Interlude – Dear Mum & Memories
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Dear Mum & Memories
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Aug 01, 2010 @ 3:45pm
Location   Commanders Quarters
Timeline   SD26 15:00
The door opened and he threw his jacket across the chair and breathed deeply, troubled by the more recent events of the last few hours than anything that had preceded in the last 20 days.
He had thought that now Tahir was back, she would have at least commended him, or maybe commented on things that had happened over the last few weeks while she gone, but no, that was apparently the last thing on her mind.
He paced back and fore for a moment, contemplating as his mind assembled all the events and happenings, some had gone well, some had not and he not even had the chance to grieve properly over the death of his mother.

The station usurped time like a black hole and it was not surprising that this region of space was so remote from the Federation, it was a last outpost, a border station that meant to get home was a weeks journey at best speed, but he was not sure where he was going or what his next position would be.

He padded over to the replicator, ordered an Irish coffee and returned to his desk, placing the glass beaker on the side as he tapped the console of the desk computer.
It rose solemnly from the confines of its housing and sparkled into life.
He read his logs for the past week and then opened the message that had informed him of his mothers death and looked at the date.... 3 weeks ago.
He moaned and dry wiped his face and reached for the coffee. He blew the steam across its top and with care brought it to his lips sipping at the hot liquid, relishing the hint of Irish whiskey along with the Jamaican coffee.
He leant back in his chair just thinking to hmself.

"Computer, open personal file of David Dylan Davies." He ordered as the screen darkened, before displaying his own personal documents.

He reached forward tapping at the folder that held family pictures.

"Computer, scroll pictures, 3 second interval." He requested, leaning back in the chair once again and watching the pictures fold open, one after the other.

Several minutes had passed when he called "Pause" as the only picture of his family appeared.

He remembered the photo being taken. It was a Friday afternoon and the family had gathered to celebrate Rhys' 18th birthday His mother was sat in a chair with Nadine on her lap and his father, Bryn was stood behind her. Rhys to Davids left and Rhian on their mothers right. It was a glorious afternoon and they were sat in the back yard of their valleys terrace house.
Sheila had been cooking all day and Bryn had demanded she at least take off her pinny for the photo.
Sheila had given in, but not before rubbing her flour covered hands all over her husbands face.
They had laughed as they played and Rhys took the opportunity to snaffle a cake, much to the annoyance of Rhian.
The camera was set and this was the only photo of the whole family, about a year before his fathers death in a freighter accident.
His mother had struggle on, trying to cope with Nadine as a child, but at least Rhys had filled some of the gaps that his father had left.

Not long after Nadine had turned 21 and moved out to be with her partner, Sheila had eventually crumbled, as if she was holding on for Nadine to mature and it was not long before she became completely helpless.
Her mind was not as alert as it should be.
The fateful came in the winter, after leaving the cooker on whilst baking a cake, Sheila had decided she wanted some fruit and had left for the shop, only to return several hours alter to find the house reduced to a smouldering rubble, that had not only destroyed their home, but both neighbours as well.
Sheila was institutionalised for her own good.

That was 7 years ago and the family were told that in her present condition, it would not be long before Sheila would not function as a serving member.
He smiled as she had proved them wrong. His mother was a fighter and she was battling her own corner, at least until 3 weeks ago.

David finished his coffee, staring at the picture and decided now was the time to contact his brother and sisters.


Commander David Davies