We All Fall Down – The Underside of the Law - Part 2
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   The Underside of the Law - Part 2
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed Sep 17, 2014 @ 4:47am
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   WAFD MD01 2200

Ka'er leaned back in his seat as another figure wound its way through the crowd towards the darkened booths at the rear of the bar. This one; he just oozed something that the Wolf recognized. Another wolf, perhaps? Or just prey?

Dorian cautiously made his way towards the darkened booth. He still was not sure who he was supposed to meet and what their involvement was in all of this. This was the Box of Delights after all where two unsolved murders had taken place. It would not be out of the ordinary nor even a deign to this place's reputation for a third one to occur.

"I'm assuming you're the Telian I'm supposed to meet?" Dorian said, observing the man in front of him. There was something about his appearance that immediately put Dorian on edge. He did not fully understand it since he was not familiar with this race of people from the Gamma quadrant beyond what that sentient smart-ass had informed him onboard the Arrow.

Ka'er looked up, eyes narrowing. The man before him had a rather unremarkable appearance. But there was something a bit off about him. Now that he was closer, Ka'er had a chance to assess him. He looked human, and in this part of the galaxy, that usually meant he was. But there was something familiar. Something in the way he smelled. It was a scent he associated with the Gamma Quadrant, and one he'd never encountered here in the Federation.

Akamu shook it off. It was probably just some exotic fruit the man had eaten. After all, he'd come aboard a Telian ship, why wouldn't he have eaten Gamma food or used a different shampoo or something? It wasn't important to the present circumstances.

"I'm Akamu Makani," he said. "You must be Dorian Gabriel." He gestured to the empty seat across from him. "Sit."

Dorian remained standing.

"Who are you and why do you need me to track down some Ferengi? I was told that you served in your people's military. Why can't you order them to go after him, or go after him yourself?" Dorian asked pointedly. He decided that he wanted more information before he sat down or proceeded any further with this operation.

Besides, he wasn't entirely comfortable with the way the man studied him. It was more than just a prolonged glance. It was almost as if he recognized something in Dorian.

~Wouldn't be surprised if his people were nothing more than failed Dominion lab experiment just like the Jem'Hadar and Vorta.~ Dorian thought.

"Well," Ka'er sighed, "aren't we a bit paranoid? As I said, I am Akamu Makani. And although I was a military officer for many years, my people are currently in a state of disarray, to say this least. Consider it a very long story. Right now, the military is very unorganized... also, in the Gamma Quadrant."

~. . .figures, he's probably a military despot who was overthrown or cast out by his own people in the middle of some poverty-stricken civil war or uprising.~ Dorian thought while his face remained stoic.

"Any Telian in the Alpha Quadrant is either a refugee, or an exile," Akamu explained. "More than likely, both. And we cannot afford to appear weak, either to each other, or to the people back home. Mostly towards each other. And Tevelahim Telenar absolutely cannot have any stain added to his reputation. What this Ferangi has stolen must be recovered, and in such a way that the Telenar appears to be the hero of the hour. If I were to leave the station, with no obvious motive, questions would arise. Questions that would eventually lead back to the Telenar."

"What difference does it make the manner in which the property is recovered? As long as you get back whatever heirloom or amount of money that was stolen, what's the worst that could happen?" Dorian inquired.

"It would be a disaster." Akamu said simply.

Dorian took the curt response as an indication as to how willing this individual was to divulge more information than necessary.

"Fine, what do you need done on the station?" Dorian asked. He knew that whatever was necessary there was probably a rapidly approaching deadline attached.

"Based on what I've observed of our Ferangi friend, I don't think it will be long before he makes a break for it," Akamu said, glad the questions had stopped for the time being. Somehow, he didn't think he'd completely satiated the former security chief, but business was business, and they both knew it. "When that happens, you will intercept him on the Arrow. I may be able to arrange an inside man, if I play my cards right. You will board the Desire, confiscate the contraband, and... make a citizen's arrest of the Ferangi. He's committed a felony under both Telian and Federation law. Once the cargo is in my hands, we'll turn the Ferangi over to the local authorities. Then if they're unwilling to pursue the legal angle, I'll see if I can pull some Telian strings to get the Ferangi charged on our end. However, as long as the cargo is returned with as little drama as possible, I'm not sure how much it matters what happens to the little troll."

The job seemed simple enough. Use the ship to detain the Ferengi, get the cargo, and then return him to Federation custody. However, he also knew that this station was not going to simply allow some type of ship-to-ship confrontation in the wake of the civilian transport disaster that took place this morning.

"Why not just sneak on board the vessel while still docked with the station and stop him before he leaves?" Dorian asked. He was not familiar with the Arrow, so the last thing he wanted was to engage in some type of firefight.

"Some of the cargo is a little too large to smuggle off the ship without being noticed," Akamu said. "Drawing the attention of the Federation prematurely would, once again, bring unwanted questions." A pause. "You don't like politics, do you, Mr. Gabriel?"

Politics had cost him his livelihood and so much more. Politics was the last thing he wanted to deal with in this job or any other. "What type of weapons are we talking about on this Ferengi ship?" He inquired, if he has to use brute force he'd rather be adequately prepared.

Akamu snorted. "Calan's Arrow is more than a match for a simple freighter." She'd better be. Shield-Bearer Class vessels were the hammers of the Telian military. At the Academy, he'd had to study Arri's ramming maneuver that had punched through the line at the Battle at Klepsas VI. If she had trouble subduing the Ferangi ship, it would be sure evidence that the Gods had it in for him.

"Fine, but I want that floating 'mood disorder' to recognize that I am in command of the ship. It was bad enough having to argue with a hologram on the ride back to this station. I'm not going to have my judgment questioned in the middle of a battle." Dorian said purposefully.

"Arri would never question a command officer's judgement in the heat of battle," Akamu assured Dorian. "She'll trust your intuition over her own. And while I understand your reluctance to give her a chance as a self-aware being, I ask that you remember, under Telian law, she has nearly as much legal rights as you or I." Which could also be the case in the Federation, in the next couple of years, if things kept going the way they were headed.

"Then let's get started, the longer I stay in this bar, the dirtier I feel." He said as he adjusted his jacket. "I'll be on that plasma relay you call a 'sentient being' waiting for further instructions." He concluded.


A post by:

Col. Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Representing Telian interests


Dorian Gabriel (Civilian)
Former Chief of Security