Unity – Meeting the Diplomat
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Mathew Totti

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Title   Meeting the Diplomat
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Posted   Thu Mar 04, 2010 @ 7:12am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD 17 - 9:00
Gabriel was running on fumes. He hadn't slept in. . .he couldn't remember the last time he had slept. There were so many things that he had to deal with. Security clearance, changing authorization codes. Dealing with complaining civilians because of the station lock down. Not to mention the various ships that had managed to dock and unload DESPITE the lock down being in place.

One of the more visible targets was the stations new Chief Diplomatic Officer. He had glanced over the man's service jacket and had learned that he came from a rich family on Trill. He didn't know much else and quite frankly didn't care. As far as Gabriel was concerned, he was another liability that he'd have to be concerned with during the current crisis.

Gabriel's lift came to a stop and he stepped off and proceeded down the Promenade. The area seemed a lot less crazy with several of the bars and ens being shut down for the time being. He was looking in the direction of the Box of Delights when he suddenly saw the Diplomatic Officer walking by.

"Lieutenant Totti" Gabriel said as he walked over and caught up with the man. "We need to talk." He said.

"Hello Commander. I'm sorry I'm far to busy to come and chat." Mathew folded his arms and opened his mind up to the thoughts in the room.

"Right, whatever appointment you have can wait until I have properly briefed you on the current situation on the station." Gabriel replied curtly.

Mathew sensed some frustration in the Commander and smiled. "Thank you for your offer but I've already been briefed by The XO and read the mission reports."

Gabriel's eyes went wide with the momentary shock at the audacity of the Lieutenant. "Listen here, I don't give a damn what that Desk Jockey on OPS has or has not briefed you on. On this station I am the Head of Security and *I* am responsible for the safety of every person onboard here, that includes glorified babysitters like you and your staff." Gabriel said as he took the padd that was in his hand and punctuated his sentence by pressing it into the man's chest.

"You are fortunate that I have other matters that need to be tended to at the moment. But I *will* see you in my office in 1 hr, or else I'll have you dragged there by force." He said as he handed him the padd and walked past the man.

Mathew was completely off guard to his attack and was offended. What a lovely way to meet people Mathew thought.


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Mathew Totti