Time is Fleeting – Aces Low
by Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Talla H'Rhar

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Title   Aces Low
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Talla H'Rhar
Posted   Fri Oct 23, 2009 @ 9:25pm
Location   USS Sarek >> Follow on from Aces High
Timeline   M3 MD6 08.50

He had no time or control of his vessel to move out of its way ~Hell!~. He thought to himself. He whispered a prayer then pulled the ejection cord. The fighter exploded on impact against the Sarek's shields in a fireball. Shooting out of this fireball like a cork from a champagne bottle was Dunham. Broken, Burnt and beaten.


A few moments before the small fighter appeared from nowhere, the shields automatically raised to full and the red alert sounded.
Commander Aaron Guilder, the pink haired executive officer was momentarily confused and looked at Captain Talla H'Rhar for confirmation, as he believed it was a drill.

Talla too saw the fighter appear, mistakenly thinking it had been cloaked and had the defensive systems respond. Somehow. She rose to her feet, looking back at the operations officer. The duty officer was busy checking his readings, not noticing the Captain. Had this been a drill, the operations chief would've known by now. Crossing eyes with Guilder, the Andorian shook her head. No drill.

Seeing the Captain shake her head, Guilder knew it was no drill. He stood and his hand slapped his chest and the comm badge emblazoned upon it.

=^= "All hands, brace for impact. Medical teams to standby. Engineering prepare to bolster shield strength." He turned to the tactical officer, Ensign Vinnie Crow.
"Ensign, full scans." But by the time the orders were given, the small fighter ship had already hit the shields and disintegrated.
The Sarek rocked slightly at the collision and a second later, a transponder beacon began to sound.

"Shields down to 60%, I have the transponder, one person, he looks hurt, vitals very low, transporting to sickbay...now." Vinnie said.

Vinnie tapped the controls and he saw that transport had been initiated, he tapped his commbadge. "Ensign Crow to sickbay transporting one directly to you, his vitals are not good."

Ch'Nai had been listening on the bridge. There was a lot more going on here than a simple misfire or simulation, that much was clear. But how was one person floating in space? A ship?

"Are there any other vessels in the area?" He asked.

"Negative," Talla replied, "sensors are not picking up anything....yet."

"Ensign, full sensor sweep." Aaron said to Crow, turning to Talla.

"Captain, I think we should move a little further away from the Station." He said nodding to the celestial class base ahead. "And maybe Ch'Nai should go and question the pilot; he could prove to be most helpful." Guilder advised.

"Already on it Commander." Vinnie said his fingers flying across the board.

Ch'Nai nodded. "I'll head down to sickbay and see if I can get any answers." He said and strode quickly to the lift.

Vinnie checked the sensors several times and shook his head. "Commander, there’s too much interference out there, and it’s getting worse. I think moving away from the station might help things."

=^= Medical Emergency, Incoming transported patient, critical condition, transferring direct to HDU1 =^= the alert sounded on the comms of the CMO and ACMO and flashed across the med panels and crash-team summoners.

Medical Officer, Lt. Commander Philip Rivers responded immediately, breaking off mid-sentence and hurrying to the High Dependency section of the Main Sickbay, past a team taking a patient to other way on a hover-gurney and straight through a sterilization arch into the bay where the patient was materializing.

He was joined there by Dr. Dawson.

"What do we have here?" Dawson enquired as he approached. "And who are you?" Lucas was certain he knew every medical officer, but of course this could be an intern he hadn't seen before.

"Lt. Comdr Philip Rivers, Sir” Phil replied. "I recently transferred from the USS River, I'm sure you will remember my papers Doctor? You requested someone with a background in research and development and I'm accredited with five published papers on prostatic disease; renal dysfunction; hypoglycaemic index and pre-diabetes; hypertension and infant hydrocaephalis."

Aries was already on the scene where the patient would be arriving, mostly because he had been expecting something like this to happen when the ship started rocking back and forth after the impact. He sighed and groaned through gritted teeth as he watched the other Medical Officers arrive, one old face, and a new one that didn’t give off the proper vibes with Aries. His form today had been a young Benzite, but upon seeing this new person who didn’t set well with him for some reason, he instead chose a form he felt comfortable with around a new person, yet wouldn’t give the patient too much of a fright; that is if they don’t mind a black Caitian tending them. His soft features were soothing, yet held a dominating air as he looked the new officer over.

“What’s the situation Lucas?” he asked calmly, giving the other another glance.

Lucas started visibly upon the sight of the feline, and then smiled. "Ah, cat mood today doctor?" he queried cheerfully. "I don't know what the situation is yet...I'm still waiting for Doctor Rivers to explain his presence. All I know is we got a medical emergency."

When Ch’Nai entered sickbay he saw the three doctors standing around like they were waiting for the perfect hand of poker to be dealt. He noticed the Caitian and assumed that it was Aries. Lucas was staring at Rivers who seemed to be at a loss for words.

“Not like you to be quiet Rivers.” He said, walking up to the three medical professionals. He turned to Dawson. “Well, if everyone’s been introduced I’d like to talk to the patient.”


On the bridge, there were various reports coming in and Aaron sat back, folded his leg across his knee and waited for H'Rhar to retake her seat.
He slowly played with his hand, especially the missing digit.

"Captain, I hate to bring this up, but there is something not ..." He searched for the word he wanted and settled on "Awry with DS5. I know I said no probes, but we need to know what is going on over there. That ship appeared from nowhere and its pilot will have a lot of answers to our questions. If we had not already been on alert....well, I dread to think of the consequences." He did not look in the Captains direction, he didn't need to, and he could sense that she was as confused as he was. "We cannot launch a shuttle to the station now, it's too dangerous." He turned his whole body to face her. "Maybe we should take ourselves a little closer?" He questioned his own recommendation.

"While I don't think it's a wise idea, I agree that it may be necessary. Helm, get us closer to DS5, one quarter impulse."

"Aye Ma'am quarter impulse and close on the space-station, will approach from Their Starboard quad." so this was what the dayshift was like. Jaxom had a feeling his boring days were a thing of the past.

"Steady as she goes. Aaron, take the ops station please." The Andorian fixed her gaze on the screen. "Keep hailing the station, I want to talk to Tahir."

"Aye" Aaron replied, moving to Ops as requested and began a series of sensor scans.

Captain Talla H'rhar
CO: USS Sarek

Lieutenant Lucas Dawson, MD (PNPC)
Assistant chief medical officer
played by Talla

Commander Aaron Guilder
XO: USS Sarek

Ensign Vinnie Crow

Lt. Cmdr. Philip Rivers
Medical Officer - USS Sarek
Played by Jools / DS5 CMO

Lieutenant JG Ch'Nai Comangitsum
Played by Kentar

Lt Richard Dunham
The body DS5 Pilot

Dr Aries Dillaton
ACMO - USS Sarek.
Played by Ensign 8 of 12

Ensign Jaxom Draco
Flight Chief
USS Sarek