Incommunicado – Resolutions (backpost) Part 1
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   Resolutions (backpost) Part 1
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Fri Feb 17, 2012 @ 3:43pm
Location   Ai'Lani's Quarters
Timeline   SD41, 10:57

His thoughts felt more clear now, and he felt more in control of himself. Ai'lani sat down at his desk and looked at his contact list. Running one anxious hand over his head, with the other he scrolled down until he reached the name he was looking for. He hesitated for a few seconds, and finally hailed Bridget.

Waiting, he sat back and let out a sigh. He glanced over at the door leading to Dominic's room before returning his attention to the viewscreen in front of him.

"Stapleton," a distracted Bridget replied to the hail, without looking up at the caller. She had expected it to be Ben or one of the nurses, giving her an update on Duquesne's status.

She was off duty, and seated at the dining table in her quarters. A small assortment of pads were spread out before her. One tendril of curly auburn hair had strayed into her down-turned face, and she tucked it behind her ear as she looked up to the viewscreen on the nearby wall.

Her hand paused when she saw it was Ai'lani. "Oh. Hello," she smiled nervously. "I hadn't expected it to be you. We're working a case..." she let the thought trail off. He was a reporter, so he probably knew about it already.

"I know," Ai'lani said with a grin. "And, fear not, I'm here to save you!" he announced a little dramatically. "I know you have the day off, so I was hoping you'd join me for lunch at my quarters. We need to talk. And don't worry. The home visit is purely innocent. Dominic is grounded, and knowing him, the minute I walk out, he'll escape."

She puffed up her cheeks with air, then let it escape slowly through her lips, giving herself time to think. "I've got a lot of work to do..."

"You can do it afterwards. I won't keep you long, I promise," he told her honestly before giving her his best puppy-dog eyes. "Please, Bridget?"

Her resolve melted at the look on his face. It was surprising, the effect he could have on her, even through a viewscreen. It also unnerved her a little bit, but not enough to make her choose to stay away. "Ohhhh, alright. I can take a lunch break, yes. Meet you in ninety minutes?" Dom was there, after all. Nothing was going to happen.

"Yes! See you then! Love you, bye!" Ai'lani told her before giving her a wave and cutting off the connection.

"Love you, bye?" Edward's voice repeated. He was standing in the bedroom doorway, a towel wrapped around his waist, his features hard.

"Oh, don't get yourself all twisted up, Ed. It's just a Deltan thing."

"That's what worries me." He turned away and disappeared into the bedroom.

~Here we go again~ Bridget thought, rising from the table to follow him. She sighed heavily, and then spoke while crossing the room. "It doesn't mean the same thing as when we say it."

"Oh really?" He rounded on her, naked. "So tell me, love of my life -- what exactly does it mean when you say it back?"

"No, you don't get it," she said, exasperated. "I don't say it back. I'm not in love with him."

"That's not how it looks to me." He turned away and began dressing for work.

She watched him, silent. She didn't know what to say. Well, what to say that wasn't argumentative, anyway. Everything she could think of was just going to come out as a quip. And if she tried to defend herself further, he was just going to twist her words around.

"I've decided to find an apartment," he said.

"What?" Her ears heard his words but her brain was having trouble processing their meaning.

"You heard me." He tied the lacing of his leather work pants into a bow, and approached her to pass by.

"But... Ed, why?" She put a hand on the chest of his soft, white poet shirt, not so much with force, but pleading.

"Because I'm in the way. You're creating a life for yourself here. One that doesn't appear to include me."

Her eyes brimmed with tears. "No, Ed. Please. That's not what's happening. Please."

He sniffed, his own eyes filling as well. "I don't want to. But I don't want you to be unhappy, Bree. And if you don't want me, then I should let you go."

He didn't resist as she slipped her arms around his waist, pressing her face tight to his chest. "Don't go," she said into his shirt.

"I love you soooo much," he wrapped his arms around her and rested his cheek against her head, while hot tears dropped onto her hair.

"Then don't leave me," came the muffled plea.

"I just..." he swallowed hard. "I just don't know what you want anymore, babe. I can't share you, I can't live like that. It's either me, or not me."

"I'm not looking to sh.... it's not like that. He's just a friend. That's all." She'd turned her head to the side, her voice clearer now.

He pushed her shoulders back so he could look at her face. Her hair was red-gold in the light, and shone like a halo around her face. It made him ache, she was so beautiful. "Then tell me you aren't attracted to him at all. Look me in the eye and tell me that."

Her conflict was evident before she even said a word. He pushed her gently away. "I thought so."

"But it's the pheromones!" She exclaimed as he passed her. "God, you should know." She regretted it as soon as she said it.

"That's a low blow," he said, stopping and looking at the ceiling. He half turned toward her. "You're going to have to choose, Bridget. And I won't wait long." He turned back toward the front door.

"Will you be back in the morning?"

"Are you going to lunch with him?"

Bridget sighed. ~Dammit, he can't dictate who my friends are. I won't be played like that.~ "Yes," she said, her tone flat.

"Then I can't say whether I'll be back or not." He walked out the door without another word.

Bridget stared after him, long past the time the door closed.

- - - - - - - - - -

Tapping his hands on the table a few times, Ai'lani watched the chronometer announce it was 15 minutes past the agreed time Bridget said she'd be over by. Frowning, he took his jacket and put it on, making for the door. "Dominic, don't stray too far, I'm going out for a bit," he told his son, shaking his head as he contemplated what a push-over he was.

Arriving at Bridget's quarters, he chimed the door.

"Enter," she called, hoping it was Ed. She wasn't thinking clearly, otherwise she'd realize that he'd just come in rather than request permission. When the door slid open and she saw it was Ai'lani, her face showed a mixture of disappointment and embarrassment. "Oh Ai'lani... I apologize. I should have called you. Something.... came up." She sniffed convulsively.

Noting her discomfort, Ai'lani tilted his head curiously at her. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Um. Well," she said, deflecting his question. "It's not that important. We had a lunch date, I recall?" She moved off the sofa and smoothed her tunic, ready to go.

"Um...okay. You know you can tell me about it, if you want to, Bridget," he told her, wanting her to know she could trust him. They made their way to Ai'lani's quarters quickly, with the Deltan trying to keep up some small talk. As they reached the last corner to the corridor his quarters were located, they spotted Dominic leaving the room. The boy looked up and frowned when he saw his father. Ai'lani pointed to the door again.

"Dammit..." Dominic muttered, unlocking the doors again and going inside, followed closely by Bridget and Ai'lani.

"Better luck next time, Dommy," Ai'lani said, patting the teenager on the back.

The quarters looked surprisingly neat for quarters inhabited by a single father and his teenage son. They also looked pretty sparse in any kind of decoration.

"We're moving soon," Ai'lani said, anticipating a question about the lack of character.

"Oh?" Bridget looked with curiosity from father to son. "An upgrade in lodgings in your future?"

"Hey, Bridget!" Dominic greeted her.

"That's Doctor Stapleton to you," his father reminded.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to be a big brother!" the teenager announced excitedly.

Her eyebrows shot up at the announcement. Oh really? When?" She looked at the boy but flicked her eyes to Ai'lani and back again. His face hadn't given anything away.

"In about a month or so. I've been trying to adopt for about a year now, and the paperwork finally came through," Ai'ani told her, his voice betraying the nervous excitement he was feeling. "It's a little girl. She's about three now," Ai'lani told her.

"She's so cute!" Dominic added.

"Wow congratulations, you guys. What race is she?" Bridget asked, genuinely curious.

"She's Deltan. Her name is A'ala," Dominic explained as Ai'lani led Bridget into their home towards the set up dining table.

"I'd like to meet her. She'll probably need a physio before she starts preschool, so if you like, I'd be glad to do it." She thought a second and then added as she sat down, "Unless you've already got Kaelin for it."

"No, I haven't had a chance to speak with Kaelin about it yet," Ai'lani told her, watching Dominic sit down on Bridget's right. "Okay, I'm useless with cooking, so it's the replicator for dinner. What would you like, Bridget?"

"Oh, um, how about some shrimp curry?" It was the first thing that came to mind. It also happened to be one of her husband's favorite dishes, and a sudden cloud passed over her features as she recalled that fact. She forced a quick change of mental subject, however, lest A'Lani pick up on her emotions. Besides, she didn't want to talk about it, and welcomed the distraction.

"What are you two having?" She asked.

"Can I have ice cream cake?"

"No, you can't have ice cream cake," Ai'lani told his son.

"Well then I'm not hungry."

"Okay, then you can go in your room and study."

"But my show is on," Dominic argued.

"You should have thought of that before you made Kaelin worry."

"Fine. See you, Bridg-Doctor Stapleton," Dominic told the doctor before pulling himself up from the chair and stalking into his room.

"Chicken salad," Ai'lani ordered. watching it appear in the replicator. "He's a handful. So, are you okay?" Ai'lani asked in quick succession, worried. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked after a moment, a frown gracing his features as he poked his salad.

"No, not at all," she replied, just as quickly. "What did Dominic do that made Kaelin worry?"

"When he was staying with Kaelin he stayed out until 3 am and didn't take his communicator with him. Kaelin was worried sick. After it was done, I took Dominic to a friend who works at the vet's and had him tagged like a dog," Ai'lani told her, eating his lunch slowly. Giving Bridget a moment, he glanced up at her. "I'm kidding, Bridget," he assured her with his usually bright, slightly roguish smile.

"Oh jeez, you had me there!" Relief showed clearly on her face. "I thought you'd actually done it. That really would have pissed Dominic off," she said, then took a bite of her curry. "By the way," she gave a quick nod at his son's closed door, "What's going on with him? He seems more surly since the last time I saw him."

"I don't know. I think part of him is a little worried about the new baby. I thought he'd be past the age of sibling jealousy," Ai'lani admitted, looking over to the door Dominic had disappeared through. "He said no when I asked him if anything was wrong. I think it could just be general teenage angst."

Bridget nodded, a bite of food in her mouth. She swallowed and said, "Jealousy is a powerful motivator, and I guess you're never too old for it. Maybe he's worried that he won't have your undivided attention at home any more."

"I suppose that could be it," Ai'lani nodded, growing uncharacteristically quiet for the next few moment, chewing over his lunch. For once Ai'lani looked a lot more like the grown man, father, that he was and much less like the carefree journalist he acted like. The silence was surprisingly comfortable which, unbeknownst to the Deltan, probably didn't help Bridget's feelings of confusion.

"I'll figure something out," he added after the silence, looking back up at Bridget and meeting her gaze.

"I'm sure you will," she stated, her features concerned. "And knowing you, it'll be crazy, risky, insane -- and Dominic will love it." She smiled and gestured at him with her fork. "You can't resist coming up with things to engage your son in unexpected ways."

Ai'lani smiled back genuinely. "Thanks, Bridget. I'll think of something. So, how have you been? You seem a little upset easier. Are you okay?" he asked her.

She rolled her eyes and pushed her plate away, having known their conversation was going to take a serious turn eventually. Taking a deep breath, she said, "No, not really. I had an argument with Ed just before you showed up. Same stuff, another day," she leaned back against her chair.

"Oh...I'm sorry. What happened?" Ai'lani asked and the concern he felt was obviously genuine by the way he stood up and sat down on Bridget's right, occupying Dominic's chair.

"Well, he --" she started and then hesitated. Emotion was welling up at the memory of her husband's ultimatum. She gave Ai'lani's arm a few pats as she rose from her chair, so he wouldn't think she was rejecting his overture of care for her. But she was unable to sit still. She began to pace across his living room, spilling out the whole story as she walked back and forth, back and forth. The words came in short bursts as she tried to keep herself from breaking down into tears.

She stopped near a wall, facing a large abstract painting. She gazed at it, not really observing it, but using it as a place to look instead of her friend's face. "And then he just left. And I don't know if he'll be back," she said.

Ai'lani sat there for a few seconds before standing up and making his way to Bridget's side, standing there awkwardly for a bit. "I'm sorry, Bridget. This is all my fault," he told her, tears welling up in his azure eyes and the emotions spilling off him.

She smiled sadly as she turned to face him. "Not really," she said and then let out a sigh. "It takes two to tango, as they say. Or three. Or whatever." The smile returned and she said, "But I do appreciate your willingness to claim it." She took a big swipe at her eyes with the palms of both hands. "I'd come to the conclusion that I do want your friendship, even if my husband disapproves."

Ai'lani smiled. "I'm glad. But...I should speak to Edward again. I don't want to get between you."

"It's a little late for that, I think," she countered. "You could only make matters worse. He's got it set in his head that you're the enemy."

"But I'm not!" Ai'lani argued. "And how are we going to make this okay? He has to know I'm not trying to steal you away. The only way to do that is to have a man to man," he pointed out, not seeing any other way out. Bridget was doing her best, and Edward was set in his ways. But Ai'lani was involved too. "I can't just sit around and watch you two fight, Bridget."

Her sad smile returned, evidence of the resignation within and the appreciation for the depth of affection he held for her. "Somehow we'll work it out, Ai'lani. I don't have the answer yet. But we will." She raised a hand instinctively to caress his cheek and then stopped herself, reminded of who and what he was, who and what she was, and the impossibility of the whole situation.

She turned away, conflicted. Dimly she recalled not having been overwhelmed by desire, so assumed he must be using his pheromone inhibitor. The close proximity of their bodies would normally be turning her resistance to mush right about now. "So. Kaelin didn't convince you to stop taking it."

"No." Ai'lani shook his head. "He tried his best, but I have my reasons," he explained with a small shrug. "So, I think I should speak to Edward. I'm sorry, Bridget, but I think that's the only way for us to resolve the whole thing."

"I'm gonna warn you," she said, turning back around to face him. "He's not going to be nice about it." Looking away, she quietly added, "And you'll make it harder for me to talk to him. He'll think I put you up to it."

"But I'll tell him you were against it," he countered. "It's not just about you and Edward, Bridget. This isn't exactly great for me either. I may not look it, but I really don't like having everyone thinking I'm having sex with you."

"Who thinks that?" she demanded, her cheeks growing flush with embarrassment.

"Rumor spreads fast, Bridget. Especially in the Box of Delights. Don't you think Edward also has someone he's confiding in about this the way you are to me? And chances are it's someone at the Box. And let's just say that I get the majority of my journalistic material from people there, so they're hardly the types who keep things to themselves."

She turned away, silent, fuming. She folded her arms. One thing she knew about Edward: he didn't tell other people his problems. Ai'lani was making an assumption without any proof. Just like Kaelin did. Sheesh, for a species that's all about free love, they sure could be a paranoid bunch. But maybe history has given them hard lessons in that regard.

"Well, if you're determined to go talk to him, I wish you luck." She looked over her shoulder at him. "And as far as our reputations are concerned, maybe we shouldn't be seen alone together. It'll just reinforce those rumors. Next time we get together," she said with that sad smile, "bring a chaperone." She followed by jerking her thumb in the direction of Dominic's bedroom door.


A JP by:

Ai'lani Elley
Freelance photojournalist
DS5 (NPC by Maja)


Lt. Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner)
Main Sickbay, DS5


Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy
The Box Of Delights
(NPC by Charlene)