Cascade – Remorse
by Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Remorse
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Mar 14, 2013 @ 5:47pm
Location   A Cargo Bay / Security
Timeline   SD71 16:00
After she had pulled out the shard Pip had bound her arm with her spare shirt. As the night passed it throbbed more and more, keeping her awake. There in the darkness of the hold, in her nest of blankets and rags, Pip had plenty of time to reflect.

Rene had told her she was foolish for her initial reluctance to do it but after the initial euphoria as adrenalin and endorphins hit she began to wonder if she was foolish for having listened to him.

She was as bad as the man she had sought to kill. An indiscriminate murderer.

The others hurt, they meant nothing to her, but they didn’t deserve that and the Cardassian murderer wasn’t even dead, that was the rumour she’d picked up as she skulked in one of the bars before coming home.

Pip felt a gnawing in the pit of her stomach, not a pang of hunger that could be sated, but the relentless abrasion of every atom of her being trying to make her understand that what she had done was wrong.

It would never end.


Pip jerked awake in the darkness. It was always dark down here. She touched her injured arm. The rudimentary bandage was damp and sticky to the touch. Blood. No wonder she felt so weak.

I’ll just lie here and die, she thought, seeking medical help wasn’t an option, they’d ask questions, then someone would remember, she didn’t know who, but someone would remember that she’d been on the promenade at that time. Someone would track her movements and it would all come out and then … well they wouldn’t listen to her. The authorities had never listened to her.

She wrangled with the dilemma for hours in the continuing darkness. If she bled out here no-one would ever know her reason, misguided though it might be. They said that the Federation, Starfleet were benevolent. Maybe if they knew why the demon that slaughtered her family and destroyed her colony could still be brought to justice.

It might have been the blood loss speaking, but Pip had nothing to lose. She might never be able to pay for her actions, but she could do what she could to make amends.

The next thing Pip remembered was stepping through the doors of the security office.

“I’ve a confession to make,” she said to the officer on duty.

Pip Sullivan
NPCd by Louise