Unity – Rebirth of The Dreadlord
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Rebirth of The Dreadlord
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 7:56pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD17 - The morning after the explosions 06:45
"That should do it." Tharek exclaimed, as he finished tapping away on a Cardassian PADD. "The specifics I want, for my new vessel. Now, lets see what that pathetic excuse for a Human has to say about this." He walked over to his desk, and pressed on the intercomm.

"Berok, have miss Villiers come down to my office. Tell her that any 'defiance' will be costly, should she not comply." He then flicked the comm off before the receptionist had time to talk back.

Karen received the 'invitation' with a roll of her eyes. jumped up son of a nargle, she thought. What does the would-be dictator think he's going to achieve? Karen had no idea whether or not Tharek was indeed a would-be dictator but just as sure as a Klingon swigs blood wine, or a Ferengi would sell his own mother for a profit, or a Romulan would shake your hand one day and stab you in the back the next, a Cardassian yearned to strut around giving orders and have them obeyed regardless of how absurd they were.

She rose as she sent her response, dumping her jacket on the back of a chair. She would go, but not until she'd had a very long bath. As such it was another two hours before Karen approached the Cardassian consulate, a soft smile on her lips.

The receptionist had a look of pity on her face as she saw the Commander approach. Wasting no time, she stood and bowed her head lightly. "Vi'kar Gul Getal is waiting for you in his office. I must ask that you relinquish any weapons you are carrying." She said lightly. He petite frame made her seem like she would break if you blew on her. But, her frame was soon reinforced as two shock-troopers came to offer support, should the Commander be non-responsive to the receptionists request.

"I'm not armed, ma'am," Karen replied in a wry tone, it was true, despite Davies' insistance on weapons after the alleged terrorist incident Karen preferred not to tote weapons, "are you going to accept my word or have your friends search me?"

"The guards would have great pleasure in searching you. But, you look like an honest women. You may go through to see the Vi'kar Gul now." The receptionsist smiled politely as she dismissed the guards. She gave a light nod to Karen before she entered.

Right, Karen thought, humour the diplomat. So often men like Getal who found themselves with soft roles when they really wanted to be out there on the front lines barking orders just liked to throw their weight around a bit by making unreasonable demands and summoning the attention of people who had better things to do - that is the category into which Karen had filed Getal, so let him posture and complain and then she could be out of here.

"Vi'kar Gul Getal," she said, "I came as soon as I could. What may I assist you with?"

He slammed the PADD down onto the table. "This." He smiled deviously. "I've been waiting for my ship, and as far as I'm aware, I don't have it. Care to tell me why?"

So he's going to try and intimidate me. Karen supressed a sigh and replied in a tone of deferential politness, "I'm sure you understand, Vi'kar Gul, that arranging the transfer of such equipment, particularly to an alien power requires a great deal of time. There are forms to be filled and hoops to be jumped through. A little patience, and all will be arranged," she said, doubting that the requested ship would ever be granted; Brailsford's reaction before the communication was cut had convinced her of that.

"I don't care how many hoops or forms you have to fill! I want my ship!" He then thought for a moment. He stopped. And rethought his stategy, which he had only done once in his lifetime. "... Maybe I'm being hasty. You don't understand my predicament. The Central Command is now hounding me for either Dunham or this ship. I need this ship, to save Dunham's life. Do you understand?"

That did not add up, unless Dunham had a secret past that he had hidden from ... well from everyone. He was too young, though appearances could be changed ... no, Getal was trying to play her - that switch from petulant demand to reason ...

So she decided to let him - for now.

"Admiral Brailsford was most sympathetic," she said as she flashed through the arguements she was consdiering - the alleged Maquis terrorists - even if they were not responsible they could be made to appear so ... who would believe their denials; they were, after all guilty of endangering innocent lives. "I can't believe that Dunham is really of interest to the Central Command, but I imagine the real culprits would be ... what if I could deliver them?"

Tharek didn't care for the welfare of the station, or the people on it. He wanted that ship. "I have no interest in the culprits, nor does the Central Command. Cardassia witnessed Dunham destroy our property. He was not trialled on Cardassia, but imprisoned here. You must agree, we have been most lenient in this case. But, the Central Command is giving no more lenience. They either want Dunham imprisoned or dead. I managed to talk them into sparing his life for the exchange of a ship. It's now up to you. Dunham's life, or a starship."

Karen linked her fingers together and parted them in a conciliatory gesture, "Then you have to have patience. Admiral Brailsford will deliver, he understands how the law works, but even if he agreed today the ship would take weeks to arrive at its destination."

"And it hasn't been agreed today, has it?" He asked rhetorically. "... I suppose I can have patience... Tell me something first though... What ships have you got docked at this station?"

Karen chuckled, "Play the game, Vi'kar Gul, I'm a lawyer, I look for amicable solutions, I don't give away classified information. If you want to know that speak to our Tal'Shiar friends on deck sixty, I'm sure they know if you don't." He was beginning to annoy her and she could not resist implying that his intelligence operatives who were undoubtedly in place were inadequate.

"You're a lawyer." He paused as he walked up to her face. "I'm Cardassian admiralty. I am the highest ranking Cardassian official in this part of the galaxy. I was merely asking what ships you have here, so I can request something: A piece of their defensive technology. I'm not one for waiting, and I'm not waiting weeks, even months for that damned ship. Give me a piece of defensive technology, and I'll drop any and all charges against Dunham." Tharek tried to supress the urge to have Karen shot, skinned, dismembered and beheaded. At the end of this, Tharek would come out on top. There was no other way.

Karen took the half step forward that separated them, she kept her tone low and even, "I will be reporting every detail of this discussion to my superiors, Vi'kar Gul. I'm for finding a solution, but you will not make me a traitor, posture and bluster all you wish. If you want to do business with us, then you will find patience, otherwise, good day."

Tharek leant in, less than an inch separated their faces. "I have patience. I'm just waiting for you to buy it off me."

This close Karen could not help but look up at him as she held his gaze, he was a good head taller than her but this was courtroom-style (mis)behaviour and she was not going to back down, "Buy it with what?" she demanded.

"You're a lawyer. Use your imagination." He smiled before standing fully erect and took a single step back from Karen.

Drawing a breath Karen reminded herself of the one key rule that underwrote work when one was defending the indefensible - don't hit the client - although in this case she amended it to Don't hit the Ambassador a creed that she imagined the Diplomatic Corps lived by daily.

"I deal in facts, not fantasy, Vi'Kar Gul," she said, quite aware that they were alone, she was unarmed, and he was significantly larger than her. "Answer my question." Karen had done a number of things in her time to swing a case, but she did not trust the Cardassian to deliver on his promise, if he was even going to make her a promise in return.

"I want to upgrade my ship with a few tid-bits of Federation technology. In return, I'll stop hounding you for a ship... And, I'll let Dunham become a free man once more. How does that offer sound?"

"Tid-bits, Getal? I already told you that I'll not provide. I think our conversation is over."

"Fine." His face dropped. He had dug himself a hole and jumped on in. "It's your choice Commander. A ship or some technology, or Dunham's life. Come back to me if you want to save his life. If not, get the Hell out of my office." He waved her and put a disgusted look on his face.

Karen folded her arms, "If a single breeze I can tie to you so much as ruffles Dunham's hair I will have you off this station, Getal, let's see how the Central Command views your impending expulsion shall we," she said as she turned to leave, "You'll just have to be patient," she added over her shoulder.

I'll stick a knife in your back yet, Human pig. Tharek scowled at her back. "I'll give you your patience, just know this: My patience isn't infinite."

"I'm sure it is as enduring as your charm," Karen replied, "Was there anything more?"

"No. Now please, get out before I do something I'll regret." He said, rubbing his forehead with his hand. Placing the other on his hip and turning from Karen.

"I doubt you regret much, Gul Getal."


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador