Beg, Steal or Borrow – The morning after
by Lieutenant T'Pal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   The morning after
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Aug 17, 2009 @ 4:10pm
Location   Ayren Kelan's quarters
Timeline   SD10
The first thing Ayren was aware of when she woke up was the gentle presence of another in her mind. She smiled contented when the memory of the night before rose to the surface. The arm across her body was warm and comforting and she placed her hand lightly on Rianni's fingers, not wanting to wake her.

Rianni had been stirring towards consciousness for quite some time now, the awakening of Ayren's mind for some reason had the same effect on her, ~That is weird.~ Rianni giggled and opened her eyes, realizing Ayren had probably heard that, too, "Morning, beautiful."

Ayren turned lazily to face her. "Morning," she said drowsily, smiling softly. ~I hear you clearly... we must have a link~ she thought her smile widening and kissing her lover on the nose.

Rianni giggled like a little girl when Ayren kissed her nose, ~Yeah, I guess we must, that's wild.~ She came closer, laying her head across Ayren's chest, "That was great." She sighed, "I've got a whole new love for diplomacy."

While playing with Rianni's hair, Ayren smiled, feeling her body stir when their skins touched. "Absolutely," she murmered. "And I have a whole new love for flying," she grinned. "We are going to fly again, right?"

"Any time you want to." Rianni smiled, "You just let me know." ~I'll never refuse to spend time with you, darling.~

~Yay!~ Ayren thought running her fingers sensually over her lover's soft skin. "That is the nicest promise I've heard in a long time," she said softly, lifting her chin with fingers and kissed Rianni.

Rianni enjoyed every second of the kiss, just taking all things Ayren into her, ~You might never get rid of me now, you know?~

~I don't think I will mind that.... where have you been all this time?~ she asked as the two bodies melted into each other, entwining sensually, seductively.

~I don't know, but I wish I'd been here the whole time.~ Rianni replied, kissing Ayren on her lips, then her forehead, ~But I don't think I'll be going anywhere.~

~Me too...~ she said as she rolled, leaving Rianni half on top of her. She had not felt this relaxed and contended for a long time and she beamed her lover a wide smile. "Nope, I think you should stay right here," she said as her hands circled her amazing body, resting on her back. and stroking the soft skin there. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving." Rianni replied, gently stroking Ayren's hair and face, "Yeah, I got no plans on going anywhere." She kissed Ayren deeply, pulling the two of them close together, "Not when things are perfect where I'm at."

The kiss sent Ayren floating on a wave of heat as her body responded the incredible woman on top of her. Kissing her back their tongues and lips caressed, played and enticed. "Exactly... I must be the luckiest person on the station," she giggled.

"Not even possible." Rianni laughed, "Because I am."

"Shall we fight about that?" Ayren asked and tickled Rianni's sides.

Rianni immediately began giggling like a five year old, unable to stand being tickled, " win." She gasped between peels of laughter, "I give up."

Ayren stopped abruptly and looked deep into Rianni's eyes. A smile slowly formed on her lips, while her touch regained their sensual quality. "I always win..." she said and kissed Rianni again.

~We'll see.~ Rianni thought back to her, not wanting to disrupt a kiss that magical with pointless words.

The two women got lost in their embrace as they got lost in the passion that had been reignited between them. Minds and bodies mingled as they made love, cut off from the world outside.

Thoroughly satisfied, Ayren laid with her head in the crook of Rianni's arm, her hand lazily trailing the outline of her breast. "That was ..... amazing... you are amazing...." she said, still slightly out of breath.

"So are you." Rianni smiled warmly, giving Ayren a soft kiss on her lips, "Amazing barely covers it, to be honest."

'I think we better eat... food that is, not each other," Ayren giggled. "Otherwise we will never get up... not that that is such a bad idea...." she grinned, thinking of the work she had to do that day.

"I'll make breakfast. Relax, love." Rianni smiled, walking to the kitchen to prepare something for them, ~Protein, lots of protein, going to need strength...~

=A=End Transmission=A=

Ayren Kelan


Lt.Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian