Beg, Steal or Borrow – First Assignment
by Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   First Assignment
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sat Jul 04, 2009 @ 5:43pm
Location   ds5
Timeline   SD - 9


Chris was walking down the hall thinking off his meeting with the Romulan Diplomat thinking it was more like pulling teeth. He tapped on the turbo lift and tapped his combadge and said "Warrant Officer Hudnall to Lieutenant Commander Gabriel."

"Gabriel here," He responded.

Chris walked out of the turbo lift and said "I talked to the Romulans would you like me to come to your office and fill you in?"

Gabriel looked up from the report that he was drafting and checked the chronometer. He had time. "Yes, report to my office immediately." Gabriel ordered.

Chris walked down the hall to Commander Gabriel's office the door opened and Chris walked in the door shut behind him. Chris stood up straight and said "Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall reporting sir."

Gabriel sat back in his chair. "So what did our pointed-ear friends have to say?" Gabriel asked. "I'm sure they demonstrated their magnanimous ability to obfuscated and equivocate." he said.

Chris replied "yes, they said that they had no idea what happened and that and I quote,

'It was an overreaction from this station and that we needed clean up our own nest, and that his government take's no involvement.'

Chris remained standing while looking at the Commander "I tried to get straight answers but he wasn't given any no matter what i said, sorry sir." Hudnall said "I'll try again if you like?"

Gabriel looked at the ceiling for a few moments before responding. "No, you've done enough. Hopefully you've learned to never believe a word that comes out of a Romulan's mouth. You're dismissed, I'm sure Tan has something to involve you with." Gabriel stated.


Lt. Cmdr
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Warrant Officer
Christopher Hudnall
Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer