Beg, Steal or Borrow – The Shuttle has landed
by Ensign Elisha Royce

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Title   The Shuttle has landed
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Ensign Elisha Royce
Posted   Mon Aug 03, 2009 @ 11:54am
Location   DS5 hanger
Timeline   SD9 12.30
Tag   none
The Celestial class, Deep Space 5 space station was coming into view from the shuttle as Ensign Elisha Royce was looking out through the cockpits window. Larger than he thought, the structure seemed to spiral in sink with the stars them selves.
Ships moved in and out in slow drifts as they came closer and closer to dock.

“Now see there Nardifa..” Talking to a very tall and slender Deltan female with bright blue eyes, dressed in her science uniform. “ We made it in one piece and,...on time”.

“I guess you where right, I heard traffic around DS5 was so busy that shuttles where always late”. She said with a sigh of happiness.

“Well, I guess you won Elisha. So, what is it that you wanted of me again”?. She said with a sensuous, flirtatious smile that indicated that she was well aware of the wager.

“Well, actually, it will cost me. The bet was, I believe, if you won, that I will have the duty to escort you to Riza on leave. And it is all on me”. And if I won, you would have to introduce me to Deltan dating rituals, OFF base of course”.

The Deltan rang out in laughter. Ensign Royce held his hands in the air in a , 'that's the way it goes type of manner'.
”Well, If somebody has to win, and somebody has to may as well be me. Man, the things I do for the federation”.

She laid back in her chair, upright with that ...look about her. Her smile said that she liked him and his eyes said the same. Excitement, infatuation, the warmness of intimacy could all be felt in the air. Then.....

“This is DS5 Flight control announcing clearance to land. Your shuttle bay is 12.B at location 555.38. Happy landings Shuttle 9”.
The voice shattered the moment. The Traffic controller's instructions where followed by pilot McDowell's voice further interrupting.

“OK guys, we made it. What did I tell you Elisha, I'd get us here alright. Hay man what do you say we hit the Bar A.S.A.P as soon as we dock in? Just me and you, like old times man. It is cool how we got the same post. Way cool! You know when I....” He turned to face his friend Elisha, anticipating happiness that matched his own, only to find Ensign Royce staring back at him with a not so pleasant look. Jason McDowell was his best friend since the academy years ago. However there where two things he was cursed with. No swa'vy with women,....and BAD TIMING! He was going to be Elishas' pet project.

“ Yeah sure Jason. No problem. “ He turned back to Nardifa smiling. “But um. Let me get squared away first you know. There are somethings I would like to put down in my room first”.

Nardifa, closing her eyes, still smiling, placed her finger up to her lips in a shushing gesture as if they where the only two who knew about their secret love interest. In reality, they both knew that if they where to date, it would have to be on leave, due to the vow of celibacy that all Deltans signed when inducted into Star-Fleet.

The shuttle landed with in the gigantic hanger that was host to hundreds of ships. They were docking on the shuttle section of the station, which was larger then any star-ship's hanger bay they had ever been on. The three of them gathered their bags and equipment. The shuttle door opened and they where greeted with the sounds of a bustling space station. For a moment, they each looked around, taking in the whole vibe of DS5. It was one of the newer stations built after the Dominion War and its current condition indicated such.

It was beauty of a station. All state of the art equipment. Even the uniforms on the service men looked fresh and new. It was his nature as an operations officer to inspect the condition of any Star-Fleet facilities he was on, believing that no matter how well armed or how well manned a star ship or space base could be, if it was not well organized and maintained, all of the rest would be for nothing as the crew scrambled to find a T-138 transition model to make breakfast for the Captain.

The three made there way to the dock master to report in. A three foot platform located by the main turbo lift was where she could be found. They stood in line and with in a few minutes, then they where greeted.

“Welcome to DS5, my I have your I.D cards please”? She announced more like a statement then a request. The blonde Vulcan women reached down and collected the three I.D.'s Within moments, she ran them through the service computer and verified their identification.

“Officer Elisha Royce, you have been assigned quarters, 2515 on deck 25. Operations headquarters are on deck 12. Officer Jason McDowell, your quarters are 2514, also on deck 25. Both of you are to report to department heads with in the next four hours. As for you, Doctor Nardifa, you are to report to the medical coordinator right now”.

Elisha and Nardifa looked at each others in disappointed amazement. Just his luck. The news quieted any aspirations of an extended flirtation session they may had hoped for.

“Well, it looks like we will have to continue this another time Ensign Royce. I wish you the best...Verlona”. Which meant Bestowed with love, She said as she walked away. She tuned back and smiled as she faded into the crowd of workers on the deck. He waved at her then she was gone.
He turned around to Jason, who was looking shaking his head.

“I do not believe you man. We where not even on the base yet and you are trying to score! Man, when are you ever going to settle down man”? His best friend ended with a smile, waiting for Elisha to answer.

“As soon as I find the right one. Who knows, maybe Nardifa is the one.....I mean really, why not Jas..”?

The two burst out in laughter at the statement, for it was the same words that Elisha uttered when ever he met someone in his search for love. With bags in hand they continued on to the turbo lift to their rooms in hope of some good nights rest.