Cascade – Extending a helping hand
by Arrival Atlana Durak & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Extending a helping hand
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Arrival Atlana Durak & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Feb 14, 2013 @ 12:45am
Location   Captains Readyroom/office
Timeline   SD71 09:30

Atlana had been put off by Trellis and she had no idea when she was going to be getting her business license. It was funny that she had had customers already but she left that fact out as it wouldn't make the Lieutenant like her any better, not that she really cared.

Atlana Durak was walking on the Promenade in much more comfortable clothes then traditional Cardassian clothes. The humans really did know how to dress. Her slacks were fitting and outlined a much toner form then her cardassian slacks did in their billowy materials. She felt like she could do just about anything in the slacks and tunic the only thing she was uncomfortable was that her scar was showing a little at the collar mark... it was just a little lower then she was used to. Her knife was in the federation issue boots and she was hiding little else because of the clothes, but she really didn't need much else. Atlana's dark hair was braided and flapped against her back as she walked.

As she her walk lingered with no where in-particular to go Atlana found herself standing in front of the Cardassian Embassy, well what was left of it, she thought letting out a slow drawn out sigh. The charred hull and twisted deck plating were blacked with hatred and anger... the damage that had been done was deafening. It took nerve to attack a Cardassian anything... let alone on a Federation base... Atlana took a few steps closer, it drew her curiosity. Maybe Lt Trellis would give her the ok to look around... she smirked, yeah right when pig flew as the human's would say.

She stepped into the rubble stopping abruptly, there was a security sensor and if she tripped it Trellis and his minions would be around like a shot, she could see it in the dust barely. Atlana took a deep breath and picked up a piece of the charred wreckage... she had an idea... just a small one. There was one thing she could rule out from the destruction. It hadn't been Sarish... this was not his style, not his type of motivation. There was no money in this. She stepped backwards, pocketed the bit of debris and decided that she needed to ask permission... first. And there was only one place to do that.

Minutes later she was standing outside the captains office... trying to get the tunic to go higher... hide the scar... she pulled her braid over her shoulder, and nodded there, she thought now he can't see it. She hated that stupid scar it was huge and a bad reminder. The door chimed as she sensor activated it and she stood there waiting for a come in.

Reading reports were the last thing that Tasha wanted to do. The ship in the docking bay held much more of a fascination for her, as did the investigation into the promenade explosion when the annunciation signal sounded.
Tasha leant forward and tapped her console, swinging the door inward.
"Come in." She called from behind her desk and pulled down on her tunic as she leant back in her seat.

Atlana let out a breath she wasn't aware she was holding in. She had heard that the starbases' commanding officer was a woman, female humans always seemed to have something to prove. She came into the captains office and saw Captain Tahir sitting back in her seat. She could tell by the fine lines on the captains face that they were close in age but Atlana was older... a few years maybe.

"Captain Tahir," Atlana made her way towards the Captains desk. It was then and only then that she saw the paperwork laid out before the commanding officer. "Hmmm, I won't keep you I see you have work to do. I am Atlana Durak, I just recently arrived." She didn't know if the captain was as familiar with her "past" as the Lt and she wasn't about to assume either way.

Tasha watched the Cardassian female approach her desk and smiled warmly. She often wondered how it would feel to be a different race coming to DS5 and if she would feel out of place being non federation, but she disregarded as she directed Atlana to the seat opposite.

"In that case, welcome to DS5. I can see that you are non military." She stated the obvious as the female stood beside the chair and she could see the pause in her body before she responded, giving Tasha an inkling that she was a former militarian.

Atlana took the gestured with the smallest of smiles and sat down gracefully. "Thank you, and yes. I'm a civilian retired, at the moment."
She offered, as she no one in the Obsidian order stayed retired. "I came to your marvelous base to open my shops and live a quiet little life." She admitted and it wasn't exactly untrue. "Captain, I arrived the same day as the attack on your Cardassian Embassy, I'd like to offer any assistance I can be."

Atlana knew the question was going to come up, how could she help? Obsidian Order... oh hmmm bad Cardassian. Not that many people saw any Cardassian as good but still... she legitimately wanted to help the base if she was going to make it her home

"Shops?" Tasha picked up on first, "So you are going to open a chain?" But before Atlana answered, Tasha pushed on. "DS5 has been described as many things, but it's the first time I think I have heard it referred to as marvellous." She wanted to continue with dangerous, deceitful and dire but did not want to put off the Cardassian too soon. "and as for the offer of help, I am sure if you get a chance to meet with the Cardassian Ambassador, Getal, I am sure he would put you to use." She stated innocently.

Atlana cleared her throat. "Shops, sorry, no just one. My passion is history, it's an antique shop. A passion I apparently share with many of the crew." She offered. "Several have come in. I admittedly didn't realize that Lt. Trellis was going to be difficult with a business license or I wouldn't have sold them items already." She added casually.

When the Captain add that Getal was the Cardassian Ambassador her stomach did a bit of a flip flop. She'd heard of Gul Getal... and assumed they were one in the same. Getal had been in Sashir's files, she knew the man only because he'd let the Bajoran terrorist get away. "I understand the Ambassador is in medical." She added. "My father spoke of Gul Getal... are they one in the same, Captain?" She was probing the Captain it was habit.

Tasha shook her head, innocent to the underlying context in Atlanas query.
"I really don't know that much about the Ambassador, not his history that is. I am sure though, that when you meet, you will have more than enough to talk about." She admitted and didn't imagine Getal would be very forthcoming on his personal history as he had been a little more than resilient to divulge too much when Tasha had spoken to him some weeks ago and since then, their paths had not crossed and truth be told, Tasha had not gone out her way to interact with the Ambassador either.
Her brow dropped a little as she continued with a statement that the shop owner had slipped in as if inconspicuously but she knew that there was a reason for saying it.
"As for the business license, if you don't think you are getting the required level of service from Lieutenant Trellis, I suggest you speak with either ," She reached over as she advised and tapped the console. "Chief Bryan Surzchenko or Chief Mercedes Denoublier. They will be able to give you advice on the proper requirements. She smiled as she dipped her head.

Atlana knew she was meeting all the requirements the station had she just wasn't willing to give Trellis details on her encounter with Sarish. Atlana nodded. "Of course, Captain. Perhaps I'm just missing something simple..."
like human colored skin, she thought... as the filter that kept her from getting into trouble caught before it came out. "I can revisit it with the Lt, sorry to bother you, captain Tahir."

Tashas' smile widened. "No bother, no bother at all. If it is something simple, Bryan or Mercedes can help you iron out the kinks and get you legitimate." She advised without connotation. "Anything else I can help you with?" She inquired.

Atlana frowned slightly, yeah you're security office is a jerk... "Captain I might ask...." She hesitated. "No, Captain. I believe I can handle things from here on out. Thank you for your time."

Tasha could see the frown line appear on her head but decided now was not the time to pursue the thought that had made her pause with concern and rose from her seat dipping her head in Atlanas direction.
"I am glad you called by. My door is always open." ~Most of the time~ she thought.


Atlana Durak
Owner: Unique Antiques


Captain Tasha Tahir