Things Past – Moving in Part 2
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt

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Title   Moving in Part 2
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Posted   Sat Nov 24, 2012 @ 2:31pm
Location   Crew quarters
Timeline   Old
Lillian embraced her daughters hug, it had been a long time since she had seen them both and to be back together as a family again after so long she couldn't but help let out tears of joy run down her cheek. The hug seemed to last an eternity and when the pair finally released their grip Luke moved over and with a smile kissed her on the lips.

"What are you crying for!?" he asked holding her waist gently.

Lillian"I'm just so happy to see us all back together again" She splattered out with more tears rolling down her red cheeks before she went into her pocket and took out a tissue and wiped them away. "I'm sorry" she apologized "I'm just being silly, I've unpacked most of your things and i went out and brought back some decorations it was very gloomy in here"Lillian said pointing over to he pit of flowers on the desk.

"Thanks mum!" Abby said disappearing into one of the rooms.

"Thankyou, and the flowers look beautiful! W'ere going to be able to settle right at home here" Luke said holding Lillian closer now.

Abby ruffled through her drawers, knowing her mum she would have unpacked everything all wrong. Opening the top one she sighed "MUM!" she shouted and waited to here her walk into the room before holding up a pair of socks in one hand and a top in the other "Since when did socks go with tops!?" she joked shaking her head.

"I didn't think their was a universal law on how to pack drawers!" She moaned defending herself "Anyway if i remember rightly when you was younger you used to wear 2 pairs of socks one on your feet and the other on your hands" she arched one of her eye brows and stuck her tongue out"

"HEY! I am sure you make these things up" Abby retaliated and closed the drawers and looked down at her bed, "Urgh what a dull color!" she moaned as her dad appeared int he door way. "Whats wrong with grey and white!" he joked annoyingly.

"Whats right with it!" Abby said batting back the sarcastic comment.

"Well why don't we go out and find ourselfs some new ones?" Lillian suggested "it'll give your dad chance to go make his rounds and introduce himself to his new colleagues"

"That sounds like a good idea" Luke added "And then we can all go out for a meal tonight?" he suggested.

Abby let out a massive grin "I'm going to love it here!" she walked over and hugged them both before moving back into living room and stood over by the door "Well come on then mum!"

Lillian looked at Abby and rolling her eyes looked at Luke "She sounds more like me every time i see her" she kissed him on the lips before he could reply and picked up her bag and made her way with Abby out the door leaving luke alone in the room.
