Interlude – Romulans 101
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Romulans 101
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Thu Jun 10, 2010 @ 6:05pm
Location   Romulan Consulate/Gymnasium
Timeline   SD23, Early Morning

With so much happening around the Consulate in the last few days, the Gai'Shian squad of ten couldn't help but enjoy some well deserved time in the gymnasium. Though most would've preferred something more relaxing, their squad leader had insisted on fitting in some overdue unarmed training exercises. The full reason for his order was only made clear to the men once they had reached the designated area and saw that Arrain t'Merek was participating.

It wasn't a big mystery that Uhlan Saren held a soft spot for the Security Chief as he made no great effort to hide it. In fact, the only person who really seemed oblivious was the young woman herself.

The exercise went well and, since it wasn't a formal training session, everyone was mostly relaxed, joking around and sharing their own techniques with one another openly.

Rianni, intending to spend a little time on the heavy bag and take a steam, was surprised when she found the gym filled with other Romulans. Not wanting to disturb then she quietly entered intending to go about her business unnoticed.

But, of course, that didn't work as the dozen officers ceased what they were doing to salute the erie'Riov as she entered.

~What the frack are they doing?~ Rianni wondered for a second, then remembered, ~Oh, yeah!~ "As you were." She instructed, "Carry on."

With a nod, they went back to their workout. Finally, Arrienye motioned for Saren to come forward.

"Alright, now. On taking down a larger enemy," she motioned to the man, who was a good head taller than her. Taking up a defensive position, she motioned for him to attack. Without hesitation he struck. But, Arrienye was fast, very fast. Before he knew it, she'd blocked and slammed her fist into his chest. With the air gone from his lungs, he could barely notice her next attack - a kick to the side of his knee - and simply found himself on the floor. The others winced, knowing that he would definitely feel the effect in the morning.

Rianni nodded and smiled, then clapped, "Very good, Arrain." She smiled, "Tell me, would you like to see how they taught us to do it on Parris Island?"

"Parris Island?" Arrienye asked curiously, turning her attention to the woman. Meanwhile, Saren made a slow recovery, managing to somehow push himself off the floor.

"Yeah, Parris Island." Rianni nodded, "I was a Marine, and we live for this stuff."

"Seems you are still alone, Arrain," Saren teased and Arrienye gave him a smirk before turning back to the erie'Riov. "Alright, then show us how you did it on Parris Island," Arrienye said, offering herself as the opponent.

"Not a problem." Rianni smirked, taking a ready position and waiting for the Arrain's attack.

Assessing her opponent, Arrienye thought through her technique before launching into her assault, going for a punch before simply using the contact she made for leverage to pull kick towards the woman's middle.

Blocking the kick with her left forearm, a Goju strike block technique, Rianni then planted a palm heel strike into the Arrain's chest before sweeping her other leg out of it's planted position.

With a thud, Arrienye landed on her back, blinking up at the ceiling. " very effective," she admitted.

Rianni smiled, extending a hand to help her opponent back to her feet, "It's called Goju, they teach us that and Krav Maga, even the blocks are strikes. The whole thing is designed for a smaller person to be able to take down a larger opponent. I'd be glad to share my limited knowledge with you, not that any of you would really need it."

Taking the offered hand, Arrienye pulled herself up, pulling at her form fitting top to straighten it. "More never hurts," she said, knowing she could speak for all of them in this. Before she could speak further, Saren approached.

"Arrain, an hour has passed. We must return to our duties," he said. Arrienye nodded. "Dismissed," she allowed and, with a salute to the two Galae officers, the Gai'Shian squad left.

"It was nice to meet all of you." Rianni added, turning to the Arrain, "erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian, it's nice to meet you, as well."

"Arrain Arrienye t'Merek," the other replied with a nod. "You are Admiral tr'Khellian's daughter," she observed.

"And you are the Ambassador's Chief of Security." Rianni nodded, "Your cousin was the one who helped my sister take care of me after my injury."

"Yes," Arrienye nodded. "tr'Tahn. The new Political officer on your ship," she added.

"Really?" Rianni raised an eyebrow, she hadn't heard anything about that. She knew there would be a political officer on the ship, the Tal shiar is on every Romulan ship, but she hadn't given it too much thought, ~Well, at least it's good to have one that I have a connection to if I have to have one.~ "Well, I suppose I should send him a congratulations present, along with one to thank him for his efforts in saving my life."

Arrienye raised an eyebrow back. ~She doesn't know who the Political officer is on her own ship?~ she thought, but decided not to comment of course. "I believe meeting him should be sufficient," she said gently.

"Yeah, only this time I'll try not to bleed on his clothes." Rianni laughed, hoping Arrienye would join her, ~It would be nice to see if she even knows how to smile.~

But she didn't laugh. Or smile. She nodded instead, saying "I'm sure he would appreciate the effort."

~Wow, nothing.~ Rianni thought in disbelief, "So, what about you? What does Arrienye t'Merek do for fun?"

"I'm afraid I'm still very new to the Station and have not found many sources of fun yet," Arrienye admitted, reaching up to let her jet black hair loose. "Besides, I've been very busy lately," she added.

"Yeah, I know the feeling." Rianni laughed, "Well, there's a Romulan cafe on the promenade, and there's always the box of delights. Lots of things to see and do."

"I've been to the Box of Delights. Once," she added at the end, remembering her drunken night with the Cardassian Chief of Staff.

"Oh? Enjoy yourself?" Rianni asked, though she had a hard time picturing Arrienye getting crazy.

"It experience," Arrienye admitted, running her fingers through her hair to get it out of her blue eyes.

"Yeah, I had a few experiences in such places when I was a young officer myself." Rianni laughed, "The secret is not to dwell on it."

"Easier said than done," Arrienye pointed out, resting her hands in front of her, unsure of what to say next.

"What's wrong?" Rianni asked, placing a hand comfortingly on Arrienye's shoulder.

But Arrienye flinched, but only slightly, glancing at her hand before looking up at her. "Nothing," she assured her.

"Okay." Rianni nodded. She knew there were two kinds of nothing, the one that was really nothing and the one that meant you didn't want to talk about it, and this was the last one, "Well, if you decide you want to talk to someone about it, I'm not hard to find."

"Yes, ma'am," Arrienye said with a nod, though her tone clearly indicated she found the offer a bit inappropriate.

"Okay." Rianni sighed, she could pick up where Arrienye's attitude was going on this and wasn't going to press and make it awkward, "Okay, so, I'm going to the Box of Delights for breakfast, guess I'll see you later."

Arrienye nodded. "Have a good day, ma'am," she told her, going back to her workout.


JP by

erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Security Chief
Romulan Consulate

with Gai'Shian squad (NPCed by t'Merek)