Incommunicado – Reunion
by Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Reunion
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sat Jun 02, 2012 @ 10:31pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   After "In Case of Emergency"
Rakka took a cursory glance around sickbay as she stepped in. The place was humming with activity, and she realized she might have to wait a few minutes for her exam. Perhaps she could get away with delaying this for a while....

She stopped and stood very still for a few moments, catching a wonderful, familiar scent.


Rakka looked around, more sharply this time, her eyes searching out the form of the little J'naii. She moved closer to the source of the scent, but still didn't see Petro. There was a young woman on the biobed nearby, possibly human. Or...?

Rakka's eyes traced over the feminine curves of the woman, then searched out her face, framed prettily by her hair. That face....

"Petro...?" she breathed, taken aback.

The communications officer was beginning to regain her consciousness and slowly opened her eyes. It didn't take her long to realize that she was no longer on the Pollux and the sterile smell in the air gave her the impression that she was in sickbay. There weren't any doctors near her at the moment but she still felt a presence.

"Rakka?" she whispered, her eyes closing again.

"Yes... it's me," the Nausicaan replied, carefully putting her large hand over Petro's tiny one. There were a thousand questions she wanted to ask about her friend's changed appearance, but clearly this wasn't the right time. "I came back for you. Are you... okay?"

"Always just a dream." Petro said, still not completely coherant. "I dreamt of you so many times." She opened her eyes and saw Rakka standing over her. "It was just like this, but different. I don't like these surroundings. It must be the smell that makes me dream I'm in sickbay."

"Y....You're not dreaming!" Rakka assured her, squeezing her hand gently. "You are in sickbay... and I am here with you. For real. I'll stay as long as you wish."

"Not dreaming?" Petro felt the Nausicaan's hand over hers and smiled, "I'd nearly given up hope." She gave a slight, weak chuckle. "Guess it took me getting knocked unconscious to get you back."

Rakka felt her heart melt at that smile. "I wish I could have come sooner. Are you in pain?"

Petro slowly shook her head. "Just a little dizzy." Her eyes shot wide open. "The others. What happened to the others?"

"Others?" Rakka repeated. "I... don't know. I don't even know what happened--I just walked in for a checkup and found you here. W-would you like me to get the doctor?"

"No, they're busy. I'll find out." She looked at her free hand, "still tingles a little." She looked up at Rakka and smiled. "Rakka, when did you get here?"

"Oh... only maybe an hour ago," the Nausicaan replied, and gestured to the duffel bag she had dropped nearby. "I still don't have quarters. I don't suppose you're still in a position to, um... help me out with that?"

The little J'Nai smiled. "I think I'm in a horizontal position." She could see her old friends eyes light up at her humor. "Until I get back to the office you can stay in my quarters if you like."

"That is... so very kind of you," said Rakka. She knew Petro's quarters would smell like Petro, and perhaps it would ward off her usual night terrors. She paused, wondering if it might be time to bring up her friend's... changes. How to broach the subject carefully?

"See how my hair has grown out... since it was shaved?" she ventured, running her hands through her new growth of dreadlocks. "You... as well... look... different."

"Your hair looks good." Petro said. "I don't feel different, mostly. Do you like it?" she asked, somewhat hopeful.

Rakka took a few moments of looking her over and thinking of her answer. Finally she replied, with whole honesty, "I don't... know. I like you, Petro. And I always liked the way you looked. Didn't I tell you you were beautiful to begin with?"

"You did, but..." she stopped, "can we talk about this later maybe?"

Rakka shifted uncomfortably, wishing now that she hadn't brought this up. "If you want," she mumbled. "I should get my... physical done... I guess."

"I think they may be awhile." Petro said, noting Rakka's shifting. "Think you could stay a little while longer?"

Rakka sighed with relief that her friend still wanted her. "Of course. Of course I can. Sickbay is all I have on my schedule right now."

"I haven't heard from you since, you know, what's her name." Petro said, "What has been going on with you? Where have you been serving?"

"I was on a ship called the Exeter. In charge of Security." She swallowed hard at the mention of 'what's-her-name'. "Socha was... a bad experience, and a lesson learned on my part. I didn't have friends there. We've already spoken about my... encounters... with my father. But he is... gone now. I made sure of it. And so I came back."

"Were you unhappy on the Exeter? Why did you leave?"

"Well... you, of course," she said in a low voice. "The only reason I left here was... to protect you. And now that the threat is gone... where else could I possibly want to be?"

Petro smiled, a tear welling on the side of her eye. "I've missed you so much." She sat up and looked towards the nurses, one of them eyeing her to make sure she wasn't leaving. "Do you still remember where my quarters are? I got the same one when I came back."

"Yes, I do."

"After you're check up you can go to my quarters if you want," Petro said, "you know, to put your things away. I don't know how long they'll keep me here."

"Okay," said Rakka. "Thank you. I hope you'll be free soon. I believe I owe you a, uh... 'girls' night out'...."

Petro smiled. "I think we owe it to each other."


Cdr. Rakka
To be assigned, DS5


Lieutenant JG Petro
Communications Officer/Quartermaster

(Still waiting for your pending post I guess??)