Things Past – Is There in Beauty, no Truth? (part 3)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   Is There in Beauty, no Truth? (part 3)
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Thu Dec 27, 2012 @ 5:32am
Location   Conference Room 12
Timeline   (BACKPOST) SD 50 - 10:45
Akamu turned to the command officers. "I apologize for my behavior just now, with the sword. I understand if you feel you need to confine me or charge me with something. However, for the safety of my people, I must insist on a complete security sweep of Ensign Kel'tor's quarters and personal computer space. If nothing is found, I will let the matter of breaking and entering, and the attack on Prince, slide. In fact, I will extend a formal apology to the Ensign. I think that's more than fair, all things considered." It grated to say that. E'kren was no small thing in his book, no matter what these Federation officers said.


Tasha had not expected Akamu to offer up such a gesture, considering what she had walked into a few moments before. She cocked her head slightly to the left and with her hands, pulled at her hair tightening it under the hair band.
"Ensign. I believe the offer is more than fair." She seconded the proposition.

Kel'tor looked from Captain Tahir to the alien and then back again. "Of course it sounds fair, it's not your stuff this freak is about to rummage through!" He responded excitedly.

"Ensign!" Trellis scolded.

Tasha didn't need to add to the remark or rebuff the Ensigns insult.

"I apologize, Captain." Kel'tor replies. He takes a deep breathe and straightens his uniform before responding again. "Yes, I will allow him access to my quarters, I'll just need time to straighten things." He said.

"Absolutely not," Ka'er said. "He touches anything before Trellis' men get to it, the deal's off."

"Telians all over this quadrant are starting to come together, captain. Forming a society, perhaps even a colony - someday - of our own. If this goes bad here, trust me, my people will find a way to make the Federation regret it. Not a threat, just an observation."

"A colony of freaks like you and their love-machines. I'm sure the Council will just be tripping over themselves to invite you into the Federation." Kel'tor said cuttingly.

"What makes you think we'd want to join your... Federation?" Akamu bit back.

Tasha was becoming extremely frustrated at the remarks from Kel'tor, but she knew that Trellis would put the young upstart in his place when he had time to do so.

"ENOUGH ALREADY!" Trellis said in an uncharacteristically loud voice.

"We will proceed immediately to perform the investigation." Trellis said, still trying to remedy the already tense situation.

"Fine, but I only want Security performing the search without this techno-filiac coming along." Kel'tor said tensely as he eyed the alien, as well as the senior security officer.

Tahir stepped back, allowing the small entourage to depart. She nodded her approval to Trellis and did not have to say what was on her mind, she guessed from Trellis' eyes, that he would take the appropriate actions.

"Very well, I'll begin the search right now." He said, wishing to put this all behind him as soon as possible.

Ka'er looked over at the captain. "I suppose you'd like to have me confined, Captain," he said slowly, "Given my earlier behavior?"

Captain Tasha Tahir

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Civilian Mercenary