Cascade – Dinner Date
by Arrival Atlana Durak & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Arrival Sarish Anjar

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Title   Dinner Date
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Arrival Atlana Durak & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Arrival Sarish Anjar
Posted   Wed Jun 26, 2013 @ 4:19am
Location   Endevour
Timeline   SD 73 1800

Atlana had taken time to go back to her quarters to freshen up, her shop remained closed for the time being, she freshened up by changing into a lavender colored dress that had a soft collar line it exposed more of the scar she had gotten from her encounter with Sarish but she always had a scarf to cover it up or at least distract from it. It was not as flowing as the one she had worn all day and outlined her figure more, hugging the curves of her hips and accenting other curvaceous features, Atlana was bound to impress at least one man tonight.

Malak Muz was fun, engaging and entertaining and she enjoyed his company. He was handsome and showed her no bias, but Sarish on the other hand she wanted to tease and torture, and not in a bad way. It was hard to explain and harder for her to understand. She was attracted to both men for purely different reasons.

She pulled her hair up off her collar in a high french braid and tucked and twisted her hair until it looked as if she had a short hair. She added earrings that dangled and matched her dress and admired herself in the mirror. Yes, she thought she looked good. She put her knife in her boot where it always was her dress was floor length it hide everything and she liked it that way. She didn't think she needed more than just the one knife but she hide another one just to be safe and took her clutch and went to her shop to wait for LT. Muz.

Malak had just arrived back from his extended stay on Trill. The rather confused trill about trill matters slowly made his way down the promenade. He had alot on his mind - Saria.. The weird things going on around the station. He also felt a flush as he made his way closer to the store. He originally had just found her interesting and wanted to talk to her. He also enjoyed the witty banter that he could engage Cardassians in. They were ... fun. He didn't really expect to actually find himself excited to see her. His eyes coming up to show upon the Ghostly image of the man he had freed. A slight shake of his head. The phantom looked at him with a bit of disapproval - but he simply ignored him.

He turned the corner to find Atlana standing there. He paused and leaned back against the side of the door as he considered her. His eyes taking her in. There was a slight smile,"Hey." His voice soft as he offered. He did glance to his right - as if he had heard something and then looked back to her.

She smiled as she saw him, he looked like he was exhausted. "Hi." She said softly. "You look like you haven't slept in days." She offered. "Do we need to cancel?" She didn't want to, and there was perhaps a hint of fear of that in her voice, but she would understand if he was tired.

"Huh? Oh.." Malak shook his head and chuckled,"Ofcourse not." His eyes trying to lock with hers,"Come on.. You're the dominant one in the relationship, right?" He says with a soft smirk as he gently teased her. He slowly moved forward and dipped his head,"You look lovely." He offers to her. He pauses a moment and then motions with his hand,"Shall we?" He offers gently to her.

Atlana smiled at him gently. "Dominant in Cardassian Relationships." She insisted. "I'm flexible everywhere else." He walked with him. "Thank you for the compliment, I don't usually dress like this." She admitted. Atlana really did find him charming. "So where has the great Lt Muz been?"

".. Oh? I'll have to remember that." Malak offers to her lightly. His eyes lingering on her form again. He then looks down and nods his head,"I was on Trill. I was talking to My ex.." He pauses and his features redden from embarassment,"erm.. That is to say a previous host's ex husband. It's.. confusing." He shrugs his shoulders,"He was having issues with his current wife. My former host was not only his wife but best friend. He needed advice." He exhales softly,"They warn you about that - but it's never really." He shakes his head,"I have no interest in males.. but It doesn't take away what I remember, ya know?" He offers as he watches her, sure she thinks he's mad. He watches her now, not looking forward,"So what have I missed on your side? Has everything been well for you? No bumps?"

She looked at him. "I cannot begin to fathom how that was for you. You have the memories of every host before you, that has to be overwhelming at times. "She sounded as if it was something she'd dread going through. "Things here have been quiet I guess. Trellis finally gave me the legal permission to open my shop after I admitted my true reasons for being here." She glanced at him and noticed his eyes were fixated on her. Her blue eyes met his, "I might have missed a particular Lt I know while you were gone." She retorted with a teasing smirk. "Maybe."

"..Not necessarily. It works out. It's hard to explain - The feelings can get mixed. It's a failing on the host side though." He watches her and shrugs his shoulders,"It's worth it. I was able to help him out.. I think. My former host would not have approved of.." He smirks and looks towards the ground,"She would call the woman a 'hussy'.. But I think she is what he needs right now." He offers gently. He listens and slowly nods towards the next statement,"How much were you able to keep secret from him?" He idly offers,"I don't think you would give it all up." There's another tinge and flush of his features as he notes the smirk and tone. His hand comes down touch hers a moment. His voice goes soft,"I got you wont get it till the end of this.."

Atlana looked at him with big innocent blue eyes. "Why Lt. I merely told the Chief of Security that my father and the Cardassian Ambassador were like brothers. Ambassador Getal is like an uncle to me." She offered. "My big secret being that my father and mother passed and I have no family but Getal." There was a sparkle in her eyes as she leaned against his shoulder and whispered. "You are the only one I trust with the truth." When he touched her hand she smiled looking down at their hands, she took his in hers gently. "You got me something?" She looked surprised no one had ever gotten her something. Well not without wanting secrets in return or worse

"Atlana.." Malak's voice was soft and a bit breathy. His eyes closed as she neared with a soft exhale. He slowly gained his composure as he focused,"...Cardassian Culture is far more diverse. I have no doubt that you trust me.. But only the truly fortunate and long lasting old couple have all of their secrets between eachother." His breath staying slow and steady,"..Even your literature.. There are no protagonists really - only antagonists with certain amounts of culpability." He slowly regained his senses,"It's a wonderful trait really." Yea, he was babbling and slowly stopped, as he looked. He nodded his head,"This way.." He offered gently.

Atlana nodded her head. "One secret doesn't endear you to me, Malak." She offered she suddenly felt as if he was back paddling and fast, she walked with him toward Endevour. "One secret is hardly enough to consider us a couple." She retorted. She wouldn't tell him anything more if it bothered him so much. "Cardassian Culture is colorful, but don't for a moment believe that it is everything you read. Our culture is full of half truths and grand stories. Legends and fairytales."

Malak glanced to her and looked somewhat confused at her actions at that. He slowly nodded his head,"...I agree. It's almost romantic when there is truly trust with in your culture. It's something.. unique." He offers gently. He then shakes his head,"I..think you misunderstood me. I was saying there are most assuredly more things to learn as time goes on.. secrets. I might even have one or two you might enjoy." He frowns, though it slowly fades into a slight smile,"What's your favorite story?" He says trying to lighten the mood a little bit.

She sighed. "Sorry, defensive measures are a natural instinct." She said softly. But she had to think. "My favorite story? You won't find it in a book or a PADD. My favorite historical figure died when she was 8 years old." She smirked, and she told him the story, the story of a little girl with powerful parents. Big blue eyes and a mind that made grown scientists jealous. As they walked she told him the details of the story as if she'd memorized it from pages of a book. "And then one day, the little girl went to school, there was a science fair, she was eager to please her teachers and her parents. And for some horrible reason, some unthinkable reason the school was attacked and the little girl was killed. Her death echoed through town and no one who knew her was the same."

"It' s fine.. I wans't doing well with the words anyway." Malak smirks. He leans into her to nudge her a bit and then did continue walking. He slowly nodded and considered,"Why.. was it your favorite? Why did the town remember her?" He offers gently as they near their destination. He stops for a moment and watches her as he waits for the answer now very curious.

"She was this brilliant little girl, that was friendly, innocent... pure of heart. She didn't see the war or the anger of Obsidian Order agents, she saw people. Just mothers, fathers, friends. She played in the rain showers." Atlana smirked. "She was that little girl in a small town they could make anyone smile." Atlana walked with him. "And she was my little sister." Her smile faded only some. She looked at him. "Malak, where are we going?"

"..The Endeavor.. Sorry." Malak motioned with his head towards the restaurant ahead. He shakes his head and slowly begins walking with her,"I like you Atlana.. You're very interesting." He offers softly,"Do you have a preference when you're here? I must admit.. I don't come here often."

Atlana smirked. She liked him too, "I've only been here once before. Food for every palette." She leaned her head against his shoulder for a moment. " And I like you too."

"Good." Malak says as he watches her and then looks up. He walks into the Endeavor and they find their way to a table - one way or the other. He sits down and nods his head,"..Any specifics you prefer?" He offers to her,"What would you suggest?" He sits back and considers,"So tell me about your family being here? Does that makes things awkward?"

Atlana sat opposite him she smoothed her dress along her backside and legs so that she didn't bunch up when she sat down. She smiled genuinely when he asked her what she liked to eat and her suggestions. "Whatever your heart desires, Malak." She told him. "I'm particularly fond of Terran foods, believe it or not. And Kava juice from Bajor, but that's a dirty little secret too." She teased.

When he asked her about her family her smile dimmed, "Getal was my father's friend. He's family out of respect. I came here knowing he was Ambassador, we haven't really seen each other since the attack on the Embassy." She said. "I visited him in medical and let him know I made it here safely." That wasn't the whole truth but it was enough for the moment.

"My heart can desire quite a few things." Malak offered to her with a confident wink. He glanced down and nodded his head,"You know.. I actually prefer things like Kava juice and some of the other drinks that were done during the occupation. Not that it made it worth it - but when we had to get creative in the way things were made.. It just tasted more rustic. There's definetly a difference." He glances up to her and notices her features and nods slowly. His eyes go back down,"..I am glad that he is alright." He offers to her gently,"and that you got here safely."

A soft exhale as he still continues to go through the food stuffs. His eyes going over the words and different wording,"How do you feel about the Bajorans? About what happened?" His eyes did come up to watch her at this instance, curious. One who looked close enough could see something different in his eyes to - his mannerism.. perhaps another host personality bubbling up at this point.

Atlana was taken back a bit by the questions. She sat there for a several long seconds considering how it was she was going to answer him. She was in Sarish Anjar's Restaurant, that should say plenty for what she thought of them. "Bajorans are like any other culture, Lt." She offered. "Some people are fine upstanding citizens others not so much." Atlana watched him, there was an expression her face as if to say that she didn't care if someone heard her say Bajorans were good people. They were and that was her opinion. "The Culture is rich with heritage, history a fine respect and a deep honor." Atlana offered. "My mother used to forbid conversations about the occupation when I was a child. She didn't want the warmonger of Central Command to living in our house." She said. "An educated mind, never approves of war, but understands that sometimes it is a necessary evil." She sighed to elaborate. "Do I approve now? No, did I as a young stupid govt loyal Cardassian. To some degree, but I was blind then by anger and hatred. I wanted revenge." She shrugged her shoulders.

"..Mmm.. Is it such an odd question though?" Malak offers gently as he watches her,"I mean you seem - out of sorts? There's a long history there. There are quite a few that don't seem to have your enlightened opinion on the matter." He sighs and glances away as he looks towards one of the windows,"I have quite a few friends that still hate the Dominion." He glances back to her,"Personally, I'm not as much of a fan.." Perhaps an understatement,"I'm sorry if I am not doing well with dinner conversation. I just do find you truly interesting. I find your opinions and knowledge very interesting." As someone arrives he nods his head and chooses one of the dishes and glances at her,"How about yourself - were there anythings you had questions or wanted to talk on? I have missed out on the rumor mill - I am sure."

"It isn't a question I get a lot if that's what you mean." She offered. "Most people just assume I hate everything against the Empire." She offered. "Including the Federation." She offered with a hint of a tease in her eyes. "Malak, are you all right?" She asked. "You seem a bit, different."

"Oh you don't? Bah, I thought you did hate the federation and it was my dashing good looks and suave personality that was turning you around." Malak countered with a tease and a smirk. He watched her with some mirth. As she asked the question he sat back and watched her a moment. It seemed like he was debating something. He slowly nodded his head,"I am.." His voice soft,"I just feel a little tired.." He glances to the window again and considered,"Atlana.. How much do you know of Trill Physiology? Specifically with our Symbionts and Trill abilities?" He says slowly gauging her response.

Atlana could answer honestly that she knew very little. As the daughter of a teacher and a student she was always willing to learn more. "I know very little to be honest." She admitted. "With the exception that you keep the memories of your former hosts and there are rumors that when possible you can recall of former host to the surface, but that's only speculation."

"Yes and no.." Malak offers softly as he watches her. He smiles faintly,"Some of us are Telepathic. Though to my knowledge it is specifically with in our own species. I don't know how far it goes." He offers to her. He reaches up to touch the side of his head with a sigh as the memory comes back,"Recently, a fellow trill.." he pauses trying to look for the word,"Linked with me. Ever since then, I haven't felt things around here are right."

He watches her a second as worry does pass over his face, as he tells her this. Alot of species will think Trills are mad for the things they say. He shakes his head,"I did the ceremony to recall a former host that was good at investigation." He shrugs his shoulders,"To an outside observer - I may take more of their dominant features. I am still in control, but the mannerisms could change." He continues watching her for a moment and opens his mouth as if to say something and then stops and leans back. He waits for his response. He really didn't want to tell her the 'I see dead people' part - just yet.

Atlana listened truly fascinated with the information Malak was offering her. She had never had the time to study Trills but then again they posed no threat to the Empire, they were not a priority. But now, given the time and the freedom to explore this wondrous culture and species Atlana was indeed engrossed with the concept. "You've got the mentality of two people in one body, is that a simple way of understanding it?" And then she asked. "Why did you perform the ceremony to do this?"

"In a way.. Yes. This is as far apart as the Symbiont can be to the host. The symbiont takes the mentality of my predecessor and I stay a degree. It.. manifests differently for me. I can actually see something tangible. There's a person that I can see, talk to. They have their own emotions, feelings, opinions." He smirks,"It can actually be either a positive or negative under stressful circumstances like interrogations." He watches her,"Not sure why I am telling you all this.. but you seem interested.."

He considers her words and sighs,"The host that I needed.." He shakes his head,"was a horrible individual.. But he was good at his job." small pause,"Starfleet Intelligence. He's helping me better understand if there's anything going on." He glances to the window again with a frown,"Though I think his tenure here is about to end shortly."

Atlana's expressions changed slightly. "You see something tangible... this former host manifests for you?" Was he saying that he was interacting with a ghost for lack of a better term.

"Sometimes." Malak offers as he watches her,"Generally when I want them.. in this case.. him to. It's not impactful generally to the host though. Starfleet Medical states it's quite safe actually." He says gently. His eyes watching hers a moment and then going down to the glass,"It's something hard unless you've actually experienced it - even unjoined Trill's can have issues understanding."

Atlana was actually concerned for him, not in a sense where she thought he was mad. Muz was quite sane and she knew that. She'd seen Mad, she'd seen delusional, she'd made people delusional. This was just who he was, Atlana reached across the table to where one of his hand was resting and gently slid her palm over his. "Starfleet medical may say it's safe, but just be careful, please. Not nice people don't follow all the rules all the time, especially when given a taste of control." She spoke from experience.

The trill continued to watch her as the hands touched. His felt cold - he was a trill ofcourse. He reached up to the woman's cheek and then leaned over to her. His lips meeting her cheek to kiss gently. His slightly cold skin against her warm skin. He slowly slid back down,"..It doesn't work like that.. Don't worry." He whispers. His lips slowly form into a grin after that,"Ready for your gift?"

She blushed slightly when he kissed her cheek. Still she worried about him because she cared. And when he changed the subject and his mood seemed to lighten some she smiled back. "Ok..."

"So.. Cardassian Sunrise.. I actually love that drink." Malak begins to explain as he reaches down to a pouch he had had. He slowly brings it up,"While on Trill I passed a shop.. I honestly don't know where it's from - the dealer said he traded but didn't know." He takes out a necklace that had a small jewel. It slowly swirled with color in the middle in his hand. His voice was soft,"One thing I do know about Physiology is that Trill's are more cold natured.. and Cardassians are hot natured." He watches her a moment,"The fun thing about this jewel?" He takes her hand and places his on top of hers - putting the jewel there and then removing his hand. The jewel begins to sparkle as color twists and turns, as if it creating its own pattern from the switch off,"It reacts to temperature change. So two different natures become something unique." Yea... he hadn't practiced that a few times.. at all..

Atlana watched the colors swirl and mix between then and turn beautiful shades. She had never in her life seen anything like it. A jewel that reacted to temperature... she looked at him with sparkling eyes. "Malak, it's beautiful. Would you put it on me, please?"

The pilot nodded slowly and reached for the necklace. He moved to sit next to her. He slowly moved up to her neck, his hands gently brushing against her neck as clasped it behind her. He kept his arms around her shoulders and looks into the womans eyes. He smiled and moved forward to kiss her on the lips softly.

Atlana closed her eyes she felt his fingers gentle carass her skin and there was a temperature difference, none that she minded. When his lips touched her she blushed and pressed her lips softly back, a chase kiss perhaps. A moment of comfort and curiosity as Atlana had never before kissed anyone.

The man stayed close to the woman, even after the kiss. It was only for a few moments - but felt longer to him. Relationships were always considered a weakness in Trill society for joined Trills. Not taboo, but a weakness of the host. Malak would be one to disagree at this time in mind. He slowly moved away from her. He watched her and shook his head,"We could always end the date on that note and end with a bang, eh?" Malak offered gently.

Atlana smirked at him. "That was my first kiss." She admitted.

Malak's eyes widened a bit as he was surprised by her admission. He watches the woman a moment and his hand comes to touch her cheek,"Oh? Well you started with the best." He says softly a bit wit a smile and then watches her becoming a bit more somber,"How do you feel about it?"

She smirked. "It was very nice." She retorted. "But I am going to need to do more research to know if you're the best..." She teased him.

"I almost feel bad for you.. You've had the best - everything else will pale." Malak gently teases her back. His hand comes up to touch the woman's cheek. His fingers go to her ridges down her neck. His voice was soft,"I should go.. My squad has alot of training.. they're not producing like I want them to." He doesn't seem like he wants to,"When's our next date then?" He whispers gently to her.

Atlana looked at him as if she wanted him to stay. His cool fingers on her neck made her cheek turn into his hand. "Must you go?" She asked softly.

Malak watched her and his breathing slowed a bit more,"Probably.." He says gently. He shakes his head deciding,"Fine.. If I am going to stay.. make it worth my while." He gently teases her,"Pick the conversation piece. Engage me in some more wonderful topics.."

She smiled and found herself biting her own tongue. While she was a young lady she was still what her mother had raised her to be: a lady. At least most of the time. "That sounds wonderful, tell me about all the places you have been and we'll see how many we have in common."

The pilot considered that and his arm slipped around her as he offered to pull her against him. He didn't look at her but forward. His eyes focusing on the table as he tried to think it through. He leaned his head back and considered,"Trill.. Bajor.." He offers gently,"Earth.." He glanced down to her,"Risa.." A slight smile,"Do you want to include all of my hosts? We'll be here a while."

She smirked moving against him. "Isn't that the point?" She offered. "I've never been to any of those places. Nnot even Risa." She sighed. "Occupational hazard I guess." Atlana played with the necklace he'd given her. "What are they like?"

"..Really? Where have you been?" Malak says as he looks at her somewhat confused. He leans down to kiss the top of her head. The Trill has become very touchy-feely after the initial kiss it would seem. He watches her with a fair amount of curiosity. He takes a deep breath,"Bajor was.." He looks at the table,"is..beautiful. It's wonderful and very open. They don't have alot of industry. You can barely tell that the 24th century has touched it. It's wonderful to be honest.. And yet you have the conveniences of the modern era.." He exhales,"Risa is.." His features tinge red,"is a very open and loving place." And that's that..

Sarish had been watching the proceedings for sometime and he wasn't liking what he was seeing. He didn't know what he was feeling, though he knew it couldn't possibly be jealousy. He and Atlana had barely moved pass a truce between them. He knew there could not be any romance. After all she was Cardassian for Universe sake.

Still he found himself making his way to the their table. "How are you two this evenin?' he asked

Atlana was just about to answer Malak when she heard Sarish. Her eyes flickered playfully, around Sarish she could be herself, he understood it. But this was a chance to have something with Malak, someone innocent of her way of life. "LT. Muz and myself have been enjoying your wonderful restaurant." She told Sarish. "We've been talking about all the placed we've been. Or rather all the places I haven't been." She smiled sweetly, it was easy to see it was a fixed smile.

"Which I find kind of interesting.. Especially with some unique places to her culture.." Ever the innocent fool pilot noted. He smiled to Sarish having know idea of any of this subterfuge - or atleast looking like he didn't. He nodded his head slowly,"..Would you care for a seat? Mr.." He pauses as Malak looked for the man's name.

Atlana smirked. "I'm sorry were are my manners. Lt. Muz, Sarish Anjar." She smiled. "The chef and owner of Endevour." She left out the part about him being her nemesis because for the moment he wasn't there was a Truce between them.

Sarish kept a smile on his face as he looked at Atlana and the competition ~Competiton~ he thought to himself, ~Competition for what?~

"I appreciate the offer for a seat, but I'm rather busy now and I own all the seats here. I just wanted to stop by and see how you were getting along. If there is anything that you need, please don't hesitate to ask, i'll be making the rounds."

Atlana wondered exactly how much of that he actually met. Would Sarish try to tell Malak that she was an agent thinking it would shatter their relationship? Or would he think she was up to something other than having a night out. She watched him walk away politely, as he'd said before while they were his guests he'd be polite and hospitable.

Atlana turned her attached back to Malak, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect that." She smirked. "What were we talking about?"

Malak watched him a moment and nodded his had to Sarish. He looked at the man curiously and watched him walk away. An eyebrow raising at some curious thoughts. He glanced to Atlana and shrugs his shoulders,"Was it something I said or did?" He offered,"Or.. am I missing something here? What did you expect?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I knew he came around during the lunch time but I thought he'd be in the kitchen all night." She offered. "Bajoran are gracious hosts and very polite." She offered. "It's a fabulous quality of their people. "Maybe it was me being Cardassian?" She sounded uncomfortable about it. "Or maybe he's just having a rough night."

"Your culture is quite renknown for what they did to his?" Malak offers and glances to him with a curiosity. He was sure that some of his hosts could feel that way. He glanced back to her and nods with a shrug of his shoulders,"If you're uncomfortable we could look at leaving? Or call him back over and discuss it out?" Yay federation negotiation tactics!

Atlana smirked and shook her head. "You know I think conversation with you would be a much better distraction. I'm not going to let one minor interaction effect my evening with the most interesting man in Starfleet."

"God help Starfleet." Malak offered with a slight chuckle as he sat back. He looked at his glass and his hand went forward towards his glass on the other side. He slowly brought it to his lips. He considered slowly,"So.. Trill.. It's extremely beautiful. The oceans are the prettiest green you've ever seen - I always balked at Terrans when they viewed earth." He waves the glass,"To much blue." He leaned his head back and looked forward in thought,"What planets have you been to?"

Atlana listened. "Well the obvious one is Cardassia Prime, Gama Seti, Vulcan, Betazed, Amar..." She had to stop and thinking for a moment, there were dozens of others. She just wasn't entirely sure she could mention them. "I've forgotten a most of them." She admitted sheepishly. "Assignments are different for us, they can last days or hours... or months." She offered. "Amar was the most fun, Klingon space." She grinned.

"Betazed.." Malak said softly with a frown. He had been there to.. though not under the greatest of circumstances. He nodded slowly towards her piece on Amar. He watched somewhat curiously and shook his head. A slight smile,"I've never been." He offered slowly,"What was it like? Admittedly - Klingon culture hasn't been a forte of my hosts for a long time. I think Earth had launched the NX-01 when I had dealings with them.." A slight smirk,"Can you talk about why you were there?"

Atlana sighed. "Not in great detail no. It was warm and very humid. Much like Earth Summers I'm told." She offered. "a lot like home, but there is this volcanic ash that is always in the atmosphere. I had to wear an aerator the whole time." She admitted. "I wasn't there for very long, and... can't say why I was there of course." She offered. "It wasn't nice and it wasn't friendly. It isn't someplace I'd revisit." She tilted her head. "You've been the Betazed, I can see it in your eyes... what happened?"

"The last time I was at betazed.. I remember seeing it from the cockpit of my ship. I was on the local defense force for Betazed." Malak paused a second and softly exhaled,"In 2374.. I was shot down during the battle." He offers and then smirks,"We call it a battle because massacre doesn't sound as upbeat. I had to survive under the occupation until the local resistance group get get me off the planet." He watches her a second,"You've never been there?" He offers softly watching curiously,"ever?"

Atlana was very quiet, her blue eyes were almost haunted as if she were remembering the past. "I've been there." Her eyes drifted up towards his face. "Twice."

"I thought you said you hadn't?" Malak offered gently. He touched her face and frowned. He looked into her eyes,".. Let me guest.. Stardate 2374.." His voice soft as he watches her with a concern. There's a frown as he watches her, waiting for the answer.

She shook her head leaning into his touch, there was the slightest twing of guilty in her stomach. "no i said it was one of the few I could tell you about." She offered. "I served there for several months that year."

"You'll forgive me if I am relieved that you weren't good at your job when it comes to capturing missing in action star fleet soldiers." Malak offers with a slight smile. He watches her and his hand comes down to her arm to softly squeeze,"I suppose it's good that we didn't meet.. I would hate to hit on the wrong person and have gotten captured." Gah, probably a bad time to try to hit on her. He shrugs his shoulders and leans back,"A hint at what you did or can't talk on it?"

Atlana smirked slightly. "Lets just say I'm not really the capture and recovery type." She offered. Atlana didn't want to say. Oh yes and the girl you're seeing is a killer. Somehow she just saw it being a mood crusher. Atlana was very good at being in the shadows and spying and assassinations. The Obsidian order realized that with her small frame she could get into places others couldn't and few people suspected a petty woman of her skills.

"Recovery.. love it. As if something needs to be 'recovered' and was lost." Malak muses at that. He watches the woman and softly exhales as he squeezes her arm,"Alright.. I really do need to go." His voice gentle and he leaned down to kiss the woman softly on the lips again,"How about I walk you to your store tomorrow and we plan something tomorrow night? Perhaps something on the Holodeck?"

Atlana smiled as he kissed her... she was enjoying his company. "If you must you must." She sat there for a moment. "I would enjoy that, if you are alright with it I am going to sit and enjoy another drink."

"I must.. and I don't of course." Malak offered gently. He leaned over to hug the woman once more and smiled faintly,"I'll see you in the morning." He offers gently, before slowly rising and dipping his head to depart. He was going to be late for the briefing, but it was worth it.

She hugged him, smiled back and then watched him go. This was turning into a very interesting if not complex relationship.

Atlana Durak
Shop Owner: Unique Antiques
DS Five

Malak Muz
Executive Starfighter Wing

Sarish Anjar
Owner/Chef Endevour