Judgement – It Is Always Darkest Before Dawn
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   It Is Always Darkest Before Dawn
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Nov 06, 2010 @ 12:24am
Location   Bajoran Gardens
Timeline   SD35. 21:45

The walls of Isha's office and the walls of her apartment felt very close together. Even the starscape beyond the vast windows seemed nearer than usual. Isha knew that she should stay here and waot, she knew that she might be missed but she thought that she could be back on time. Isha needed to get out.

"Computer, send a message to Doctor Adams," she instructed. "I will be walking in the Bajoran Gardens should she care to join me."

It was a few more minutes before her escort was assembled, then Isha wasted no time in making her way down to level 144. Isha was heartily sick of feeling that she had no freedom of movement but that was not her only reason for choosing this location rather than asking Chelsea to visit her in her apartment - out here her bodyguard could melt into the background before her friend even arrived, something that she thought the doctor would be far more comfortable with.

There were still several people around enjoying the ambient light that did its best to mimic sunshine. Isha sat on the edge of a rock and dipped her hand in the water that burbled over its other side, splashing down into a pool.

Chelsea received Isha's message and headed straight out to join her. She missed her friend sorely and was keen to spend any time she could in her company. Leaving Rick with a kiss on the cheek and a quick. "I've had a message to meet Isha. I doubt if I'll be too long. She doesn't get out without a legion of protectors these days so we're not likely to get to go clubbing like the old times!" she joked, the truth behind the light comment was poignant.

Arriving at the gardens, Chelsea took in a deep breath and sighed instinctively soothed by the calming effect of the scent of the flowers. She had been wearing a dress for the dinner she and Rick had just finished when the call came in and she hadn't wasted time changing. Sweeping in a stately manner along the path, the skirt swirling around her knees, her heeled shoes tapping on the stones, Chelsea rounded the corner to see her friend sitting perched on the side of a large rock.

Her smile widened into a broad grin and she went towards Isha with her arms open to hug her.

"Isha!" she said, still grinning, looking her friend up and down. "You look great!" she said at normal volume.

Before she reached the Ambassador, Chelsea hesitated and looked around for whoever was going to object but as no-one leapt out of a bush to stop her she continued towards Isha unhindered and delivered the gesture of affection.

"You've lost weight and that's not good in your condition" she muttered softly so no-one would hear, her words muffled by Isha's hair as she hugged her. "I think you look like a fairy princess, sitting on your rock!" she added at normal volume again, placing herself on the grass at Isha's feet, smiling with happiness to be here like this.

"Rh'vaurek has always likened me to Ihhuein," Isha reflected, her hand still in the water, "though I think that is because part of him objects to my fire. Thank you for coming," she added slipping down from the rock to join Chelsea on the grass, "and don't worry, my guards are nothing if not discreet," Isha continued with a wink.

Isha wrapped an arm around her friend's shoulder, "How have you been, Chelsea?" she asked ignoring the doctor's comment about her weight loss.

Chelsea was used to Isha ignoring anything she didn't want to talk about, so she let it go. "I'm fantastic" she replied. "Life is treating me well, I'm the luckiest woman in the Universe. More to the point though, how are you doing, lovely one?"

"I'm well," Isha said, "But why don't you tell me about your good fortune rather than listen to my complicatins," she suggested.

"What sort of friend would i be if I were to do such an abominable thing?" Chelsea replied a little put out. "Friends offer their shoulders to cry on and their ears to listen so that we can come to a better understanding, hopefully, of what ails us, the better for the support and compassion on offer from someone who holds us in affection." she lectured a little, although not without some conscience for doing this.

Chelsea softened her tone and put her hand over Isha's slim fingers which were now resting against the fabric of her skirt. "I realise you have no intention of 'crying' in a public place, nor indeed anywhere probably, and I know you realised instantly that I'm speaking metaphorically but to be honest, there really *are* times when saying what's on your mind aloud to another can help one see more clearly through the swirling mists."

"I'm too used to keeping my own counsel," Isha said, with the slightest smile, "I've been such a fool, Chelsea," she continued, "I let myself believe that I was a better player than everyone else, but I'm not, not without Rh'vaurek behind me. He's been trying to get me to leave since I came here. I don't think he could have done anything to help if he had been here. I think that's why he left, so that he didn't have to force himself to stand by and see me fail."

"Are you sure you've failed? Sometimes the night gets darkest before dawn. I don't pretend to understand the first thing about politics.... let alone *romulan* politics... but I do know that sometimes we judge ourselves too harshly. Not everything can work out totally as planned but a victory can still be won even in unexpected directions. In fact most of our plans seem to develop a will of their own once we set them in motion - we don't always see the end game."

"No, Chelsea, I'm not sure, nut anyone with a basic grasp of mathematics can calculate that the probability is still against me - if they have the correct inputs, that is. I'm not playing to lose, quite the opposite.

"But when he returns, and he finds me standing, if somewhat damaged, that is where it stops. I'm not playing anymore."

"Isha, when he returns, you shouldn't play anymore... you should accept that he came back because he loves you - why else would he not just walk away? and if he proves *that* then you both deserve a chance to enjoy it!" Chelsea said.

"I've always been totally convinced that the very fire of passion between you and Rh'vaurek is the root of your apparent combined inability to be peaceful with one another. I think it means that when love runs that deeply and inexorably, the intensity sometimes has to boil over. Don't you think that could be part of its attraction and bond?" she asked, fascinated by how extraordinarily passionate this seemingly cold, impenetrable race really were underneath the appearances they gave off.

Of course, Chelsea realised that the façade was entirely intentional and socially indoctrinated in them all as a society. She thought it was probably necessary to reign in that very strength of fundamental emotions to prevent anarchy. She had heard that said of Vulcans too and Chelsea suspected a very deep, hidden interior to Delvok who was the only Vulcan she did have daily contact with, so that appeared to support the theory.

“We had no business falling in love,” Isha said, “and we had no business resuming our relationship.”

"What?" Chelsea looked incredulous. "Now *there* you have a very Rhiannsu remark! The Universe and the Elements decide who falls in love, d'Ishaal. You had NO say in it. It's rather presumptuous my love, no matter how powerful the families you head up, for you to believe you could have gainsayed *them* in this. You will eventually have to accept this wasn't in your hands nor within your power to resist."

"The Elements have a warped sense of humour, Chelsea," Isha said with a smile, "I prefer not to be at the mercy of forces beyond my control. But then that is probably another example of me deluding myself," she said smoothing the pale blue fabric of her skirt.

"I don't think *that* happens often, my friend. You're one of the most astute people I have ever met." Chelsea smiled. She was being honest, not flattering.

Then why am I trapped, Isha thought. Getal had her right where he wanted her, with his hand wrapped so firmly around her throat that she could barely breathe without his approval.

"Perhaps you need to meet more people," Isha suggested in the blandest most dead-pan tone she could manage. Self deprecating humour was not something that Isha usually indulged in but she thought that it would amuse her friend.

It did. Chelsea laughed. "Isha... that was a very Terran joke! I think I'm changing you.... we'll have to put that right at once!"

"Oh?" Isha comented lightly, "I have not been raised to be modest, but I thought it was a rather good attempt. Should I not do that?" she asked, "I'd not have said it with anyone but a trusted friend," she added curling her fingers into the doctor's.

"No, don't change it... i was joking about that part. I like it... not the modesty so much as the flippancy of the humour." Chelsea explained, accepting the fingers between her own and closing her hold on them gently to show she'd like to keep them there.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to let your heart rule you head on this one, I know that's another thing you weren't raised to do, but sometimes, rules fail to cover all eventualities." Chelsea smiled.

"All I must do is stay alive," Isha replied in all seriousness. "I had not understood that before" she said.

Chelsea looked shocked. "Is there any danger that you would not? On *this* station?" she asked, naively.

Isha grasped Chelsea's hands between hers. "There's a danger," she said, "I don't need to name it to you. My blood still flows," she added, "I plan to keep it that way."

"Isha.... what can I do?" Chelsea looked so worried and at the same time, fiercely protective. Chelsea's best strength was when someone she cared about needed her help.

"My dear child, there's always a danger," Isha replied, "Over the years, no matter what one's approach I have discovered that it comes with the territory. To know that you are watching out for me is enough," she said, ever pragmatic.

"I wish it *felt* like enough" Chelsea replied, squeezing Isha's hand. She wanted to ask if Isha knew when Rh'vaurek might be able to return but she thought better of it.

It was a senstitive subject so she changed tack.


A JP between

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
Avoiding her responsibilities


Lt. Cmdr Chelsea Adams