Beg, Steal or Borrow – New Recruits
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Ensign Elisha Royce

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Title   New Recruits
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Ensign Elisha Royce
Posted   Sun Aug 16, 2009 @ 10:58pm
Location   Upper decks of the station.
Timeline   SD9 12:55

David mused as he wandered along the corridors, thinking about the past. Alexandria had made him think about that and the future.
He was not heading anywhere particular when his comm chirped. He tapped at his chest.

=^= "Davies here." He said, looking up to the bulkhead over him.

=^= "Commander, the latest transfers have arrived and are heading Ops. Are you available to greet them or shall I pass delegate or postpone for you." Robert asked in a easy tone.

=^= "I am on my way." Davies replied as he stopped to gain his bearings. "Computer, nearest transporter pad." He enquired as a directional indicator began to pulse along the wall behind him.
He turned and headed to the pad, taking him back to deck 12 and main operations.

As Commander Davies entered the transporter room, there was a young, twenty five year old looking human male with green eyes,and a charming smile flirting with crew man Sanchez. He was leaning over her as she was manning the transporter controls in a mock instructional play over the console.

“See, right here is where to turn up the grafting setting. This will give you more control over the who package as you beam it up... got that”? He said with a smooth undertone which caused Crewman Sanchez to smile.

“Yes sir”. She said with all the temperament of a school girl that had her first crush. She brushed her long thick hair to the side.

“Elisha, you can call me, Elisha for now. And as for the advanced lesson is transporter operations, it will only cost you an evening. Just one night, of fine dinning place. So what is your favorite, Spanish, Italian, or French? I am good at it all”. They both laughed at the jester, unaware of the commander's presence.

"Ensign, it would be appreciated if you conducted your courting rituals in the privacy of anywhere except Operations!" Davies barked. "Sanchez, I will talk to later." David said harshly as he spun on his heel and headed up the steps to the command offices, glancing over his shoulder as gripped the handrail and held as he swung around the newel post.

"Today would be preferable." He said as he saw the Ensign and Sanchez exchange glances.
" Yes Sir!" He blurted out without his usual Elisha Royce smoothness. With an surprised look on his face, he looked back at Sanchez. She was trying to hold her laughter behind her hand. He managed to smile and wave good bye to her as he rushed in the direction of the Commander, up the stairs.

~OK, what do we have here?~ Elisha thought to himself. One of the things that he prided himself on is knowing people and how to deal with them. Elisha concluded that The Commander is a ;

~A.)An authoritarian, most likely the oldest child, at the lest the oldest male that took on responsibilities of his family very young. Father may have died young in his life.~

~B.) He has a hatred for lack of discipline. He believes in order, the structure.. the system. Any threat to that is going to be met with harsh punishment so,....No wild styling it. I better show him how I can fit in.~

~And C.) he is more them likely a bullshit detector so...Be on the level with him. He will respect an opposing view, rather then kissing up and knowing you do not believe one word you just said. honest. And oh yeah D... From his accent He must be from southern England, may be Welsh. Probable a Taurus. Oh.. I am scared. ~

David breezed through the outer office to the Captains door, pushing it wide and allowing the Ensign through.
Once he passed, avid released the door to glide to a close.

"Please ensign, take a seat." Davies said as he strode around to the other side of the desk and pulled out the chair to allow him to sit. "First time aboard a station?" He asked as he made himself comfortable and was pleasantly surprised to see a faint smile on the mans lips.

"Yes sir Commander Davies. At least assigned to one. I have been to many space stations on my father's ship however". He said in a respectful tone, sitting upright with his hands folded.

"Your father was a starship Captain?" David asked in surprise.

" Well, sir, my father and mother where both member of star-fleet, but my father never became captain. He was X.O of the U.S.S. Skylark. When I was fourteen my father invested into an asteroid mining ship, and my family had been roaming the stars ever since. He now owns three".

David shook his head and though he wanted to reprimand the young man for his flirtations with the crewman, he decided to let it pass for now.
"Three!" He exclaimed and pursed his lips as a sign of being impressed. "And is that what made you decide to become an officer in the federation?" He pressed as he steepled his fingers, waiting with interest for the Ensigns reply.

A more serious demeanor came over Ensign Royce. He pause, obviously for the purpose being careful with his words. He then spoke from the heart.

"Sir, I know you hear this a lot. But it was my father, Executive Officer, Elvin Royce. You see, when I was fourteen, the Dominion war had broke out. Instead of sitting back and letting others do the fighting for him, he volunteered to returned back to star-fleet. He went in, full active duty to help out with the war effort. After the war, my little sister asked him, why did he go back to Star-Fleet? Pops said that he rather die then see his family live under terrine, and oppression, and if it took his death to assure that we would live free, he would die a thousand times to assure that freedom".

Elisha paused then smiled and looked down as if in reflection of his father, then he continued.

"From that day on, I never saw my father as mortal again. The idea that my father served something greater then him self, that he was willing to give his life, with out fear for others to live made him , and still makes him, the greatest man alive. So, I wanted to be like him, and I joined Star-Fleet. Through Star-Fleet, I could not only see the Galaxy, but be apart of something great. Maybe tell my children tales on day of how I contributed to making the world a better place. Or at lest.. how I tried.

His words where sincere. Answering the question gave Elisha even more clarity of why he was here. At this moment in time, for once he felt like he had true direction. He awaited Commander Davies next question.

Davies could see Elishas response came from the head, not from the mind and he settled back into his chair.

"Ensign, there are more than enough opportunities aboard a starship to better yourself, let alone making the world a better place, but if I may offer some advice," He leant forward with a smirk on his face, "When you know your commanding officer is due to meet with you, make sure your waiting for him or her at their door, not conducting mating rituals with staff who are on duty." He lay his one hand on the PADD on the desk while the other tapped the side of his nose. "After all, the captain of this base is a woman and you have yet to meet her." He winked, ~ and so have I ~ he thought, finally picking up the PADD and tapping it to read the transfer list.

He scanned down the names and glanced up to Elisha then back to they PADD.
"So by my reckoning your one of 2 men on my list. Either your Ensign Geoffrey Rowe, or Ensign Elisha Royce." He stated, studying the man for a few more seconds, "and I cannot guess which." He admitted.

At this moment, Elisha stood up from his seat at attention. it was not in good custom to give your name and rank while sitting down to a superior officer.

"All apologies, No need to guess. I am Ensign Elisha Royce, assigned to DS5, operations department, sir".

"Sit down." David motion up and down with a flat out hand. "The second thing you need to do now, is familiarise yourself with the station. Take the rest of the day to explore and as from tomorrow, you will be on the Beta shift and will need to report to Ensign John Elliott, assistant Operations Chief." David swung about in his seat.

"Computer, list Ensign Elisha Royce active and grant him relative privileges and permissions for the role of operations officer."

The computer chirped the confirmation of Davies instruction.

Turning back to the still stood man, Davies copied him and stood up from his seat and holding out his hand to Elisha in sealing his new position.

"Welcome aboard Deep Space 5, Ensign Elisha Royce." He said with a solid smile on his face.

"Thank you, I look forward to serving here on DS5. Will that be all for the day Sir"?

"Yes Ensign, your dismissed for the day, but leave Sanchez until after her shift has finished, then you can have some fun." His smile widened as the Ensign stood tall and nodded, spinning on his heel and heading out of the office.


CO: Commander David Davies

Operations Officer
Elisha Royce