beings works rather well." she said that with a smile, perhaps that was easy for her to do as it was Ekenda, Isha's 'nurse' and now theirs who was mostly responsible for them.

Jarred's next thought was interrupted by a marine private, "Sir Mr Seran would like you to meet him at the workshop when you have a moment, and the Colonel has arranged quarters for you here on the main base including ones for Miss Isha, her children and their nanny."

"Very well," Isha replied as she felt Argellian's small fingers slide around two of hers and grip them tightly. "I'm sure we'll be very comfortable," she added as she lifted the boy to her hip. His weight seemed to increase every time and she was not sure for how much longer she'd be able to pick him up.


Jarred Wallace
CIO (inactive) Deepspace 5

Isha t'Vaurek