Interlude – War Games
by Commander Richard Dunham & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   War Games
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Tue Aug 24, 2010 @ 8:03am
Location   Deep Space Five Air Space
Timeline   Unity
Tag   Back Post

Every fighter in the wing glistened briefly, as they banked pass close to the hull of deep space five. The lights from the space station sparkled off their hulls as each fighter broke away consecutively, pealing away into space, they brought there shields and weapons online. The broadsword multi role assault fighters, looked like wasp guarding the nest, and they began there run on the attacking klingon vessel.

Normally Toran would have passed on such an exercise put it had been a few years since he had commanded a vessel in combat. Not that swatting a few fiies was really a battle. He sat in the command chair with Na'Shara at his side and watched as the Federation fighters began there approach. "I know it is normally a bad thing to toy with ones prey.....but. Engage the cloaking device."

Na'shara of the House of Torath would have preferred open battle, but she obeyed. She had not been a battle situation with the Ambassador, and it would be interesting to see his tactics. Her hands tapped her console. "Cloacking device engaged," she confirmed. "Weapons are online and ready," she added.

~Were the hell has she gone?~ thought Dunham to himself calmly. =^= Bravo Wing. Brake. Attack pattern delta, missile spread, I want web of shots, you hit something target the explosion with phaser. =^=

The Hed'not was no longer before the fighter wing, but above it. He grinned as the weapons fire hit nothing. "Launch the jach interceptors and disengage cloak."

Na'shara saw his plan now and smiled with some admiration. On her command the interceptors were launched and the large ship shimmered onto the sensors of the fighters, shadowing them with it's bulk. "Interceptors launched and we are decloacked," she said not without triumph.


"With great pleasure," Na'shara said nodded at the warrior at tactical, who with a great grin did exactly that. The streaks of light cut through the blackness of space straight at several of the Starfleet fighters.

Dunham smiled to himself as the Klingon vessel launched its fighters whilst de-cloaking. What he had in mind was perhaps a little bit of a sneaky tactic, but it had brought the Klingon starship out into the open, though it had lead Dunham and his wing exposed. Very exposed and his squad were taking a heavy pounding on their shields. But they were bait that was there job, to bring the Klingon's out. So now dodging phaser fire and torpedoes while been rocked by mock explosions, Dunham mentally crossed his fingers, hoping his small fighter would stay together, before the trap was enacted. He smiled to himself as out of the corner of his eye he saw the Peregrine Heavy Fighter skirt the horizon circumference of deep space five come down on top of the Klingons, who were now layered in between to swarms of federation fighters, above and below.

Toran merely lifted his hand and with a couple a fingers he waved forward calling for the second wave of interceptors to be launched. Fighters buzzed about the Hed'not but he was not concerned a Negh'var Class Battleship could easily withstand the fighters assault.

Na'Shara punched he command sequence into her console. "Second wave launched!" she confirmed.

Another 2 wings of Klingon interceptors poured out of the Hed'nots dorsal and ventral launch bays. The dorsal and ventral disruptors blazed out at the Federation fighters. Any craft rendered "destroyed' shutoff its engines and drifted as if long as it didn't put the pilot in danger.

He glanced at the tactical display looking at the numbers of 'surviving' craft...

Dunham hailed the the station =^= Deep space Five open fire on our position, light up the Klingons.=^=

On board deep space five, the bridge came alive with activity. Junior officers, practising combat drill, and doing examinations under the close watchful glare of senior enlisted personnel and officers, hurriedly shouted orders to one another, and bustled about like the simulation was real. This was the opportunity allot of them had been waiting for, and from the outside, the darkness of space lighted up by the ports side of the station opening fire with phaser banks and torpedoes.

The inevitable had come to pass as the stations defenses, modified for the war game, were brought to bear of the Hed’not. The ship rocked from the impact and the computer registered the appropriate damage.

"Shields down 17 percent!" Na'shara reported. "Reroute power to compensate!" she ordered the ops officer.

“Evasive!, and jam their communications.” Toran had to admire the Lieutenant, he had organized a well planned engagement…so far. While the stations involvement was to be expected he had a answer to the move himself. “Have the SeQpIr, the HoS, and the JaghHoH decloak. The SeQpIr can deal with the fighters; The rest of us will engage the station directly.”

"Na'Shara to the Beta team! Decloack now!" she said over the comm

The Hed’not began to move off at high impulse as three Vorcha class battle cruisers decloaked, the HoS and the JaghHoH flanking the larger command vessel. The combined vessels returned fire on the Station even as the Hed’not continued to fire it’s aft dorsal and ventral weapons at the fighters.

On board Deep Space five the junior bridge officers, continued their exams under the watchful eyes of veteran commanders. Some were not even full officers, in fact many wore the full grey uniforms of starfleet cadets. It was one such cadet who brought the Guardian Defence platforms on-line. A torrent of phaser fire and torpedoes, soon followed. Space suddenly seemed allot more crowded.

The Hed'not rocked at the direct hit from the guardian platforms and she had to grip her console not keep her balance. "Shields down to 55 percent!"

Toran laughed in admiration...~Defenses in depth, excellent.~ Not only had the stations Guardian Platforms been activated, but now their communication were jammed as well. The battle raged on for seveal moment but as the tide began to shift for the Federation Toran pointed to his tachtical officer as the order was given. "qulllll......." and as his hand came down, "DaH."

From the Hed'not a small probe was launch headin up and over Deep Space Five only to explode like a massive red flare. The signal for the others to join the fight.

Four Negh'var Class Battle Cruiser emarged each with there support craft of three Birds of prey, all targeting the Stations Defense Platforms.

Dunham watched from his fighter as more Klingon vessels entered the arena of combat. He watched the battle unfold as the Klingon ships launched a devastating counter attack on Deep Space five defences. Dunham was shook from his revere, as his proximity alarm went off, and he was soon having to use evasive manoeuvres and counter measure to shake off the Klingon fighter that had locked onto him. He banked hard then pulled his small craft into a steep dive. out of the corner of his eye he had a brief, very brief image of the Holographic Decoy Array coming on-line. Then his sensors went mad as starfleet vessels began to appear around the station. He cursed quietly under his breath, he was pretty sure that such a bit of tech was not to be used in a war game, and that some junior officer or cadet was going to get it in the neck for using it. He made a mental note to buy the Klingon ambassador; the man he had arranged the war games with, a bottle of blood wine as an apology.

On board the Hed'not, Na'Shara saw the Starfleet vessels on her console. "Captain, we have 4 Starfleet vessels on 5... 7, 10, Multiple vessels apprearing!" She reported

Toran snarled slightly as similar repors came in from the other Commanders of the task force he had assembled. He knew what the station was capable of but the others did not and to reveal Federation technology to those under him would have Dis-honorable. Not to mention a violation Ambassadorial protocol. He would have to accept being outwardly outmaneuvered and accept defeat.

Slamming his fist on his command chair. =^= Toran to all vessels. Disengage. We have been out maneuvered by our Federation allies. You have and continue to honor my House with you srevice, return to your normal patrols and duties. Qalpa! =^=

As the other ships began to break off Toran ordered his vessel to continue the attack. Better to 'save' what warriors he could as he sacrifised go down in a blaze of glory as it were. "Helm stay your course! Fire All Weapons!! Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam! {Today is a good Day to Die}"

Dunham watched from his cockpit and gave an appreciative nod to the actions of Klingons. As the last of the straggles either fled or shot down Dunham gave the order to return to the barn.

Toran's battle cruiser continued the attack until the simulated damage was catastophic and they were unable to continue. "My Lord, we have lost all offensive capability."

"Understood. It would be at this point I would order ramming speed, sending all of us to Sto Vor Kor is a blaze of glory as we would cripple our enemy for other to take advantage of.

"Secure from battle operations, we will celebrate our glorious deaths tonight in the embassies hall of warriors....hail Lt. Dunham and invite him aboard." Toran stood from his chair to head to his quarters as Na'Shara took command of the bridge.


Dunham received the message over his comm unit. His Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter, did have a one shot site to site transport built into the chair he was sitting in, however thinking it inappropriate to beam onto the Klingon vessel in his flight suite and gear, he instead opted to return and fly back to deep space five, change into his duty then beam over to see the ambassador.

Upon his arrival in the Klingon transporter room, a guard was waiting for him to escort him to the ambassadors quarters. Soon he was waiting outside said quarters for permission to enter.



Lieutenant T'Pal

Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat


Lieutenant Richard Dunham