Cascade – Early Briefing
by Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Early Briefing
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Mon Feb 11, 2013 @ 3:51pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD71 0600

The turbolift doors opened and Sirran stepped out. Ops was busy despite the early hour. Many people, he assumed, had stayed on duty throughout the night and had not slept. He, too, had been up most of the night in his quarters, reading reports on a PADD and trying to get up to speed. His introduction to Tahir had been quick and terse, a simple handshake and a how-do-you-do as she left on her way to somewhere else.

No one paid attention to Sirran as he walked across the deck to the CO's office. People continued to work over their computers and speak on comm links to other decks and ships in the area. One crewman hurried past him while typing into a PADD, not even bothering to look up.

The entrance to Tahir's office was open. Sirran stood in the doorway and knocked politely on the metal doorjamb. "Good morning, Captain," he said, then offered a respectful nod to Villiers. "Commander."

"Lieutenant," Karen responded. She had not yet met the new Strategic Operations Chief, and for a station with as many departments and comings and goings as Deep Space Five it was a position that had been too long empty for her liking, "welcome aboard."

"I am privileged to be here," Sirran said, taking that as an invitation to come in. He produced a PADD and handed it over. "I took the liberty of preparing a morning briefing for you, although I'll understand if you'd rather wait til later to discuss it." He knew the embassy bombing was probably the most pressing concern at the moment.

"A briefing is always welcome," Karen replied trusting it would be thorough as she accepted the padd.

The Captain was stood at the replicator fortunately with her back to the person who had walked in as she yawned and even though unseen, she hid her mouth with her free hand as the replicator finalised the two requested beverages for the commander and herself. Despite the earliness of the hour, Karen had arranged with herself to have an early start and plan the morning events and Tasha had foolhardily agreed but she silently disagreed that a briefing was always welcomed.
"Welcome aboard Lieutenant." Tasha offered her greeting as she picked up the two cups and padded across to the desk, placing her own tea on the stained coaster and the other to her right on a less stained mat for Karen.

"Captain," Sirran said, "the region is quiet this morning. No sign of activity from the Borg or any other known threats. The Klingon cruiser Qel'Vech is one-hundred eighty light years out on a deep space mission and likewise reports nothing unusual. USS Mercury and USS Vienna are three weeks are four weeks away, respectively..."

It was true that large vessels in the area were few and far between, that was why the Norexan Warbird Dhelan had been persuaded to take the crew on the away mission to Ivor Prime. His brief also told Karen something else - there had been no further reports from that lost colony.

"I hope it stays that way," Karen said, "the last thing we want is confirmation that the activity on Ivor Prime is indeed Borg." They were right in the front line if it turned out to be the case.

"Agreed, sir," Sirran replied. "However, we should not entrust our lives to hope. I recommend that we deploy the garrison vessels to patrol outside the area of responsibility, perhaps with a fighter escort. If the Borg are in the area, then those vessels are no good to us tied dockside."

"Captain, what do you think?" Karen asked as she lifted the cup Tasha had left for her and offered a small nod of appreciation.

Responding with a likewise nod, Tasha reached for the coaster below the cup and drew it towards her whilst her other moved in the opposite direction to her console screen
"Help yourself Chief." Tasha offered as she tapped at it. "The flight team under Commander Dunham are on constant standby. Yesterdays response time from signal to launch was..." she paused scanning for the time, "twenty seven seconds." She advised as she scrutinsed more information, "If the Borg were to approach from any vector, we would have at least two minutes warning and besides, there has not yet been any confirmed indication that the Borg are responsible for the incident on Ivor Prime along with the fact there are survivors it doesn't appear logical to assume that it is. That said, we can never be too complacent and it will also give you a chance to find your feet, chief." She said with a raise of her eyebrows.

"I appreciate your faith in me, sir," Sirran replied. "My intent is not to overreact or to cause panic. Certainly there was enough of that yesterday. But I feel I would be derelict in my duty if I did not consider the worst-case scenario and advise you in preparation for that." His antennae angled forward as he considered what they knew. "Are the Borg responsible for Ivor Prime? There's a good chance they're not. Are the Borg in the area at all? Nearly every indication we've seen says no. However, are we willing to bet the lives of thousands of people on that and offer them only two minutes warning if we're wrong?" He let that question hang while he went to the briefing monitor on Tahir's wall.

Tasha had to concede. She was more concerned with planning rather than preparation.
"Good point well made. What are you ideas?" She ushered as she shifted a little uncomfortably in her seat.

"Computer, display regional map," Sirran said. The computer chirped and displayed the latest version from astrometrics. It showed all the surrounding systems and moving dots which represented ships. Everything was labeled with its name. DS5 was represented by a Starfleet emblem in the center of the map. "Sir, I recommend that we deploy here and here." He pointed to the areas he had in mind. "These are where the transwarp apertures opened in the last two incursions. It's as good a place as any to start. We'll set up patrol there with all vessels and fighters relaying their sensor feed to us real-time. If another aperture opens, we'll know about it instantly. That will give us..." He squinted as he did the math in his head, "better than ninety minutes warning time if our worst fears are realized. Enough time to evacuate diplomatic personnel and other civilians."

Tasha looked at Karen's profile as she in turn had watched Sirran's presentation.
"Commander?" She passed the baton back to her XO, lifting the cup from the coaster, bringing it close to her lips sensing the heat and allowing the aroma of the pungent eastern blend of tea to enter her nostrils.

"I think its a plan with merit," Karen said, they didn't really know what was out there and it was best to overprepare, "I say we prepare, but be discreet. We don't want any rumours causing more unrest," she added. The atmosphere on the station was increasingly tense and an unconfirmed Borg threat might be enough to cause panic and rioting.

Sirran nodded and looked back at the map. He reminded himself to see things from their point of view. Deep Space Five was one of Starfleet's strategic hubs, and his jobs was to constantly be thinking of that strategic position, how to protect it, how to enhance it, and then give his recommendations to Tahir and Villiers. A heavy responsibility for a young lieutenant. These two women, on the other hand, had even heavier responsibilities. They not only had to have the minds of generals, but also of diplomats and city mayors. A rapid scrambling of all the garrison vessels with the fighters would indeed make some people take note. Most of the civilians aboard would probably think nothing of it. But a handful might, including the diplomats. They would ask questions. It was a rookie mistake he would not make again.

"Perhaps," Sirran continued, "we could send one ship. And a handful of fighters. They would be spread thinner, and therefore so would their sensor capabilities, but they could still send us warning. Then we would still have time to deploy everything else."

"What do you think, Captain?" Karen asked. Having drained her cup she placed it back on the desk, "a rapid perimeter on the trajectory the Dhelan followed, with similar in strategic locations where Lieutenant Sirran has identified as the most likely points of emergence if this is Borg."

The captain folded her hands into her lap. She was hesitant in leaving the station's flight decks empty but she was also pretty sure that there was something out there that as ever, was untoward.

"Agreed. The runabouts are standing idle, as is the Thames and the Tyne. I see no harm in being prepared." She finally admitted.

"Then if you'll excuse me, Captain, I have judicial matters to attend to," Karen said, matter of factly, "Welcome aboard Lieutenant Sirran, if your briefing is a reflection of your work, then we'll be well placed," she added with a nod before leaving.

Sirran returned the compliment with a nod of his own. "Thank you, Commander."

Tasha was grateful for Commander Villiers input. She had a unique way of looking at things and gave a reciprocal nod before she left.
She then focussed her attention back to Gralthek.
"I concur with Commander Villiers. A very astute briefing. I think you will enjoy life on DS5. If you need any further assistance, then ask Commander Rick Dunham and also make sure you get your medical records updated with either Commander Chelsea Dunham, the chief Medical Officer or Lieutenant Milarno." Tasha said in standing. "Welcome aboard Lieutenant."

"Thank you, sir. I'll see to it right away."


Commander Karen Villiers

Captain Tasha Tahir

Lt. JG Gralthek Sirran
Strategic Ops