Judgement – Desperation is a well spring
by Citizen Min Zhao & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Desperation is a well spring
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Citizen Min Zhao & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Jan 25, 2011 @ 2:59am
Location   Deck 142, The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 36 1200
Min stepped into The Box of Delights. She'd been on the station not even four hours and the leads she'd been given for work had turned up fruitless. A quick scan of her account revealed just how desperate the situation had become. Enough credit's for a meal and perhaps enough to pay for accommodations for the night but that was it.

Going up to free seat at the bar she knew she'd have to confront the situation but for now at least, she needed a bite to eat.

"What can I get you?" A woman came over to her, violet grey and towering over Min as she sat down.

Min looked up at the woman. She'd seen many different aliens in her short time but a dusty purple was a new one for her. "Terran Coffee to start. I'll figure out the rest in minute once I catch my breath."

Yolanthe turned to the barista machine, and ground the beans and brewed the coffee. Over her shoulder she said, "I've not seen you around? Just arrived?"

"Early flight this morning. Got in around 0700 station time."

"Then this is on the house." Yolanthe put the cup of bitter black liquid in front of Min Zhao. "First one always is." She turned back to one of many chillers under the bar, and brought out a jug of cream, and a small bowl of white sugar.

Min bobbed her head slightly in thanks. Mixing a bit of milk & sugar into her coffee and took a quick drag of now creamy mixture. It always hit the spot after a long and unproductive morning.

"Staying long or passing through?" Yolanthe asked. There were few other patrons here this early. And the conversation was a good distraction.

"Depends on this afternoon." Min took another sip of her coffee. "If I find some steady work, probably a few months. If not...' she paused. "I'll find something to tide me over till I can make passage on another transport."

Min placed her cup down on the bar. As much as she wouldn't admit it, she was getting tired of the constant hunt for work and moving around that characterized her life over the last year and a bit. Looking up at Yolanthe she smiled. "You wouldn't know anyone who's in need of some hired help?"

The violet that had been building in the bokkai's skin all morning leeched away in an instant. She now had one glaring vacancy. One she wasn't sure she could or should fill.

She looked the girl over. She was pretty enough for dabo. "Give us a twirl."

Min paused for a second as she realised what Yolanthe was asking her to do. Gracefully slipping off the stool she stepped back a few paces and gave her best impression of a twirl.

Yolanthe tapped a finger against her lips. She was elegant on her feet as well. If she could dance, maybe Madam Miaow would find room for her in her troupe. Or she could wait tables. "Ever worked in a bar?"

Min stepped back to her stool and sat down again. "Never mixed drinks but I did a stint waiting on tables once." She smiled. "You looking for some eye candy?"

"Watch the girl not the wheel," Yolanthe told her, deliberately misquoting the famous phrase about dabo. "But I've just got myself one new trainee there. I think I'll give him a little while to settle down. But I can always use a hand rounding up empties and serving drinks in the evening." She scanned the bar, looking for her head waiter. "Think you can work for a man?"

Min smiled. "Shouldn't be an issue."

"Good. That one there will be your manager."

The man in question was young enough to still justify the word boy, and was mouth-wateringly gorgeous.

Min glanced over in the direction where Yolanthe was indicating. Turning back she looked up at Yolanthe. "I don't mind being eye candy but I won't provide certain extra favors for clients, at least not on company time. That's the only demand." She paused. "What I do outside of work is my own business."

Yolanthe turned a dark butterscoth. "Do I look like a ferengi?" Then she faded back to the purple grey. "Your job will be waiting tables. What ever added value you do or don't want to provide, is your business. If you don't want me to make 'introductions' then I won't."

"Never said you were. I've just encountered a few places where that was the norm and I didn't want to waste your time if it was." She paused and took a sip from her mug, which by now was starting to cool off. "Maybe I should have stated that a better way. I don't mind providing value added services to clients. I do however draw the line at certain services which I consider an intrusion into my private space."

Min took another sip from her coffee. "In any event, I'm still interested in the job if you'll have me. I just need to make a few personal arrangements, quarters and such, then I can start at any time."

Yolanthe nodded. "That's fine. Come back at six, or just before, and we'll sort you out with any clothes shoes etc."

Min nodded. "Six it is." Unsure what Yolanthe's species custom's were for accepting a deal she offered Yolanthe her hand. "Thank you."

Yolanthe reached out to Min. "Don't thank me yet. You may hate it....?" the rising lilt of her voice asking for a name

"Min Zhao"

"Min," the bokkai repeated. "Welcome to The..." She trailed off, distracted.
Entering the box were several beings in yellow, that she recognised as security. They looked grim and purposeful as they made a beeline for the two women. Yolanthe was turning a feint turquoise as she turned to Min. "I wonder what they want?"


A JP between
Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of The Box Of Delights
Employer of every waif & stray :)


Min Zhao
Random Stray