Intermission – Out of the Frying Pan...
by Lieutenant JG Melazar Trogan

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Title   Out of the Frying Pan...
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Melazar Trogan
Posted   Wed Jul 17, 2013 @ 8:04pm
Melazar ran along the corridors in a huff Cardassian voices chasing after him. Disrupters charged up and ready...

Only an hour ago Melazar had uncovered a rather nasty truth one the Cardassians wouldn't want uncovered... He had found out it had been the Cardassians themselves in disguise that had driven the young girl to plant that bomb, they had told her who the Ambassador was and what he had done. They even provided her the bomb itself, letting her plant it and be their spacegoat knowing full well the Ambassador would never look at his own people as traitors.

Melazar huffed as he pulled around another corner just keeping ahead of them it was the fact he wasn't known that well that had let him get as close as he did and with a PADD and a hidden microphone he had all the evidence he needed, that is if he could live long enough to deliver it, he had even managed to make two copies, but he was currently in civilian dress and couldn't call for help. His only advantage was that he was quite a bit more lithe then them and he saw his opportunity up ahead an opening to the Jeffries tubes, he quickly slid inside and closed it behind him quietly moving up enough so they wouldn't see him.

Lucky for him it worked and they ran by the cover without so much as stopping he had been just enough ahead of them they didn't see him enter...

Now he made his way through the Jeffries tubes and to the Commander she would need to know first, then the Ambassador himself.


Lieutenant jg Melazar Trogan