Unity – Things have gone from bad to worst
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Things have gone from bad to worst
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu May 20, 2010 @ 3:20pm
Location   Docking bay
Timeline   SD 17 - 14:17hrs (before the announcement)

Collin had worked for BII for several years and in all of that time he had never heard an alpha one alert message come through his comm link. He knew of course exactly what it met and quickly started secureing the private docking area that the company had been assigned.

It took several moments for Gabriel's eyes to adjust to the swirling lights above him. It took even longer for his eyes to focus on the figure in front of him. The man appeared to be speaking to him, but the ringing in his ears prevented him from understanding him.

Collin had been slightly surprised when the man appeared infront of him. It was obvious that whoever it was he was not a company employee and had been beat almost to a pulp. "Take it easy sir." Said Collin politely though he kept his weapon hand clear of the man at all times not wanting to get it tangled up if there was a situation.

"Wha. . .What the hell happened?" He said as he groaned and rolled over onto his side to try to stop the spinning in his head. He looked around and saw that this was not the original corridor that he was previously in during the prisoner exchange. The last thing he remember was breaking up a fight between two of the prisoners regarding somekind of waffles. There was a loud shout and several of the prisoners were all over him before he could respond properly. Now he found himself near the docking area for Bradshaw's vessels.

"What's happened to the station, and more importantly, where is my damn weapon!?!" He said as realization set in for him.

"Sir one thing at a time please as to what happened to you I would say you were on the wrong side of a very uneven fight. I do not know what is happening on the station really only that the company has ordered an alpha one level lockdown activated. you are here most likely due to the fact that in such a lockdown all property belonging to any member of the company is transported to the nearest member of the company. Your weapon is on my desk deactivated currently but otherwise fine." Said Collin firmly

He reached for his comm unit, but quickly realized that the silence he was receiving was an indiciation that fleet comm units had been neutralized. "Damnit, damnit. . ." He said as he finally climbed to his feet and looked around. "Your company has an independent comm system." Gabriel said as he began to form an idea. "I need it to figure out what the hell is happening on my damn station!" He said.

"Sir you can use the comm panel at my desk I am not sure it will be of much help though." Said Collin calmly as he pointed out the comm unit and handed the man back his weapon carefully "Really though sir if you want to get to a place that might be better equipt for what you want I would suggest the main office. I can transport you there and let you speak directly to one of the bosses." He added knowing that the station might not exactly be safe for anyone in a federation uniform at the moment.

Gabriel went to the comm unit and immediately tried to connect to the only other person who would in form him of what was happening. "Don't bother!" he said waiving away the suggestions. "If standard comms have been affected by the dampening field, then so have all transporter solutions. You'll just end up beaming yourself right back to the same spot." he said dismissively.

=/= "Gabriel to Lieutenant Wallace!" == He said rather excitedly. "What the hell has happened?"

Jarred looked at the comm station, "The station is in lock down, I'm aboard the Montana we can't use the airlock or the transporters on to the station it self, I've got a secure link with the intel office they're locked out from main areas of the station, and I think the terrorists may have split up and be on more than one location, if your any where near hangar 18 we might be able to change the tide."

Gabriel waited several moments to catch his breath before he could respond. "I have not heard anything from OPS, so I'm assuming they have control there as well. You are outside of the station, for right now the best thing you can do is focus on ascertaining the tactical capabilities of the terrorists. I will try to get in contact with the Marines onboard." He said through a strained voice.

"If push come to shove, we might have to take back the station from the outside-in." He said as he finally got his bearings back completely.

"Agreed, the airlock to hangar 18 is the only one that can be accessed from the outside manually, but the environmental forcefield may be off line I need to know."

"Fine, I'll be in touch once I make contact with the rest of the station. Gabriel out." he said as he closed the channel. He turned to the man beside him. "Grab your weapon, you are coming with me." he said as he holstered his weapon and made his way towards the corridor.

"Cheif Petty officer Watson keep working on getting the airlock bypassed, and see what can be done about geting through that transport inhibitor, I'm going to take one of the shuttle pods back to the station and see if we can't get a handle on the situation." Jarred said

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lt Jarred Wallace
CIO DS5/CO USS Montana

Crew of USS Montana
Played by andy

Employee of Bradshaw Industires