Time is Fleeting – Turns of Point
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Turns of Point
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Sep 17, 2009 @ 8:07pm
Location   Rick's Quarters
Timeline   BACKPOST: SD11 - approx 19:00
Chelsea's shift had finished before she went to the Romulan Embassy and by the time she had thanked Rh'vaurek, regenerated his wounds and left in search of Rick it was getting on for around 19:00hrs.

=^= Computer locate Lt. Dunham? =^= she instructed and received the reply
=^= Lieutenant Dunham is in his quarters =^=

Smiling to herself, Chelsea flicked the badge again.

=^= Adams to Lt. Dunham =^= she called him, using the usual formality that had become their humourous habit since the day he had come to rescue her when her ankle had been broken. With that reminder, Chelsea made a mental note that it had been ages since she regenerated it and she was *meant* to be doing it every 8hrs. She also reminded herself that she had told Isha off for the very same self-negligence.

=^= Lieutenant Richard Dunham. How can I help you Ms Adams =^=

=^= Hey Rick =^= Chelsea began, happy to hear his voice and full of the wisdom that Rv'aurek and she had discussed. Positive and clear sighted at last, she had a lot to tell Rick and she couldn't wait to start.

=^= Shhh. Im trying to talk =^= Said Dunham Over an open comm. In reply to a distant female voice.

The sound of a female voice in the background stopped Chelsea short in her tracks. Had she got it all very wrong? Did he have a girlfriend or partner already and had only been being friends? He had definitely called the woman in the background 'sweetie' - which had to mean she meant something to him and it implied that Chelsea had indeed done what she had feared and missed the boat with Dunham. A sadness crept over her but she tried to remember that they *had* only been friends and that at least could continue if she played it carefully and tactfully.

=^= Is this a bad time for me to be interrupting? I'm really sorry, it was just a medical thing. I can call back in the morning? =^= she tried to back off as inconspicuously as she could.

=^= Don't be silly. I'm just sitting down to some grub. In my quarters why don't you pop by? =^=

=^= Oh no, it's okay, really. I'm sure I really should make myself scarce. I've been very demanding lately and i have *loads* of paperwork and things to catch up on.... oh, um... about that idea we discussed with the Romulan Ambassador earlier, we should meet up and put down some details.... what about tomorrow? I'll get him to host it in the Embassy? =^= Chelsea was in full flight.

=^=Chelsea please it's cool. I can replicate you up some pizza or a burger maybe?"

=^= Um.. but, no... it's really okay.... tomorrow will be fine =^= She was thinking that if he had a date with him it would be the most awkward thing ever to be introduced as *just a friend* and have to sit through watching them together. She knew she wasn't ready for that yet.

Dunham frowned to himself. Took the comm badge off his uniform. Held it in front of him and began to talk again. =^= sweetie you called me and now you want to duck out of it. That doesn't feel right to me. Bad karma man. Please come over to my quarters. What ever the problem is we can talk about. I insist =^=

=^= Um, okay. =^= Chelsea conceded defeat and set off for Rick's quarters. She understood that he couldn't possibly know how she felt as she hadn't known herself until this afternoon.

~Ok, this is going to be very awkward~ she thought as she rang the chime. ~but if i want to stay friends with Rick then I have to be a grown-up about this. I really hope she's nice. *Of course* she will be! oooh, I hope she likes me.~ It was too late to wonder any more as the door opened.

Kim, Dunham's niece opened the door and looked up to see Chelsea standing in the doorway a little nervously.
She looked her up and down with unhidden curiosity with those sharp green eyes. "Who the hell are you?" she simply said.

~ Oh my God, she's so young!~ was Chelsea's first thought, rather taken aback by her abruptness. She was in full ~I'm going to have to make this work~ mode so she smiled and said cheerfully "Hi, I'm Chelsea" opening her arms for a friendly hug and gently brushing the young blonde's cheek with her lips in greeting as if they'd known each other for years.

"Oh you're Chelsea! Uncle Ricks wannabe girlfriend. Do you fancy him?" She pointed her finger up at Chelsea. Her maturity level of only thirteen years of age clearly shinning through. "if you break his heart I'll kick your ass missy" She grinned and took her by the hand into her uncles quarters.

Chelsea allowed herself to be led, more in surprise than obedience. It was all she could do to drag her bottom jaw off the floor before she found herself in the living room.

The quarters were a mess. Clothes lay strewn over furniture. What surface space was free was covered in half or completed model planes from all eras of human aviation history. They were accompanied buy empty or half full plates and bowls of junk food. On the walls hung symbols to Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist philosophies. One table was clear though apart from a small golden Buddha and an incense burner, sitting beside a Bonsai tree. "Chelsea hi." said Dunham with clear enthusiasm. "Would you like something to eat. We were just eating some noodles?"

"Erm... sure, thanks." Chelsea was taking it all in, fascinated. She picked up an almost complete model 'Spitfire'. "Is this to commemorate the one I trashed in the holodeck?" she smiled at Rick, her eyes meeting his for the first time since her discussion with Rh'vaurek about what she wanted.

His eyes seemed new to her, as if she'd never seen them before. It felt crazy because she'd looked into them a lot lately but today they were deeper and the effect they had on her was surprisingly intense.

~Wanna be girlfriend? What did that young woman mean by that? How did she know what I want - and what does she mean.... if *i* break *his* heart?~ her thoughts raced around.

Richard gave her a wink and a smile and took a sip from his mug. "Yep. But it was a hell of a flight." He got up from his seat. "Sorry where are my manners. Introductions are in order. Lieutenant Commander Chelsea Adams this is my niece Kim. My Sister's daughter she will be spending some time with us on the station while her mum is on assignment"

Chelsea felt the heat in her cheeks. ~What are you *like* Adams? His *neice* you idiot!~ she admonished herself silently.

"Welcome to DS5 Kim" she recovered her composure and then grinned at Kim. "And in answer to your questions: a) Yes, I do, but don't tell him. b) Hell freezing over is more likely to happen first and c) The only way it ever *could* happen would be if I was assimilated by the Borg - and in that eventuality, you just help yourself, honey, with my blessing!"

Without waiting for Kim to work backwards and calculate which questions she had asked and in which order, Chelsea went on, still grinning. "Oh and *Missy??* - My Grandad used to call me that when I was in BIG trouble.... which was most of the time when I was your age, so don't try drop-kicking anything past your Uncle, cos I wrote the frellin' book and I'll be right here fielding for him."

In response to the look on Kim's face, Chelsea shrugged, her eyes sparkling with humour. "On the other hand, if you're in the market for some 'retail and gossip therapy'..... you know where to find me."

She tossed her 'Promenade Guide and 'Tab' Chip' over to Kim. "That ought to start you off with an idea of where to go for clothes and stuff - and you can empty the tab if you like. I'm afraid I've given it a bit of a pounding already but it'll start you off until you get one of your own."

Kim caught the tab chip and gave Chelsea a cheeky smile. "Hey. Why don't you come with me it would be so cool. We can check out the shops and get some new outfits"

"Hey, I'd love to, I really would, but I don't want you to think I only gave you that chip to get you to drag someone as *old* as me around with you everywhere. I know how much I would have hated that back in the days when I thought anyone over 18 was 'ancient'. Everyone needs a shopping-buddy of their own age, I only ask that when you're done buying up half the promenade - then IF your Uncle thinks anything you've come back with is totally unacceptable, he should get to say if it ought to go back. Is that a fair deal?"

"Yeah that's a fair deal. Though I don't know anybody my own age yet around the station. In fact since I got to this tin can the only people I have really talked to are you and my Uncle." She looked to Dunham with a glint of mischief in her eye. "Can I go for a Look around Uncle Rick. Please Please Please Please!"

Dunham looked at his niece a bit unsure as to what to do. If anything the look on Kim's face got more mischievous

"It would give you and Chelsea some private time together" she said very unsubtly.

"Ok" replied Dunham "But i want you back in a few hours. He said finger pointed at her. "Go on then" he said with a smile as she proceeded to almost jump out of his quarters at speed.

Dunham was about to open his mouth to talk with Chelsea. When Kim returned poking her head around the door to his quarters. She pointed a Chelsea and spoke with a smile on her face. "By the way uncle Rick . I like her and she meets with my approval" She waved then quickly ran off again without people getting a word off edge ways.

Dunham shrugged "kids hey."

"I love her, she's gorgeous!" Chelsea grinned. "Even if she did threaten to break my a$$" She laughed out loud when he looked alarmed at this idea.

"It's okay, I promised her what she wanted, i can't live in fear of a little terrorist all my life!" she joked, unsure how to bring up what she wanted to say and still trying to work out if what Kim had said was out of her sense of humour or actually something of a hint.

Dunham scratched the stubble on his chin at the slight pause in conversation. "yeah I told her all about you. So what do you think of the quarters then. Sorry about the mess. Needs a woman's touch?"

"Would *any* woman do? Or did you have a particular one in mind?" Chelsea ventured quietly with uncharacteristic shyness. There it was, she was putting herself out there for him to reject, but if Kim had been right.... and if he *had* told her about Chelsea then maybe Kim had some inside knowledge? Either way, she'd come here to talk about it and there was the opener. Would he take it up or change the subject politely?

Dunham gave her a coy look then got up from his chair. He then moved closer towards her. "well there was someone I had in mind......"

Chelsea looked up at him with a straight face. "What sort of qualifications would this someone need to have?" she asked very seriously.

"Well" he said placing one hand on her waist. "She would have to smart, beautiful, funny, caring, warm, heartfelt, " he placed his other hand around her waist. "gentle, kind, fun, clever, patient." He drew her closer their foreheads touching and he whispered the final words "and a Doctor."

"woh! I don't think I've ever met anyone *that* well qualified" she laughed. "Apart from you, but you're not a she and you're not a doctor... although being a Pilot is better, to my mind, as is being male... but then we're not talking about my *ideal* person, we were discussing who would be suitable for you. Would she have to be crazy about you? Cos if you don't mind forgoing all the first eleven of those, I could do the last two. I'm a doctor and ...... " she didn't finish that.

"Patient?" said Dunham. "Believe me you qualify for the others my dear"

"That's very sweet of you, but No, i wasn't going to say 'patient' - I've been trying to tell you that I'm crazy about you." she said honestly, gazing into his eyes, her face so close to his that their lips could have met by now.

She kept her forehead against his and put up one index finger which she drew gently across his unshaven chin, tracing his jawline as she very softly grazed his lower lip with her own.

"I fell head over heels for you since the first day I met you." he said softly. Lightly stroking her cheek with the back of his hand. He kissed her gently.

She was too moved to reply other than to return his kiss with equal gentleness at first, but beginning to lose herself in how he made her feel. As if in slow motion, she melted into his arms and wound her own around his neck pulling him closer as their kiss became more intense and passionate, releasing all the feelings they'd both been holding back, banishing all the uncertainty and reservations that had kept them apart until now.

Both were caught up in the moment their bodies intertwind with passion. Each felt so secure and right in the others arms. Each kiss he gave her sent tingles down his spine the emotion was getting more intense as they collapsed together onto the sofa.

tbc ...


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader.


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams