Beg, Steal or Borrow – Making New Friends - Pt 1
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Making New Friends - Pt 1
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Jul 05, 2009 @ 12:38am
Location   Administrative Offices
Timeline   SD9 - 10.30am to Noon

Mercy had barely started back on her stacks of padds when the door opened again.

~It's like Picadilly flippin' Circus in here this morning!~ she thought, mentally quoting an ancient Earth phrase that her Grandmother used to use jokingly as it was alleged to mark her English ancestry.

"Good morning, can i help?" she managed to contain her irritation and be polite at least. After all it wasn't the fault of the Ensign in front of her.

"Uh..Chief Denoublier?" John asked uncertainly, his voice wavering only a little. "My name is Ensign Elliott. I'm the new Assistant Chief of Operations here on this station. I was told that you may be experiencing a problem?" He shifted his feet and managed a weak smile. "Sorry I was a little late, the station is bigger than I thought. What seems to be the problem?"

Mercy looked surprised. "You're not late, I wasn't expecting anyone to be free so soon, to be honest. I know there's so many repairs and damages to deal with. I'm inundated myself with requests for spares and restocks." she spluttered, pleasantly taken aback to have been so high up the queue for attention, especially from the AC Ops himself.

"It's the thermostat, well, I don't know if that's actually what's doing it, but I thought it was hot in here when I came in this morning and so I turned down the atmospheric control but I thought it was odd that it seemed to get even hotter. I just put it down to my imagination but i've checked the actual temperature again and I'm sure you can feel it. It's rising as we speak. I expect it's something to do with the attack on the station. Is there anything you can do?" she asked adding an extra "please? It's getting unbearable"

The panel readout showed 32 degrees Celsius and Mercy was already pink in the face and damp with perspiration. She looked as uncomfortable and embarrassed as she felt.

John nodded, trying to hold back the smile. "As long as I am not late," he murmered. He chuckled a bit and clapped his hands together. "Well, atmospheric controls I think I can manage. It does feel warmer in here than it does out in the corridor." He walked over to a small wall panel and pulled out his datapad from a small pack he had slung over a shoulder.

"Well, lets see what my scanners have to say," he muttered, reading the screen looking for an answer to her problem. After just a few momements his eyes lit up. "Ah hah!" he exclaimed before opening the panel. A quick fiddle and the panel was closed again. He walked over to the desk.

"So it seemed an envornmental control relay was knocked out of alignment. It seemed the ower you set it, the higher it got due to the inversed nature of this particular coupling. A quick realignment should fix it...cooler air should be comming out now."

"How great is that?" she leant back in her chair and let the cool air blow over her. "You're a life-saver, thankyou SO much!" Mercy went on. "Would you like a drink? It's the least I can do in return, to get you something?" she offered walking over to the replicator.

John chuckled nervously and shuffled his feet somewhat, feeling his cheeks glow slightly. "Oh, no thank you. I'm quite all right. I should really, ah..." his voice trailed off.

"No, it's okay, I was getting one for me anyway." She smiled. "Don't worry if you're in a hurry though?" she suddenly worried that he seemed uncomfortable about staying.

"I have SO much to do and I don't mind.....?" she offered him an escape route in case he wanted it.

"Well, there are other things that do require the attention of Ops," he replied slowly. "But I am off duty before too long. Perhaps we could meet on the promenade or some place else? I am new to this station and wouldn't mind talking with someone who has been here longer." He smiled weakly, as Talaxian swarm flies flew around his stomach.

Mercy's smile widened into a big grin. "That'd be great!" she said. "I'm still on duty until 17.00hrs but I do get lunch!" If you like we could meet at that new Bajoran cafe that's just opened. You can't miss it, it's been covered with flags and balloons since it's Grand Opening Party last week. Shall we meet there at Noon?"

"I'm sure I can find it," he assured her with more confidence than he really had. "Sounds like time." He laughed quietly before moving closer to the door. "So, if there's nothing else...until later?"

"Look forward to it" she smiled warmly at him. "And thanks for cooling things off in here"

He walked out, the door closing behind him. He was not quite sure what had just happened, but she seemed nice enough. And he did need to find someone to talk to before he exploded. He was used to having more friends around, but this station was so alien to him. He felt so out of place. He walked off towards the nearest turbolift as he needed to head to back to Ops. Mainly to find who else needed his assistance...but he also needed to know where to find this cafe she spoke of. He hoped he wouldn't be late again.

Spending time during the morning catching up on the overflow of requisitions and requests, Mercy filled her time and before she knew it, it was 11.45am. She put in a call to Sickbay and enquired about Bryan.

Chelsea answered the hail and realising who it was, rolled her eyes remembering the fuss that Mercy had made yesterday. In a slightly less than totally patient tone she assured the intense young woman that Bryan was not only still alive, but likely to remain that way for some considerable time and that there was no need for any further vigils at his bedside as he was 'resting'.

After she signed off, Adams felt compassion and a little guilt at perhaps being a more irritated than she could actually justify. She promised herself to be nice to the strange woman next time. After all, it wasn't that she had done anything wrong, she was just a bit wearing in such a frantically busy medical facility, what with her conviction she was somehow 'to blame'. Chelsea felt that in times like this, no-one could claim to be responsible for events in amongst all the frenetic happenings.

Mercy was a little crestfallen to find herself still not being invited back to Bryan's side but at least it gave her a chance to meet her new found friend for lunch.

By noon, she had signed out to lunch and made her way to the Promenade decks. Making a beeline for the new cafe, Mercy found herself there apparently in advance of the AC Ops. She found a table and sat down, trying not to wonder if he would come.



A jp between

Ensign John Elliott
Asst. Chief of Ops - DS5


CWO2 Mercedes Denoublier
Administrative Officer - DS5