Judgement – Final Count Down
by Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Final Count Down
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Sat Apr 16, 2011 @ 6:49pm
Location   Feltor Prime
Timeline   SD37
= Aboard the Thames =

Bill was following Mats order to the letter. Close to the terrain and engines on silent, which made handling extreme to say the least.
"Sir," He said in a low voice full of concern and looked towards the female at his side acting as co-pilot, "Multiple lifeform readings. Some Federation, some unknown, but the east bounds are heavily armed." He stated as his finger pointed to the viewscreen.

Mathew relaxed slightly in the central command seat.
"Harris can we lock on to all non federation weapons?" he said slightly excitedly.

Bill shook his head as he tightened the sensor beam. "Not for a few minutes Lieutenant. We need to be closer before I can confirm weapon types, but I am able to confirm our crew from their personal comm badges." ~As long as they are wearing them~ He thought.

Alicia sensed the heightening of everyone's spirits as they began to see the wood for the trees as it were. She watched her controls intently, new to piloting and concentrating as hard as she could as she learned from Bill as they went along. It *was* exciting but it was too important to get wrong. She kept focus on her part, doing all she could to rise to the challenge.

= On the Ground =

"Lower your weapons the toss them into one pile," Duquesne shouted.

The newcomers looked uncertainly between themselves, and then the one who had shouted out, put his phaser slowly to the ground. Once he had disarmed himself, the others followed suit.

With weapons down, the leader of the newcomers raised his hands and cautiously headed towards Duquense. "Pring sent us. We've got transport not far from here. We don't have time to waste. Whisst's jackboots aren't that far behind!"

Having placed Jana carefully on the dry leaves under a shrub out of sight and covered from the weather, Ben obeyed her instructions to go back to Duquense. He crept through the trees, keeping low until he came near to where they had left the security officer. He couldn't believe his eyes when he found Duquense having disarmed the approaching 'hostiles'.

Certain that Jana was safely obscured, Garan followed the doctor back to Duquesne, ready to help the two men fight their way free. She was just as surprised to see the pro-federation force as Ben was.

"Look." said the man, "I can understand you not trusting us, but we want help. and to help you." He made a gesture to his pocket. "Let me contact Pring. He can confirm what he said." Seeing no objection he reached into his clothing and took out what looked like an old style communicator, and flipped it open. "It's me," he said simply. "We found them. They want to talk to you."

He then through the communicator to Ben. The little device had a tiny screen. On the screen was the same man who had greeted Lieutenant Carstairs before the disaster struck.

Duquesne did not fully trust the newcomers. However, he was not really in a position to argue with the group that was larger in numbers and more armed, despite the temporary concession of non-violence.

He slowly stepped from around his protection and kept his weapon in the "ready" position. He kept his body facing the newcomers.

= Satellite Station =

Explosions rocked the station no doubt the Starfleet Lieutenants helmsman's work.
Mealate dropped her husbands body onto the escape pod floor, gently of course.

She stepped over to the control panel which flashed to life. "Computer prepare to launch!" She stated coldly.

Her real personality was all back.

The computer responded =^= Sealing airlock doors, Engine core online. =^=

"Launch! Run a self diagnostic, see if anything has been tampered with." The escape pod released from the station, but the diagnostic was pointless and Mealate was just about to realize why.

=^=Escape pod compassitors failing. Immediate landing is highly recommended to prevent full system shutdown resulting in crashing.=^=

Mealate snarled and hit her fist on the panel shattering the glass and getting a groan from her husband . "Damn the federation! Damn Starfleet!" She yelled. Taking a deep breath to compose herself and to think she began again " Computer, send our status and reports to Onaran, put us down at the nearest clearing."


The computer sent the information to the Thames and set upon landing.

=^=Diagnostic complete... Modifications to power compassitors and Communication system=^=

She couldn't believe it! "Mathew Totti of Starfleet I'm coming for you..."

= Nautilus =

Mike was still attempting to make contact with the others, he hadn't given that up but had been jammed like the other ships.

"Mike I want you to prepare to get us off the ground. Shields should be back up to 100 percent but I want to get out of range from ground troops fast." Bruce set a countdown clock. "Once that his zero get us out of here." He had given the shield expert and himself five minutes to disconnect the shield generator on the ground and into the ship. He knew it was pushing it but didn't have a choice.

"Aye Sir" Mike didn't know how he was going to do this but he sure as heck was going to give it his best shot or die trying. Perhaps literally? Who could tell. He began the sequences and threw everything the Nautilus had into the mix. The little craft put her heart into it, responding to his demands.


Mathew tapped at the controls on his seats armrest display then smiled.

"It seems the satellite network is shutting down. We are safe from the weapon and Communications are no longer fully jammed."

= Government Control Centre =

When the last communication from the relay station came in an uneasy silence fell over the Control Centre. Those who had one found a reason to leave the main room, and some of those found a reason to slip out of the complex altogether - the rats smelling the tinge of defeat.

Those who remained - those who believed in the cause and those who were simply too afraid or or in too deep to do anything else waited whilst Onaran Whissst read the report.

"Its not over!" he fumed, "I'll not stop until every one of those who opposed me are dead!"


A smile escaped Mathew's control.
"Harris hail the ground team." He said firmly.

Harris' lips tightened in a grin. "With pleasure sir." He stated opening the comm.

=^= "Thames to crew of DS5. Prepare for transport." =^=

= On the ground =

Ben went back for Jana and took her up in his arms, preparing for transport. He looked around to see Duquense and Garan with him just before the blue shimmer engulfed them.


Having gotten everything squared away Bruce sat back down in the chair on the Bridge of the Nautilus. Receiving the hail to head back to DS5 Bruce turned to Mike. "Set in the course Mike, lets get home."


Incoming transmission flashed Mathew's panel.

"Put the transmission up Mr Harris." Mathew said unsure who it would be.

Harris put the incoming call onto the main screen above his head.

[Secret Rebel HQ]

"Widen the broadcast, widen the broadcast," Pring encouraged from his secret location in the capital city. Overweight and jowly Cornelian Pring was an unlikely hero, but the efforts of Whissst to cut Feltor Prime off from the Federation had struck him as wrong from the beginning. It was his willingness to vocalise his oppoition that had seen him both kicked out of the upper echelons of the government and won him the quiet support of the majority of the people.

This was the stuff of legends. The Federation team on the ground could hear them, their fellows in the sky could hear them and he wanted it to go to the population too.

He wiped the beading perspiration from his forehead before he spoke, "Friends, in the last minutes the final assault on the headquarters of the Whissst regime has begun - we bear no grudges to those who were part of that movement - some of the motivations were valid, and we will endeavour to adapt the constitution of Feltor Prime to address those issues that have been ignored for too long ..."

The speech went on ... a new dawn ... full representation ... a voice for the people. A cynic might have said rhetoric and a promise to return to the status quo. Whichever it was it was time for the team from Deep Space Five to go home, the population of Feltor Prime had a city and trust of one another to rebuild.


The Cast

Runabout Tyne - Crashed on the planet
Operations: Petty Officer Garan (Notty NPC)
Science: Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Medical: Lieutenant JG Ben Kensington (Jools NPC)
Tactica/Helm: Lieutenant Michael Duquesne (Thom NPC)

On a diplomatic ship (Runabout Thames) -
Diplomacy: Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Flight/Weapons - PO3C William Harris (Giving support to Mat) (Mark NPC)
Diplomatic Aide: Yeoman Alicia York ( " " " ) (jools NPC)

Nautilus (Engineering support) -
Engineering: Lieutenant Bruce Freeman
Master Chief Mike White - Engineering Assistant

Feltor Prime - in support of the Federation
Cornelian Pring - leader of the Feltor And Federation movement. (Louise NPC)

Feltor Prime - the new regime
Onaran Whissst (Louise NPC)

Relay Station
Civall & Mealate (Mat NPC)