Interlude – Lost And Found
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Lost And Found
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Mon Oct 04, 2010 @ 7:32am
Location   Deep Space Five Sector Space
Timeline   Directly After 'Men In Black Don't know Whack'

Vincent puffed absentmindedly on his cigar, keeping one eye on the flashing blip on the monitor and the other on Jana, who was now teasing Dunham about something that happened on Risa. This whole pursuit had turned rather dull after a quarter of an hour. They did not have enough speed to overtake their target and their target had chosen to keep a steady pace. In between Dunham's reassurances that his ship would hold together, Jana's hinting that she would tell Chelsea about something and Wallace checking and rechecking the charge of his guns, the episode had become a boring one.

And Vincent did not like boring. His pride had been injured by those unknown men who had come in and in an arrogant and authorative manner taken what he and his crewmates had found. On a defiant whim he had slipped his communicator into one of the crates in the hope of being to track those men down and, if not recover the artefacts, then to at least exact some revenge. It had instead turned out into a rather high tech version of the children's game cops and robbers. Until the blip stopped moving.

"Dunham, make your heading 70-42-36. They've stopped," Vincent said. "I don't know why, or what they're doing, but they have definitely stopped."

Jarred looked a console "No transporter activity, minimal power, and no sign they even aware of us."

"Coming about to heading 70-42-36," gliding the ship and banking it to the given Co-ordinates.

"I'm going aboard, Jana take over here," Jarred half jumped out of his seat "I'll keep an open comm in case things get alittle hairy, it might be a good idea to keep the warp drive on stnd by incase of some incendiary surprises." Jarred turned the safety off of a phaser rifle, "here we go."

"Don't do anything stupid Jarred, Claire and the children need you!" She called out and took over the sensor console Jarred was manning.

"Hey its me." Jarred said with a cheesy grin "What could go wrong?"

"That's my point Jarred." She laughed.

Dunham rubbed his forehead with a groan at the exchange of cheesy lines "Just get on with it." he said grumpily.

"Energizing" Jarred said as the transporter cycled on, moments later he rematerialized on the ship, he lifted his rifle and lowered the mic on his head set, "The ship is on evac alert, I'm moving towards the cargo bay right now."

Vincent was checking his sensors and giving Jarred instructions from the ship. "OK, head north, Jarred. You're path is clear."

Jana turned to Vincent and whispered, "One of the artifacts is still aboard..."

"Hmm," Vincent said stroking his chin. "I distinctly remember there being more than one artifact when we started. I wonder what happened to the rest of them?"

"Confirmed, moveing out." Jarred walked slowly and deliberately, only stoping when he was close to a door or corridor, as he approached the door he reached down and pulled out his tricorder, "One object matching description of artical number 104 bravo, begining entry to hold." Jarred held up the tricorder to the lock pannel and flipped out what looked like an antenna from this tricorder after a couple of commands he was in.

"Room is empty accept for one item, securing object moving to the engine room." As he walked out of the room he leveled his rifle again and started the slow methodical walk again the two hundred meters too the engine room, it was on minimal lighting as well accapt for one pannel, "Emergency beam out, emergency beam out now!"

Jana gasped and started the beam out. She watched him materialise. "what happened?" Jana asked.

Dunham grabbed the fire extinguisher from under his flight control unit, and began to use it on his console, that had promptly began to fizz and spark with flame from the power drain of an emergency beam out. With a few shots of fire suppression gas, and a sturdy kick to the control panel, the unit came back on. Dunham gave a satisfied smile.

"Warp core breach in less than sixty seconds, can we get the hell out of here!?" Jarred called as he tossed his gear towards his duffle bag.

"Yep, one sec....." said Dunham as he promptly took out a hammer from under his seat and then whacked it ungracefully against the Warp core injection assembly. "Lets rock and roll." said Dunham as he deftly undertook what he did best; Flying. He typed away at the controls and the ship lurched into emergency warp, he had used the ships emergency slam engine, were they were then hurled out of the blast range of the explosion.

"Looks like they missed one item, but they got rid of most of the evidence." Jarred commented as the distant flash of the exploding ship.

"Where is the artifact Jarred?" She asked scared that it was left behind on the ship that was nothing more than dust on their viewscreen.

"Over with my bag, I think its a communications device or something." Jarred motioned.

Jana left her console and begin digging through Jarred's bag. She rolled her eyes when she saw how full of weapons the duffel back was. "Were you preparing for the Fourth World War?" She asked when she took the artifact out and began studying it. "You are right about it being a communications device...but it also can track as well."

Jana sat back down and began fiddling with the artifact. "The tracking device is on, I need to turn it off before we head back to the base."

Jarred took off his gun belt, and put it down on the chair behind him "Nope I've spent my time wading in the swamps, I'm thinking about leading a resistance cell next time, better hours."

"You know what Claire would say to you." Jana replied. "I think it is safe now. Unless they know who we are they shouldn't be able to track this back to the station..."

Vincent turned off his screen as the last blip faded. Walking over to Jarred's bag, he asked, "Do you mind?". After a nod from Jarred, Vincent opened it, took his commbadge out and reaffixed it to his chest. Tapping it several times he grunted, "It needs a new battery, but it seems to be OK. At least I'm back in uniform again."

"So should a plot a course for home?" asked Dunham curiously, as he wondered what the origin story was behind the alien device.

"I would love to go home it. I will put this in a secure lab and work on it from there." Jana smiled up at her friend.

"Setting a course for home" said Dunham as he diligently pressed buttons on the flight control panel in front of him, and only once having to hit.


Lt Commander Richard Dunham


Lt. Jana Kasikova


Lt Jarred Wallace


Lt Vincent Tan