We All Fall Down – Last Alien Standing
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Last Alien Standing
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Sep 20, 2014 @ 10:18pm
Location   MD02 1600

"i'm sorry, boss. I just can't do this anymore."

Yolanthe looked the latest croupier to fall sick up and down, and agreed. The dabo girl looked like death warmed up with a side order of tepid bleurgh. "Go home. We're slow today anyway."

And it was true. The Box would normally be hotting up about now as morning shifts ended and late lunches turned into all day benders. But it was practically deserted. A few Ferengi who would only be pried from the tongo table by the grand nagus or a stun gun, and a handful of drinkers. and even then here and there someone was sneezing or coughing. Unhappy, she walked to entrance. Harry had called in sick too, but she doubted the would be any trouble. The Promenade was worse than disserted. it felt like zombie apocalypse game that the teenagers would run in the holosuites. Pockets of shambling groaning things with the occasional healthy person dodging through. Many shops were closed completely, the proprietors and staff already afflicted.

She turned grey, and then a warm yellow. She was sure that space stations were supposed to have some sort of bio filters that kept colds and other pathogens and toxins out of the atmosphere. Otherwise fifty thousand people living in a tin can was just asking for trouble.

"This is not a satisfactory situation is it?" Eris Tah stood next to her. Yolanthe had been so preoccupied with observing the promenade she hadn't heard the Andorian approach.

The bokkai glanced to the the Andorian, and turned a brighter shade of yellow. "For once, I think you and I might agree on something."

"And yet the stars still burn." The secretary of the Promenade Merchants Association gave a small, icy smirk.

"Have you spoken to Admin?" Yolanthe asked, reminding herself not to smack the smug andorian.

"They have no knowledge of anything wrong. Though they are short three advisors already." Tah gave a little humph. "I never thought I'd say this, but I wish Surzchenko or Denoublier were back. At least they had half a brain cell between them."

"According to Harry there's a queue half way around Deck 55 waiting to see doctors. He even tried secondary sick bay, and that was just as bad." Yolanthe folded her arms across her chest. And I thought T'Khellian would get them all ship shape."

"A leader can only work with what she has, and right now, she has a chief of security that hasn't been onboard twenty four hours - "

"I know, I met her."

Tah snorted. "She quit this morning. And the new one has only just stepped off the shuttle."

Yolanthe rolled her blank eyes. "So much for that bonus."

"I'm sure you'll find this one more to your taste. A man." Tah allowed herself a small smile as she saw the pale yellow get even paler. "And given that operations has a barely qualified child in charge, and Sickbay appears to have installed a revolving door on the CMO's office now Dunham is gone." The andorian gave an expansive shrug.

"Well thats all well and good." Yolanthe tried not to let the sound of grinding teeth be audible. "But what can we do about it."

Tah looked thoughtful for a moment and then beckoned to the mousy human girl who followed her around as assistant, secretary and general dogsbody. "In my experience, you start at the top."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Proprietor, The Box of Delights

Eris Tah
Secretary of the Promenade Merchants Association