Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans’s Personal Log - Update

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Title   Update
Author   Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Posted   Fri Aug 10, 2012 @ 5:39am
Computer log me off for the day, add update.

The Computer's familiar female voice stated "Recording"

Update: C.A.G. has evoked his use of the emergency stock piled supplies of support craft. Pullox repairs nearing completion, Propulsion needs to be signed off on. Nimitz needs signed off by the C.E.O., Need to speak with Ops to implement manual 'fabrication' processes. Need to inspect if anything else has been effect by what ever this anomaly is.

She finished getting ready for sleep, increasing the gravity field to almost three G's. she looked over the PADDS one more time. in case she had missed anything. Rubbing her eyes she search her memory anything else? Mutter "Senior moment."

She said "End Log."

"Lights off."