Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Picnic - Part 2 - Prejudices
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Picnic - Part 2 - Prejudices
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Oct 19, 2008 @ 7:49pm
Location   Bajoran Gardens
Timeline   Day 3 - 12.45pm

"Isha, do you know of someone called..... Verelan Iawaiin?" Chelsea suddenly came out with what was on her mind.


”Iawaiin,” Isha said as though the sound of the word would aid her memory, “their main base is near Mhiessan, I can’t claim to have any close links with the family..” Isha tilted her head curiously, “How do you know of someone named Verelan Iawaiin?” she asked, “or have you several Romulan acquaintances I am not aware of?”

"No" Chelsea admitted. "I just met the lady, to administer first aid and just because she's Romulan, I wondered if you knew her. Kinda silly of me really! I mean you wouldn't expect me to know everyone Bajoran!!" she smiled at her own foolishness.

"Not really, no," Isha replied, "Is she with the embassy? Perhaps Raedheol knows her. I'll ask him if you're interested," she suggested flipping open the smaller basket. "Oo, look, spring wine - you're going to start to think I have a drinking problem," Isha grinned placing the bottle against her knee while she fished out the glasses.

Chelsea looked alarmed again as another mention of her having to deal with Raedheol raised itself. "Er, no, it's okay! I was only curious. It's nothing to trouble the Arrain with! Truly!" she said. "Spring Wine? That sounds nice!" she changed the subject again still keen not to meet up with Raedheol and now regretting even having tried to enquire about Iawaiin.

It *did* worry Chelsea's morals that Iawaiin and her children might need help and Adams' almost childlike sense of justice cried out for her to intervene, but she knew from bitter experience that all might not be as it seemed, as those who appeared to be *victims* could sometimes turn out to be far from that!

She thought of that siren Anna Crofton, who had come to the Emergency Room of the SF Teaching Hospital when Chelsea was doing her training, many years ago. Crofton had flashed large sorrowful eyes at Chelsea's mentor, Professor Morgan, who had been frustrated to have found himself unable to bring charges on Crofton's behalf against her alleged assailant due to medical confidentiality issues, and also because Anna herself had refused to allow her testimony to be used, apparently due to her terror.

The Professor had thrown himself into a chivalrously motivated personal vendetta against the part-Klingon Engineer who Crofton claimed had been abusing her, only to then find himself up on charges and eventually suffering a nervous breakdown as the Engineer had been proven innocent and Crofton had denyied everything, leaving the Professor out to dry.

Chelsea herself had attempted out of loyalty to assist Morgan by bearing witness to files - which then vanished - and by the time it all came to a Hearing, Crofton had taken up with Chelsea's ex-boyfriend and was alleging that Adams had destroyed the files and lied because she was a jealous 'woman scorned'. The Professor, disgraced and further distraut by feeling responsible for Chelsea 's having been dragged into this, had taken the blame.

It had been a long time before Chelsea had learned to trust again but being of a sunny, optimistic nature, she had gradually put it behind her.. Much later, in a long term relationship and engaged to be married, she had then found herself the last on the whole ship to find out that her fiance was cheating on her with one of her crewmates.

Coming to DS5 almost a year after that revelation, Chelsea had looked for a fresh start, and on meeting Ryan, Ed and Isha she had found exactly what she had longed for: new friends and new love. The skip had now returned to her step and as Ed had noticed, the energy had returned to her whole being.

At first, the incident with Raedheol and Iawaiin had seemed to threaten that new balance in her world but Chelsea had stood up to him at the time, strengthened amongst other reasons by the faith her new friends had re-established in her. She had told Ryan and he had been there for her, even agreeing to support her in an attempt to try to deal with this herself. Ed knew nothing of the incident, but he was generally supportive and protective which was reassuring too.

Now she had come to Isha hoping for some guidance, looking to make some sense of it all but, unsure how to ask for this and afraid to step into the unknown too rashly, Chelsea had tentatively started the subject only to find it hadn't gone as she'd imagined.

To be continued....

A joint post between:

Lt (jg) Chelsea Adams
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


Isha t'Khelllian
Independent Journalist
and Romulan Aristocrat