Judgement – A Trip to the Box of Delights
by Commander Derek Yaist & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   A Trip to the Box of Delights
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Derek Yaist & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 9:17pm
Location   The Box of Delights Bar
Timeline   SD 36 1230

Lieutenant Commander Yaist entered the Box and Delights and went straight for the bar. He had been exploring the Starbase, even though he was supposed to be filling out paperwork on-board his ship, the USS Relentless.

As he crossed the threshold, four men, of assorted race, led by a trill, dragged and shoved a tall, bright yellow, woman out of the bar, her hands cuffed behind her. "I didn't do it" she snarled at them as she struggled. "You're wasting your time! Gabriel put you up to this didn't he?" The security guards ignored her, and headed for the turbo lifts

He searched the packed bar and found a seat at the counter. The barman, a young bajoran, was watching the spectacle opened mouthed. It was a moment before he realised Yaist was sitting there. "I'm sorry. Er, what'll it be." He saw the uniform and added, "Its all real, no synthol available."

"What do you have?" asked Yaist, he was occasionally looking over to the door to watch what was happening. He wondered What happened here? Why was she being carried off by Starbase Security. His train of thought was broken when the barman replied to his question.

"Um, everything?" The young man began. "Pretty much. A dozen types of beer, scores of wines and spirits. Most of the popular drinks of every major species in the alhpa and beta quadrants. And then there's cocktails."

"In that case I'll take some Andorian ale." replied Yaist. He liked the taste of Andorian ale, however he loved the taste of Romulan ale. Unfortunately, he didn't like how he felt after drinking it and especially didn't want to appear like he'd had a little too much in front of his new crew.

The bajorran boy put a glass under a tap, and started pulling the pump, filling the glass with the pale liquid. His eyes kept darting to Yaist's collar, and giving it a puzzled frown.

"Thanks!" exclaimed Yaist as he accepted the drink from the Bajoran.

"I thought I knew all the Commanders on station, but I think you're new?" he said uncertainly, fumbling for a topic of conversation

"Actually, I'm not stationed here. My ship is just docked here, we're going to start our shakedown mission soon." Yaist smiled as he took a sip of his drink.

"The shiny new Defiant?" Pelin asked. He'd seen it on his way to Parises Squares practise. Every inch of it gleamed.

"Yep! Lieutenant Commander Derek Yaist at your service." replied Yaist as he extended his arm.

"Rosh Pelin," the bajorran shook the offered hand. "Welcome to The Box Of Delights." A waitress came over with a drinks order, and he started to fill it, taking bottles from fridges below the counter. "going to do anything exciting to shake her down?"

"Not really, we're just going on a short trip to Iconia. From there, we don't know! Of course I need to discuss this with my Executive Officer and the rest of the crew." said Yaist as he took a sip of his drink.

"I'm sure they'll be up for it. The CSO here is an archaeologist, she thinks its a fascinating place." Pelin thought about it. "Perhaps you could stop by her office, she might have some pointers for you."

"Perhaps I will. Unfortunately we're an escort. I actually wish we were an explorer of some sort as that's what interests me most." said Yaist, dropping his slight smile and returning to a normal expression. He really would prefer at least having some science done on board his ship.

The barman gave Yaist a sympathetic smile. "At least with a shakedown trip you'll be back here quickly, and there's plenty to escort in and out of the neutral zone."

"That there is!" he replied as the smile returned to his face.

"Though I suggest you watch out for pirates. There's more than a few around this sector, and they're getting bolder everyday. There's a mission out now to try and deal with them."

"I haven't heard of that. How's it going?" relied Yaist as he finished his Andorian ale.

Pelin shrugged. "There was a big bruhaha on the promenade last night, and there was supposed to be a combined fleet, Klingon, Romulan and Federation leaving a few hours ago. Don't know if it left."

"Well, I wish them luck on their mission." replied Yaist. Just then, he saw one of his crew members, Arleyaa Ilashanii, close by.

Pelin nodded a goodbye as the commander got up to join his crew. Then he thought about what the boss would have done in the circumstances. "just a moment!" he called out, before rooting to the back of a nearby chiller. "I think the boss would probably want me to give you this. For when you launch officially." He handed over the bottle of champagne. "its an earth tradition isn't it?"

"Thank you! It is." replied Yaist as he happily accepted the bottle. He would share it with his senior staff and possibly enlists if he had enough.


Lt. Cmdr. Derek Yaist
Commanding Officer
USS Relentless


Rosh Pelin
Assistant Barman
NPC by Notty