Judgement – Future Perfect
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Future Perfect
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Aug 09, 2011 @ 12:16am
Location   500,000 KM from DS5
Timeline   SD39 07:29

From afar, the battle damaged ship continued scans of the station hoping they were far enough away to avoid detection.
“Commander, the station is huge but its beacon registers as United Federation of Planets.” The yellow shirted tactician advised.

“Impossible, there is no Federation station this far out.” The Commander replied standing as she moved towards the viewscreen rubbing her hands together. “Check your scans.” She ordered as she tapped at the console on the helm. “Watch your distance.” She advised the helmsman.

“Ma’am.” The helmsman responded as he made a minor course correction and held station keeping. “Still nothing approaching from us from any direction and so far, we appear to avoiding any undue attention.” He advised the female commander.

The Commander moved back to the single centre chair and sat, her hand rubbing at her chin in confusion as she studied the evidence that was presented to her.
“Mr Cousins, I can see several vessels around the station, what identification signatures are you getting from them?” She questioned.

The tactician tapped at his console, separating the signatures and raised his brow before speaking.
“Ma’am, several. Federation ships. Civilian trade ships, Romulan, Cardassian, Vulcan, Tellerite and several that I cannot identify and I have never seen before.” He said as he placed both hands on the desk and leant forward.

“What?” The Commander replied as she herself leant forward as if by doing so, she would be able to see from here.
“Magnify sector 344.” She requested as her hands fell to each knee.

The screen zoomed in on an Intrepid class Starship.

“I don’t recognise that class of ship.” The Helmsman, Lieutenant Gary Ashton stated matter of factly.

“Nor I Lieutenant.” Commander Burrel responded in a restrained tone as she again rubbed her chin. “Maximum magnification, try and see the registry on that ship.” She ordered as the screen wavered and the registry came into view. “NCC 87….3….6..5!” She exclaimed as she figured out the barely legible numeral on the ships hull and tapped at her communication channel.

=^= “Captain Buckley, please report to the bridge.” =^= She invited her captain to witness the events that were unfolding before them.

In the Captain quarters, the Captain was in the middle of having his arm attended to by the ships surgeon, Doctor Amanda Taylforth.

“Sorry doctor, duty calls.” He apologised as he tugged on a fresh uniform.
The physician held his arm in check.
“If I have to order you to stay, I will.” She barked as she struggled against her Captain to keep his hands from interfering with the microstitching on the severe laceration to his upper arm. “Just make sure you don’t put any stress on that arm until I have finished suturing that wound back together. Make your way to sickbay as soon as you’re finished on the bridge!” She ordered placing a medical gauze across the wound and he knew she meant it.

“Aye doctor, as soon as.” He said as he rose from the bed and tapped his communication console.

=^= “On my way.” The captain replied and gave a salute to Amanda as he left his quarters.

Captain Paul Buckley, in command of the USS Horatio, registration number NCC 4893 had been monitoring the bridge chatter as soon as they had come out of warp. Having just fought off the Klingon battle cruiser he had managed to initiate warp just as they were being pincered by two fresh cruisers. One had fired a photon torpedo, which had caused the warp field to partially collapse and they found themselves in a warp tunnel that was closing behind them. It was Ashtons quick thinking, releasing hydrogen and exploding it that had stabilised the tunnel, but it had also propelled them along at a fantastic rate. What they had planned to be a short hop, had thrown them far beyond their original destination, the border of the neutral zone. Where they were now, they had no idea. Paul had left his first officer in charge whilst he had returned to his quarters to have his injury seen to b the ships surgeon.

The door to the turbo lift opened and Paul stepped in, straightening his wrap over green shirt and ensured he had his phaser belt strapped correctly to his side but without a sidearm.

The red doors parted on the bridge as he stepped out.

“Captain on the bridge.” Cousins reacted and announced as the Captain stepped from the lift.

Commander Burrel, a woman nearing forty years of age, stood and relinquished the command chair to the Captain.
“Sir, the station is apparently federation, but the registry numbers of the orbiting craft are not in our database, nor the designs. There are nearly Forty ships around the station and from what our sensors can tell, at least another two hundred inside.” She advised as she stepped back to allow Captain Buckley access to his seat.

“Weapons?” He enquired as he sat in the single chair.

“Immense and again, some we are not familiar with. Photon cannons, phaser cannons and technology far beyond ours.

“Helm, compare star charts.” He ordered as he stared at the registry number of the ship that was displayed on the screen. “Have we been scanned or contacted?” He asked the communications and tactical officer.

“No sir, not yet but we are still a distance from the behometh.” Cousins advised awaiting further instruction.

Buckley bit at his lower lip as one hand rubbed at the side of his leg the other hovering over the communicator.

“Sir,” The Helmsman began, “Stars are mostly aligned to ours, but there are some minor discrepancies.” He reported.

“Minor?” Buckley questioned, “how minor?” He pursued.

Ashton cleared his throat. “In this sector, which we have not yet fully scanned, there are twenty two less stars than previous readings, if I have my navigation co-ordinates correct. The Paulson Nebula is 4 degrees off position and Sol is two point eight.” He swung his chair about to look at Buckley.

Buckley ruminated knowing exactly what had happened but not thinking it possible.
~ Time travel can only be attained by a solar slingshot. We travelled via a warp tunnel which would only affect speed. ~ He thought to himself but was in no doubt, that had now found themselves in the future.

The Captain threw open the floor.

“Opinions?” He queried as he looked around his crew.

“Too early to make an uneducated guess,” Burrel opted the easy way out. She also knew that they appeared to be at a point in the future.

“Agreed.” Sided Cousins.

Ashton stumbled, not realising that his colleagues were not sounding out their thoughts.
“I Believe,” He began, swivelling his chair around once again to look directly at Buckley, “we have travelled through time, sir.”

The Commander stared hard at the Helmsman, but he was not looking at her.

“My thoughts too.” The Captain concurred as he stood from his chair. “Move us in ten thousand metres.” He ordered, as his hand pointed to the left of the screen, “Keep us to the left and we shall monitor traffic before deciding on our next move. Constant scans and remain cloaked.” He ordered as he nodded his head at the Commander and eyed to the conference room.

Catherine Burrel gave a single acknowledging nod and led the way to the room, despite her own anxiety she remained outwardly calm.


Crew of the USS Horatio
Captain Paul Buckley
Commander Catherine Emma Burrel
Helm & Navigation – Lt Gary Edward Ashton
Tactical – Lt Commander Brian John Cousins
Medical – Doctor Amanda Taylforth