We All Fall Down – No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Wed Jul 09, 2014 @ 12:59pm
Location   OPS Conference Room
Timeline   MD 01 1120 (immediately after Business as Unusual)

As the briefing broke up, Steve was still quite a bit taken aback by his promotion. Slowly walking through Ops toward the turbolift, he fastened the new pip to his collar. He suspected that nothing would be able to wipe the smile off of his face.

Well, almost nothing...

"Sir!" Leonora Dell was walking fast to catch up with him, almost jogging, clutching a half dozen diferent padds. "Might I have a word?"

'Crap...' Steve thought as he slowed his gait. Dealing with operations was a chore, as their department overlapped with both engineering and science. As such, they operated in a grey area - overseeing power distribution and sensors, as well as the quartermaster's office. But for the most part, they were engineers that the chief engineer didn't have authority over. And it irked Steve to no end.

"Its about the situation with ops and medical sir. I really don't need any help. I know Operations is in a bit of a transition stage, but we can handle it."

Stopping as they reached the turbolift, Wyman put on a cordial look as he regarded Dell. The younger woman was certainly adamant about the situation. "There's nothing wrong with our departments cooperating. Your people certainly take some of the strain off of engineering around here. Why not let me send a team down to sickbay to get that new doctor off of your back?"

Glancing over his shoulder to make sure the Andorian wasn't there, he added, "She seems unpleasant..."

"You should see what shes like to work with. I've got half the department threatening to strike." Dell's shoulders drooped. "Thank you for the offer sir, but it has to be my department. i dont want her to think she can go over my head. I'm supposed to be in charge." She looked away, out of a window onto the endless void. "Someone has to be." Then she shook herself out of it. "I'm sorry sir. Its just that ops has been in difficulty for some time, we're behind on almost everything that hasn't been specifically granted top priority and people like the Doctor aren't helping. She's not the only one either. Morale in operations is in the pits."

'Double crap...' Steve thought, knowing full well that he was now in WAY over his head. Sadly, as of five minutes ago, he was no longer in over his pay grade.

"Um... OK, let's go with this - your people keep working on sickbay and I'll send some teams to deal with some of the other items on your plate. Still taking the pressure off of you, but the Doc doesn't look like she undermined you." Wyman was clearly grasping at straws, as this wasn't exactly something he could fix with a hyperspanner and a tricorder. "And if they strike - remind them that they're not in a union, they're in the military. So it's not a strike - it's a mutiny! That should shut at least a few of them up." he added with a smirk, hoping to defuse the situation.

Dell looked relieved. "Thank you. Though when faced with that Andorian, Mutiny seems a more attractive option." She looked down at one of her many padds. "I could really use help with a scour of the secondary sensor array, its an EVA job, so people who are happy with strolling in space would be a real lhelp. The monthly check of the computer core is coming up. And the Promenade power conduits need an efficiency check."

"I've already got people going out to work on one of the lateral arrays that went down. I'll have them give that secondary array a once over while they're at it. Power conduits are fairly straightforward, I can have a team take a look at them. And the computer core check is already scheduled for 1300 - should be finished before the test of the Guardian platforms at 1500." Steve answered, taking notes down on his own PADD.

"The primary subspace relay has to be realigned as usual, though the diagnostics say its only shifted a couple of degrees this week. Internal Comms - we have computer speakers needing replacing on decks 1040 through 1062."

It was around that time that Wyman started to get a sinking feeling. "Uh... yeah the relay won't take long to realign. Speakers can be swapped out pretty quickly; I'll have Lebowski take a team down to do that."

"Public Holodeck number four as a lateral traction field fritzing allegedly. I suspect user error. And the officers' quarters replicators need to be updated with the Romulan recipes the Captain brought with her. And then there's - ]

By this point he was starting to wonder if he had 'sucker' written on his forehead in large, bold letters. "I'll have the senior chief upload those recipes. The holodeck is a bit of a low priority, especially for something that's probably an issue with some overzealous Ferengi or something."

By now, Steve's pleasant demeanor was starting to crack, as he found himself wondering if she planned on leaving any work for her own people to do.

"Thanks," Dell shuffled some of her padds to the top of the pile. "There's the details on there of the main issues." She looked pleased. "And that's the easy stuff. All I have to do now is go through the rest of the back log and hope that we've got someone in operations who knows how to deal with each of it."

She DID look pleased. Steve looked like someone who'd just been robbed. Putting on his best diplomatic smile, he regarded the younger woman in much the same way one of Robin Hood's victims probably looked upon their mythical assailant.

"I'll pass this stuff around and let you know when it's finished. Is there anything else I should know about while you've got me on the hook?" he inquired, trying to suppress a twitch in the corner of his mouth.

"Not right now sir." She squared the remaining padds in her pile. "I'm going to baby sit Lash while he sorts out the Doctors EMH, just in case he ends up starting an interstellar war. Hopefully We'll get a new head of ops soon. and this will all be a horrible memory. If not..."

Patting her on the shoulder, Steve gave her a reassuring smile. "You'll hold down the fort, Lieutenant." For a moment he almost felt bad about being cross with her. Almost.

"Thank you sir." Dell nodded her appreciation. "Now your Calvary is here, it should get better in no time."

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5


Lt (JG) Leonora Dell
Acting Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space 5