Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Hearts & Minds
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Hearts & Minds
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 1:04am
Location   Office of Counselor Kasikova
Timeline   SD3
As the rest of her shift filed out Alison remained at her station, she’d told them she had to finish up and that she’d join them in the bar once she was done.

In reality she had an appointment that she did not want to broadcast; the counsellor!

Ever since Simon had walked out on her and announced that he was moving to a starship position where he could be with her and that he wanted a divorce, Alison had withdrawn, she still made friends, but she didn’t really invite them to be close to her, and men, well, most men, she suspected.

It was with a deep breath and some trepidation that Alison rang the counslor’s door chime, but she understood that she needed to talk to someone, or else explode.

Zorana had already had a long day and looking forward to a nice bubble bath, of course after her last appointment of the day. She was ready to meet yet another member of the starbase.

Zorana had only worked on a small ship and saw the occasional crew member (other than the stress assessments she did every year). She was the captain's 'right side man' - other than the commander. This...was a whole different ball game but she was looking forward to the challenge, not to mention the heavy workload, this would be welcome so she could forget some aspects of her own life.

"Come in." She replied.

“I’m so glad you found the time for me,” Alison gushed, “I know how hard it is when things run over at the end of the day.” She hovered, her strict English upbringing forbidding her from sitting before invited.

"Please have a seat." She motioned Alison to take a seat near her desk. "I'm glad that I can be of service." She sat back down behind her desk.

"Thanks," Alison said, taking the chair. "I'm sorry its such short notice, just my usual counselor has gone on vacation. I think I wore her out," she added with a nervous chuckle.

"Not a problem, not a problem." Zorana waved off the apology and smiled. "What can I do for you today Alison?"

"Oh, you probably know nothing about me," Alison said. "It that I was just thinking a lot about my husband ... my ex husband ... I know that he wanted the divorce and that he left me for someone else but I, well, I ..."

Alison paused mid garble and apologised again. "I know I shouldn't feel guilty about it, but there's a man ... I quite like him," she said.

Zorana could sympathize with Alison to an extent. She knew what is was like to be left and she was battling her own demons because of it. "Why not see what happens with this other man?" She asked matter of factly. "Afterall, your ex-husband doesn't have a hold you does he?"

She shook her head, "No, and I think he, the new man does like me. He's very - dashing," Alison said, feeling herself colour. "So was Simon ... I don't want to be chasing someone just because they remind me of someone from the past."

"But is that the only thing that this man has in common with Simon, the fact that he is dashing? If he is quite a bit like Simon I would say that you are rebounding off your ex-husband, otherwise I would say have fun and see where this leads you." Zorana smiled and leaned back into her chair.

“Well, I tend to jump into these things with an open heart, though that’s been hard since Simon left. Everyone’s nice but I don’t seem to be able to connect with them in the same way I did in my last place. I think I’m a bit scared of letting anyone in.”

"It is an understable feeling not wanting to trust and let people in. It's hard to let people in when you have your heart broken the way you have. I can speak from personal experience...*sigh* but of course this is about what you are going through, not me, I'm just speaking from personal experience."

“I’ve been avoiding his shop. Did I say he has a shop on the promenade? After we first met we used to have tea when I came off shift, then he asked me on a proper date and that’s when I started avoiding him. Am I just using Simon as an excuse? They’re nothing like each other really. Simon was a Starfleet Engineer, Giles is an archaeologist, they could hardly be more different,” Alison said.

"Alison, my professional opinion and personal opinion are the same; Go have fun! See where this leads. Maybe there will be something there between you two and maybe not but if you just walk away you will always wonder 'what if...' " Zorana smiled and hoped that her advice was of some help to the woman that was sitting across from her.

Alison returned the counselor’s smile, she did not know why she felt the need to have someone else’s approval for her decision, but now it was given she felt a lot better it. “That’s so true. Thank you, thank you so much What’s the worst that could happen!” she grinned sincerely, feeling she meant it for the first time in weeks.


Lieutenant JG Zorana Kasikova


Lt. JG Alison Bennett (NPC played by Louise)