Incommunicado – Karma?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   Karma?
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Sat Feb 11, 2012 @ 12:28pm
Location   Coffee Shop/sickbay
Timeline   SD39/40
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[The Following post contains content of a sexual nature, reader discretion is advised]


Two weeks ago:

Ben Kensington was at the bedside of a particularly elderly patient who was proving difficult to diagnose and when he was called by a nurse to come to an urgent vid-call in the main office, he was somewhat grumpy to be called away. He stood at the desk, leaning in with no intention of staying long, when his face changed completely and he suddenly slumped into the chair in surprise.

=^= Ben? I'm really sorry it's such short notice, but it's one of those diplomatic things that Barny gets involved in, and they're always hush-hush until the last moment. AAAAAAAAAANYway... we're going to be visiting DS5. We'll be there in a week. =^=

"GREAT!!! I can't believe it! I'll show you all over this place.... which might take a year or so as there are over a thousand decks".


Ben had done as he had promised and shown his sister over all 144 promenade decks, by which time she had begged for mercy. He'd shown her sickbay and Ops and then let her off 'for good behaviour'. He had introduced her to Jana, Chelsea, Bridget and Ed, but he'd gone out of his way NOT to introduce her to Lance, as he still disliked the man and his nose was particularly achy whenever he was near.

Since she had been aboard DS5, Lara Turner (nee Kensington) had seen very little of her husband. He was the Diplomatic Consul to Dynaria, and was here for some very sensitive talks. So as usual, she was left to her own devices.

Once she had done all the touring she could cope with, and shopped until she was ready to drop, Lara found herself looking for something amusing to do whilst her brother was on duty. She contacted Jana, but she was busy with an antenatal of some sort.

So Lara took herself to an appealing little coffee house she had seen, and ordered a Moccacino latte with caramel syrup -- her favourite treat. It amounted to a cross between a smoothie, a sundae and a delicious dessert, all in one tall mug. She was getting her lips covered with cream, thinking they should serve these with wide-diameter straws, or at least deep spoons.

Suddenly a very attractive man walked in, wearing a uniform trimmed in Medical Teal, just like her brother's. She was curious naturally, wondering how large the medical department was, and if this man might know Ben. It would be a good excuse to start a conversation with a man who had the most interesting eyes she'd seen in a long time. Not since she had met Barnaby Turner, almost five years ago, when she had been barely 21.

That had been the start of a new phase of her life.

Lance sauntered up to the counter. It was with some degree of satisfaction that he noticed his regular order of an extra large chocolate milkshake waiting for him. He gave an enthusiastic pull on his straw as he turned to look for a seat. That was when he caught the woman staring at him. She looked away shyly. He smirked.

He casually made his way over to her table and helped himself to a seat. "Hi," He said simply.

Lara stared at the huge milkshake and shook her head softly. "Oh, I wish I'd ordered one of those." she said absently. Then she looked up at the person it belonged to and smiled before she went on: "It looked as if you didn't even have to ask for it. Does that mean you're a creature of habit who comes here at this time every day and orders the same drink?" She chewed on her lower lip in mock thoughtfulness to stop her lips curling upwards into a smirk, but her eyes gave away a sparkle that told him she was teasing.

"It means I know what I want, and people know that it's best to give it to me." He gazed back at her unashamedly.

Lara couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow undressing her with his eyes.

Lance took a long pull on his straw. "Like what you see?" he asked her after a pause. "I couldn't help noticing you staring."

"I don't stare. I observe." she replied with a smile. "And yes, I do like what I see. But I'm a respectable, married woman and you are very sure of yourself." The smile widened to a grin which 'saw' his stake and 'upped' him another verbal level.

Lance took another long pull of his milkshake while he contemplated this. "And what impure thoughts were you having that prompted you to tell me that?" He asked.

"Impure? You asked me if I liked what I saw.... are you telling me you were talking about the milkshake? Or were you asking me if I liked *you*.... " she was unexpectedly losing ground and she wasn't sure exactly why. There was clearly something about him that disarmed her. Her cheeks took on a rose-coloured tint.

Lance smirked, he could see the effect he was having on her, and pressed forward. "Perhaps you would like to continue this discussion in a more private setting," He suggested.

"I don't believe you!" she laughed. "I don't even know your name... why would I put myself into a compromising, *private* situation with you just because I like the way you look?" she retorted. Her demeanor seemed to be offended, but her eyes sparkled. There was a distinctly flirtatious air about her body language, as she crossed her legs seductively.

"Because deep down you are yearning for some adventure. You've been living a safe life for so long, you don't remember how to have fun. And because when it's all said and done, you are far away from home; a little fun won't really do any harm." He stood up, "By the way, the name's Lance. Are you coming....?" He extended a hand out to her.

"Of course it is.... " she laughed, making a decision and taking his hand. "And mine's Blossom," she retorted with irony, as she stood up.

**Several minutes Later**

Lance wasn't sure how they had ended up in Chelsea's office, but here they were.

Lara wasn't sure *where* she was. She didn't know the station and she didn't really know what whirlwind had hit her, to be honest. What she *did* know was that whoever this man was, he had the hands of an artist. She wondered if he played piano, or some other exquisitely complex and delicate musical instrument.

Breathlessly, she had no time to ask, nor to even consider it for longer than a split second as their passion exploded like Beta Niobe and they tore at one another like Klingons. She had never experienced anything like it as he possessed and consumed her like a fire in her veins.

With one hand Lance swept the content's of Chelsea's desk to the floor, he lowered Lara onto the hard wooden surface as they ripped off each others clothes. Lance lost himself in their passion. The waves of ecstasy radiating of the woman he knew only as Blossom engulfed him. Forbidden fruit was always so much sweeter.

She moaned and clawed at his back, Lance ignored the pain and continued to focus on the task at hand, as her legs wrapped around him, pulling him in closer. So intent was he that he didn't hear the office door slide open behind him or take note of the cool gust of air that blew across his bare butt cheeks from sickbay.

"Chelsea, I..." Bridget said as soon as the door had begun to slide open, but then her voice stopped, her mouth agape at the scene before her. Chelsea's belongings scattered on the floor; various bits of clothing here and there, and one of the guest chairs tipped on it's side. A couple in coitus atop her desk. Newlyweds!! As soon as her wits caught up with her, Bridget turned round. "Oh, I'm sooo sorry, guys. I didn't think. I forgot what being a newlywed was like. I'm sorry Chelsea, I'll come back later."

"Nah you can stay." Called out Lance, not breaking his rhythm for a moment. "I like an audience."

That voice! She immediately recognized the Chief Surgeon's voice and it stopped her in mid stride. Then who....?? Obviously she'd mistaken the couple for Chelsea and Rick. Well, whoever it was underneath Lance, it didn't matter. They had no reason being in Chelsea's office, let alone having sex on her desk!

Straightening her shoulders, Bridget turned around and shouted so it would echo off the walls. "Get the hell out of here, Murdoch!!"

"Can't," Lance grunted, not even pausing. "Kinda Busy."

"Oh for crying out loud," she grumbled, fists on her hips. She made for the exit, debating who to call first: Chelsea or Security. As she stepped out into the passageway, she saw Ben Kensington leaving an office two doors down.

"Ben!" she called to him, taking a couple long strides in his direction. "Lance Murdoch and some bimbo are having sex on Chelsea's desk!"

"WHAT???? That sonnova....." Ben spluttered furiously and stormed to where Bridget was standing. "I'll see to this," he bristled.

She nodded as he passed her, sharing his outrage; but also glad to have passed the incident up the chain of command. She returned to her rounds as Ben took over and swooped into Chelsea's office.

He took a deep breath and bellowed, "Murdoch.... you've gone too far this time! What the hell do you think you're doi......... " as he got closer, Ben Kensington had the shock of his life.

Lance moaned as the woman shuddered beneath him.

"Lara?" Ben just froze and stood gawking, his fury still clenched in his fists but his jaw almost on the floor.

"Ben! It's not what it looks like......" sputtered his sister, puce with embarrassment and suddenly feeling as if a bucket of ice water had been thrown over her.

Lance pulled his pants back up and began zipping them up, he looked around casually for the rest of his clothes, "You two know each other?" He asked drily.

"Know......... THAT'S MY SISTER YOU SCUMBAG" Ben launched himself towards Lance but Lara, still struggling back into her dress pushed herself in the way, shielding Lance and causing Ben to drop as suddenly as he'd left the floor, twisting himself to avoid hitting his sister.

"Get out of the way, Lara!" he growled.

"NO Ben. This isn't something you can fix like that." She patronised him as if she were scolding him.

"You have no idea what history this ..... this... PONDLIFE has........." Ben squared up to her, intent on convincing her that he knew more about the man than she did.

"Gossip. I would have thought better of you than that!" Lara exclaimed angrily, defensive of Lance.

"Lara........." Ben tried again, exasperated.

Behind her Lance was grinning like a chesire cat. This was getting better and better, not only had he gotten laid but he'd also humilated Ben once again. "You should listen to your sister Kensington, she's got a lot of wisdom in her." He smirked. "Or lets just say she's just had a lot of wisdom in her."

Ben turned a dark puce and moved threateningly forward only to be blocked by his sister again. "Benjamen, WILL you calm down!" she demanded putting her hands on his shoulders and staring him down as only a sister can.

"Get off me Lara. I don't know what's come over you! You're behaving like a slut." he growled, pushing her away.

Lara was unprepared for the shove, expecting her normally quiet and easy-going baby brother to do her bidding. She slipped and fell sideways, muttering expletives as she hit the edge of the desk.

At that moment, drawn by the noise and the crowd gathering at the doorway of her office, Chelsea was just arriving in Sickbay as she bumped into a very worried diplomat who barged in, demanding to know where his wife was and what was all this he had heard about her leaving a coffee bar with a medic.

Right now he wasn't sure if she had left because she had been taken ill, or if it was perhaps her brother and that the report had been a false alarm but the more he had asked around the less the descriptions had seemed to add up.

He stopped Chelsea with a barrage of questions none of which she could answer, having only just come on duty. She was trying to explain this to him as she walked towards her office, noticing the gathering that appeared to be going on there.

She was confused. As the observers parted to let her through, the diplomat followed her and to her horror, what they saw was the unfolding scene of Lance, doing up his trousers, Ben calling his almost naked sister a slut and Lara falling against the desk as if he had pushed her.

The diplomat leapt forward in rage and grabbed Ben by the lapels of his uniform tunic, Ed McBain leapt forward to tend to Lara's wounded head and Chelsea stood, white with shock and anger mixed, face to face with a smirking Chief Surgeon with no shoes or socks on, and his top on crooked.

"What the hell is going on in here? Have you all taken leave of your senses?" she demanded, trying to contain herself and find out before she was led to assume anything by the scene before her eyes.

"Well boss it's like this..." Lance began. His eye's flicked down to Lara on the floor. "Hey she's not getting up." He said, shoving McBain aside, he scooped up Chelsae's tricorder off the floor where it had fallen and began running the device over her. He looked up at Ben, "Good job Kensington, she has an epidural heamatoma."

He turned back to Chelsea, "We need to get her into the OR stat before the bleeding gets any worse."

"She was trying to stop me getting to HAVE to help her, Chelsea, PLEASE...." Ben began to explain, not afraid of his brother in law, but more for his sister's welfare.

"Do it!" Chelsea instructed Lance and flicking her comm badge to alert Theatres to expect an incoming emergency case and to prepare. Ed grabbed an auto-hover-gurney kit from the side and pressed the button, standing clear as the contraption unfolded itself pnematically and hovered a few inches from the floor. He helped Lance to get Lara carefully onto it and adjusted the settings so it rose to waist height.

Chelsea finished her call to Theatres in the few seconds it took to raise the gurney and flicked the badge to change channels. =^= Computer, Emergency Medical Transport to Theatres. One patient on a gurney and three doctors to beam direct, lock onto my comm badge and energise. =^= She, Lance and Ed stood beside the gurney and the other occupants of the room stood back. There were blue flickering hazy shapes as they disappeared and the diplomat was left for Bridget to settle in Chelsea's office to wait for the Operation to be completed.

The rest of the staff and observers went back to their own work and left them to it whilst meanwhile in the operating theatre Chelsea stood beside Murdoch, watching the scrolling read out that the Bio-Arch over the patient was calculating. "Okay Lance. Show me how accurate your reputation really is. I'll assist you and Ed can be referee if we need one." she added the last part lightly as they were already getting 'scrubbed up', assisted quickly by the waiting ODPs. She smiled just before the face-mask was applied and inclined her head towards the patient. "Thanks" she muttered to the ODPs as she, Lance and Ed moved swiftly to the table, the whole exchange having only taken moments.

Lance eye'd the real time scans of Lara's brain critically. "For starters, we need to relieve the pressure by draining out the bleeding." He explained. He called for a laser drill. keeping his eye's on the monitors, Lance began drilling a tiny hole behind Lara's left ear, just below the nastly lump that was forming on her head. " Stand by suction." He called, he bored through her cranium to the affected area. " Begin suction Doctor Dunham" Lance said, moving aside to check her vitals.

"Keep an eye on her BPM Ed, if it drops suddenly I wanna know." He said. "I'm now going to repair the damaged blod vessels" Lance explained further. "This is the bit that makes me really great." He added. "Some Doctors would still remove a section of the patients cranium to give themselves space to work but I..." Lance continued as he worked, "... will go in through two more tiny little holes drilled millimeters away from the first one..." Lance paused to enlarge the area on one of the monitors. "He wasn't even looking down at his hands or the patient, his gaze was fixed on the precise and minute movements being made on the screen above."

"I didn't know she was Kensington's sister." He said, seemingly randomly off topic. "Or that she was married." Lance continued working, the tip of the micro cellular regenerator moving over the damaged blood vessels.

"Why am I not surprised that you wouldn't even find out about her first?" Chelsea replied from behind her mask as she applied the suction tube and carefully excised the fluid.
"....what about the indentation where a wedding ring has been for a long time, Sherlock? Her life is not only at stake here, but it's also in ruins in another sense. Are you the type to have sent her flowers in the morning?"

There was no reproval in the CMO's question or tone for these parts of what had happened, just something of amazement that some women would actually wish, or even 'settle', for being treated like that, especially educated, nice looking women like this one with a handsome, rich and influential husband - perhaps *he* treated her like it? Who could even guess? Chelsea emptied her head of that sort of conjecture.

Personally, on this occasion, she knew that Murdoch had gone way too far in desecrating her office and she would deal with that later. He was also in violation of 'public decency' regs. too. She was naturally deeply sorry for poor Ben in all this but as for Lara, she had made her own choice so she was just 'the patient' now, although certainly not a victim of anything more than an accident after the fact. She was as guilty as Lance for the other two offences and also of adultery. Whatever her reason for taking off her ring, she could not possibly be innocent on that score. Chelsea's thoughts passed through her head in split seconds before Lance replied to her original question.

"Well I wasn't really looking at her hands you know." The Surgeon replied off-handedly. "It was just a bit of fun, I didn't force her to do anything she wasn't already more than willing to do... and do well." Lance removed the cellular regenerator and eye'd his handiwork on the monitor. "Cease suction." He ordered, gaze fixed on the monitors. He watched for several minutes, "No sign of any further heamorraging." He announced at last, satisfied.

Then he went back to start sealing up the holes he had made in her skull. "I know you might be a bit...grumpy with me for using your office." Lance continued as he deftly filled in the gaps. Constantly checking the monitors to make sure the bleeding didn't restart. "If it makes you feel better, you were never supposed to know and...." The holes repaired he now reached for a dermal re-generator. "We did give you desk a good polish." Lance finshed stepping back to admire the job he had done.

There was no trace of the lump and Lara's skin was smooth and unblemished. The monitors above the bed all showed normal brain activity with no trace remaining of the heamorage.

"Damn I'm good!" Lance said, turning to Chelsea. "Tell Kensington he owes me one." The surgeon said pulling off his gloves. "Just like I might owe you a new carpet if that stain doesn't come out."

"You're good Lance, but no more so than a dozen others in the fleet alone. You have a natural talent which should be respected but not over-rated, especially by yourself." Chelsea replied in a monotone, unimpressed by the arrogance. "Your attitude does you no credit and your complacancy is borderline risky. Ben does not owe you anything, in fact you owe him an apology. Both of you do. If you had the consideration and manners to carry on your personal indiscretions in your genuinely 'private' quarters, none of this would have happened."

"Lance, I shouldn't have to spell out to you that the CMO's 'office' is a military command position, not a knocking shop for any passing pair of lust-driven people with no consideration for those who work there constantly, day and night. Personally, I feel that your self-justification is weak at best and sad at worst but this isn't about *my* personal feelings. Report to my office in the morning at 0800 after we've both had time to cool off and consider this and we'll review your status." Chelsea answered, taking off her own gloves and handing the patient over to the Recovery Nurse, signing off the Operating Padd to her with an instruction to call her in the unlikely event of any complication arising.

Lance sighed, Chelsea's bluster about there being better surgeons in the fleet didn't fool him for a second, they both knew his skills were without equal. He knew that with a crap on session that was coming in the morning that he wouldn't sleep a wink. Lance had hoped to get out of this but clearly that wasnt going to happen. His thoughts turned to which of his regular lady friends he could get to comfort him through the night.

He decided to swing passed the box of delights, knowing he would pick up 2 or 3 companions with ease.
"How about I just buy you a nicer rug and we call it even?" Lance suggested making one last attempt to get out of trouble.

Chelsea shook her head in disbelief. She could see he was determined to believe he was the very best and that not only should everyone be equally misconceived of the idea, but that it erased and offset everything else that he did. She went away to get some advice from the Counsellor to see how to handle this next.


A JP between:

Doctor Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon and Shameless Playboy


Commander Chelsea Dunham
CMO & 2CO - DS5

Lt. Ben Kensington

Lara Turner
NPC - by jools

CPO Ed McBain
NPC - by jools


Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner)
Main Sickbay, DS5


NPC's By