We All Fall Down – Carrot or Stick?
by Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Carrot or Stick?
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Aug 25, 2014 @ 8:08pm
Location   CO's Quarters
Timeline   WAFD D02 O1:25

"Ma'am?" Isha's Yeoman looked up from her terminal. "I have Admiral Fassik on subspace to speak to you."

Isha turned to Tahhk. "Have you any idea who this person is?"

The Vulcan shook his head with the slightest emphasis. "I suggest you find out by answering the message.

"Such insight," Isha replied. "Put Admiral Fassik through please."

The screen flared to life, revealing the Tellarite male with his neatly trimmed beard. "Commander t'Vaurek," he had a clipped somewhat nasal tone. "Thank you for answering promptly." That fact seemed to annoy him. Tellerites loved having something to complain about.

"Given the unusual nature of your command, we have sent you a Strategic Operations Specialist, to assist you in carrying out your duties."

Isha turned her head towards Takkh, "In addition to the Independant shadowing Officer I specifically requested? Starfleet are taking no chances after our problems yesterday."

She had no idea what the Vulcan was thinking, nor did she really care. That Starfleet was sending more eyes concerned her a little. Tha shre would keep to herself.

Then she returned her attention to the Tellerite's reply.

"Takkh is there to smooth and reassure within Deep Space Five. Given the frontier nature of of your command and the various activities both civilian and military within the wider area of several major powers, it was felt that someone with more experience of the peacekeeping demands of Starfleet would be an advisable addition to your crew."

Isha drew in a breath. He could not be more wrong, as Tahhk was answerable alreadt to the Admirality on her conduct and suitability. Isha chose not to make an issue of that. Tahhk, after all was still on sabbatical on official grounds - how like them to burden her twice.

"I am aware of the nature of my command," Isha stated, "Why don't you save both our time and put me through to Admiral Fassik."

A voice off screen said, "thank you, Yeoman." The Tellerite stood, and vacated the chair at the desk, and an Efrosian sat down. "Apologies for the deception, Commander, but I wanted to see if you ability to detect bullshit dressed in officialdom was as good with Federation bureaucracy as it is with that of your homeworld."

Fassik adjusted his uniform and leant forward towards the camera. "But we were being truthful when we said you would be getting Strategic Operations officer. We are expecting an increase in activity in your area and want you to have a dedicated liason for them."

Isha closed her eyes briefly, then turning to the screen she straightened.

Her hair was cropped to her shoulders, and her facial expression staid - for anyone who did not know here orignins, they would have said Vulcan - the 'nehru' style of her long line uniform jacket taken as a twist on her own heritage, whilst meeting Starfleet guidelines.

"Under the circumstances, Admiral Fassik, the aid of additional experienced officers will be a bonus to us. Tahhk has his role to observe and then report back, an independent verification of operations, independent of the independent adviser will, I believe, help to satisfy the requirements of Starfleet."

Even Isha could not help ending that with a tonal question mark.

The Efrosian laughed. "Diplomatically put, t'Vaurek. Wheels within Wheels, thats all I can say. Commander Soran should be with you by the end of the day. She will be co-ordinating all fleet activity in the area, whether romulan or Starfleet. I trust you will make her welcome. You're in for a busy time, Commander. You'll need her."

And with everyone watching me, who will watch them? Isha wondered.

"Was there anything else, Admiral?" she asked.

"Not at this time Commander. She should be with you shortly."

"Then please request that Commander Soran reports to me when she arrives."

The Efrosian grinned. "The trick, commander, will be keeping her away."


A jp Between

Admiral Fassik
Starfleet Command
(NPC by Notty)

Isha T'Vaurek
Comandinhg Officer