Interlude – Morning after
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Morning after
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Fri Jun 04, 2010 @ 3:21pm
Location   Diplomatic Conference room/ Promenade
Timeline   SD20 - Early morning
The first thing Arrienye was aware of was pain. Her entire body ached with a dull, throbbing pain even her training couldn't let her ignore. She was cold and lying on something hard. As she slowly shifted her head, all the pain from her body seemed to shoot up into it, making her groan.

Sotar layed next to her, completely unconscious. Oblivious to the night before, or the antics that had followed on through the night.

Arrienye didn't notice the man by her side until she tried to roll onto her back. As she did she pushed up against him. She groaned, the contact making her hurt. She opened her eyes, the light making them burn. Arrienye opened them fully anyway, but all she saw was a blurry picture. Her arms and legs felt heavy as she sat up, Blinking a couple of times until she finally saw she was in a large room which was mostly empty save for the dozen or so chairs put around the large table she and the Cardassian next to her were lying on.

'Cardassian?' she thought, studying his unconscious form for a while, unable to remember his name. Giving up, she nudged him hard. "Hey!" she called. "Wake up," she said.

Sotar groaned, and merely called out in a quiet voice. "Just five more minutes... I don't want to go to work... "

Arrienye frowned. "No five minutes," she said weakly, flopping back down onto her back with a soft splat. "Wake up, come on....Sotar!" she said the last word a bit louder, both remembering his name and wanting him to get up.

"Ugh... My head... " Sotar exclaimed, sitting up and grabbing his skull. "What happened?" He asked to Arrienye.

"I have no idea..." she groaned back, hoping the throbbing in her head would stop. "Where are we?" she asked, sitting up slowly.

He managed to open one eye, and gazed around at the room. "I think this is the diplomatic conference room... "

"How the hell did we get here?" she asked in confusion, looking around. As she looked at Sotar she gasped loudly, covering her mouth. "Oh..." she just managed, unsure if she should laugh out loud or not. What the hell was that thing?

"What?" He asked, confused. "Have I got something on my face?"

Her hand still covering her mouth she nodded quickly, pointing to his right ear silently.

He felt the ear Arrienye was pointing at, and almost died of shock. Within an instant he tore it from his lobe. He threw it across the room and stare at it in disbelief. "Why was there a Bajoran earring on my ear?" He half yelled, half questioned.

"A what? And don't yell!" she yelled at him, making both of their heads hurt. "I dunno..." she finally said, shaking her head. She'd read about Bajorans but had no idea what he was talking about. She slid herself clumsily off the large table and went to the shiny piece of jewelery. As she bent over to get it, she moaned. The pain, combined with the strangely cold feeling that enveloped her made her shiver slightly. She lifted up the item, inspecting it curiously. "It's pretty..." she admitted softly.

"Keep it." He said, laying back down on the table, rubbing his forehead with the palm of his hand. "It's no use to me, think of it as a gift."

"Uh...thanks," Arrienye said still confused. She looked at it for another moment before her gaze went passed the earring to the floor. She blinked a couple of times. A wet trail went across the floor and over to....Arrienye? The Romulan looked down at herself. "What the hell?" she asked, walking up to him. "Sotar? Why the hell are we wet? More importantly what the hell happened last night?" she demanded, frustrated now.

Sotar remained laying down. "To answer both of your questions; I have no damned idea."

"Ugh..." she gave up, going up to him and crawling onto the table again. "Move over. I feel like a thousand Hatham's are plucking at my skull from the inside...." Arrienye groaned, lying next to him.

Sotar complied, and scuffled over a bit. From where Arrienye had slumped herself, he caught a glimpse of her back, or rather, something new on it. "You always have those clothes?" He said, distinctively remembering that she wore a red dress, that first caught his eye.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, irritated, her arm covering her eyes to keep the light out.

"Weren't you wearing a red dress?" Sotar asked, getting more and more confused. First there was the Bajoran earring, then there was being wet. Now, there were misplaced clothes. What more could they have done in one night?

"I..." she began but then closed her mouth. "I was, wasn't I?" she asked, suddenly feeling even more uncomfortable. What the hell was going on? Where were her clothes? She glanced over him in her discomfort, hoping she wouldn't have to voice her concerns. That he'd understand what they were.

Sotar thought it best that he didn't speak, should he say something he'd regret. "What time is it?" He asked, wondering if he was late or early for work.

"The time is 0615 hours, Station time," the computer replied.

"Dammit!" Arrienye cursed, pushing herself off the table. She had to be at the Embassy in less than an hour. "Let's get out of here before people catch us," she told him, then, stepping on something, the floor seemed to give and she landed in a pile on the floor, moaning.

Sotar sat up quickly, and lunged off of the table. Leaning down to her, he asked in a worried voice, "Are you okay?"

"T'rrific" she said, pushing herself up. She looked down at the offending object, which turned out to be an empty bottled which smelled of Saurian brandy. "Ugh...we're animals, Sotar," she told him, raising her hand up to him so he could help her up.

He corresponded and pulled her to her feat. "More than animals. Nocturnal beasts." He replied smugly.

She snorted. "Come on, let's go," she said, pulling him with her outside after dropping the bottle into the recycler. They walked outside and were immediately assaulted by the noise of the personnel walking and chattering. Arrienye groaned, ignoring the looks the crewmen gave them as she contemplated going back into the Diplomatic Conference room to sleep.

Sotar cupped his hands over his eyes. The Federation lights were bright enough, but after a hangover they almost blinded him. "Screw it. I'm taking time off." He said, louder than anticipated.

Arrienye couldn't help but giggle, which then grew into real laughter, the brunette leaning against the nearby wall.

Sotar laughed along with her. Not because he was still intoxicated, but mainly he found all the little incidents hilarious. "What do we do now?" He managed to get out through the laughter.

"I believe we've done enough," she told him, semi-seriously, shaking her head at the situation. "Let's go get something to wake us up," she proposed, moving down the corridor to the Promenade. "Brace yourself," she warned him before covering her ears and stepping into the commotion of the Promenade.

He winced as he walked into the traffic of the promenade. "That Klingon bar serves Raktajino. Very nice in there." He stated, pointing out the bar.

Arrienye nodded, going as fast as she could, leading them over to the bar. Moving past people, she was finally relieved to have reached the place until she was stopped by a large Klingon. The Klingon, who Arrienye noticed was actually a woman, pressed her hands at her and Sotar's chests, gripping their clothes tightly. "Where do you think you two are going?" she demanded in a thick accent.

"What are you talking about?" the Romulan demanded. "We're going into the bar for a Raktajino!" she told her. "It's open," she pointed to the bar, the rising level of pain in her head making her temper flare.

"Not for you two! How dare you show your faces here again?!" the large woman demanded, breathing heavily in obvious rage.

"What?" Sotar said, now even more confused.

"Don't play dumb with me! You are not welcome here. You're lucky to still be alive after what you did last night! Get out of here while you still have legs to carry you," she threatened them, her face taking on a dark mask of rage that Arrienye couldn't just brush off. She nudged the Cardassian next to her, giving him a 'Let's get out of here' look.

"Agreed!" He exclaimed, pushing the Klingon back and grabbing Arrienye's hand. He ran a good distance away from the bar with Arrienye in tow.

She eagerly followed him until they reached an empty corridor. They stopped and Arrienye looked out to the Klingon bar, where the woman retreated inside, shouting some Klingon to someone. Arrienye sighed, looking up at Sotar. This day was just getting more and more confusing.

"Right... I'm going to go get some sleep, before I find out that I married a Saurian!" Sotar exaggerated. He finally gave a slight gulp though, knowing that it might be true.

"Or me," she said half-seriously.

He laughed under his breath. "I'll see you later then, Arrienye. Stay out of trouble!" He said, giving her a polite wink.

She winked back at him with a smile. "I'm already in trouble. I only wish I knew what kind," she said back with a laugh.

"Don't we know it." He said as he trailed off into the percussion of the crowd. "Have fun!" He called from the interior.

Arrienye shook her head, unable to believe she had actually gone through such a rough night so early in her stay here. Never again though, she vowed. Rubbing her temple lightly, she turned to walk to her quarters to get ready for work.


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek and Sotar Telet
Diplomats by day, Nocturnal beasts by night