We All Fall Down – Cardassian - Human commerce
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Cardassian - Human commerce
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Dec 21, 2014 @ 5:46pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   WAFD MD 03 - 14:50
Wayne walked calmly toward the cardassian embassy honestly he would rather not have had the meeting here but it seemed the person he wanted to speak to would not leave the embassy for some reason or other. So in this case he would accomidate the man. He was flanked by the normal two body guards and between the three of them they cut a rather imposing figure, no one wanted to really mess with this particular group of men.

He walked into the embassy and to the receptionist "Excuse me but I believe I have an appointment with the ambassador in a few minutes and I was wandering if you could tell me where I was suposed to meet him." Asked Wayne politely he then just waited for a response before deciding on the next move.

Ra'lur sat behind the administrative desk as the trio of humans entered the inner foyer of the embassy. She turned her chair towards the lead human and addressed him.

"Yes Mr. Bradshaw. Ambassador Turvan is expecting you. You may enter through the side door into his office. Your. . .companions may make themselves comfortable here in the foyer." She said with expected politeness.

"You heard the lady boys make yourselves comfortable. i am not sure how long this meeting will last but i highly doubt that the ambassador will try and knock me off in his own office." Said Wayne jokingly as he headed up for the ambassadors private office.

[Ambassador Turvan's Office]

"I understand your concern, Councilwoman Madred. " Turvan said with an empathetic tone. "The sudden change in station leadership from Federation to Romulan was a surprise to me as well. In fact, I've made numerous attempts to have an audience with the new station Commander to discuss Cardassian's position. However, none of my requests have been sufficiently answered." He said with frustration.

Councilwoman Madred sighed in resignation. "The current series of events was less than I had hoped for in regards to interests of Cardassia on the station, but there are more serious matters that needed her attention and it appeared as if Ambassador Turvan had things in proper order.

"Very well, Hydel. We shall allow the Warship Dumar to remain docked at Deep Space 5 in order to provide any further assistance ." She stated. "However, I expect a full report to give to the Detapa Council on a regular basis." She stated.

"Yes ma'am," He said as he watched her holographic image fade out. The Ambassador turned and welcomed the human into his office.

"Yes, Mr. Bradshaw, have a seat." the Cardassian stated.

Wayne sat down in one of the chairs opposite the ambassador and waited for the man to finish up whatever it was that he had been working on before they started this meeting.

Ambassador Turvan pressed a button on his desk and the far wall in his room shifted slightly as the holo-projector returned to its hidden location within the wall. The entrance to the office closed as enhanced security protocols were activated to ensure privacy for the two individuals.

Hydel cast his gaze from the desk back towards the Terran before him.

"Wayne Bradshaw" Turvan said, making sure to emphasis each syllable in the human's name. "What was it that brought you to the Cardassian Embassy and to schedule an appointment with the Ambassador himself?" Turvan asked.

"From your reaction I have to wander is your information on me up to date or were you expecting perhaps General Bradshaw, in which case i am sorry to inform you I retired from the service a while back and am now just a regular civilian. well as regular a civilian as can be expected considering what I am wanting to talk about." Said Wayne with a slight joking tone.

Ambassador Turvan smiled as he sank into his chair and listened to the military officer speak. Human culture was odd in its obsession with separating its military from its civilians. Turvan was in disbelief the first time he learned that Starfleet was actually commanded by its civilian President! How could one of the strongest militaries in the quadrant bend to the whims and dictates of someone who had never worn a uniform?

Even more amusing was the idea that one could ever leave the steadfast embrace of military service. For the sake of conversation, Turvan nodded his head and decided to indulge the older man as he claimed to merely be "just Wayne"

"As to what I want to talk to you about I heard through my contacts in the Union that you had not been able to unload that old Nor class station, you know the one that is a sister to DS9. I thought if the price was right I might be able to take the station off your hands and at the same time try and help the Union out by offering my services as a shipper for freight both inside and outside the Union." Said Wayne coolly as he sized up the ambassador.

"I know that since the war the Union has not exactly been welcomed in other areas especially the Romulan and Klingon empires, with only limited trade with the Federation. I am hoping to change that and I have the manpower, the ships and the contacts to make that change happen." Said Wayne firmly

"So you wish for us to trade the 'benevolent' intentions of our Federation Masters, for your freighters and deckhands?"Ambassador Turvan asked skeptically. "What does it aid us to turn over one of our largest military assets to your company?" He asked, probing into Bradshaw's intentions.

"Ha I think I like you ambassador. The Federation has nothing to do with this in anyway shape or form my company is privately held and while we may answer to the Federation as far as the rule of law is concerned they have no say in how I run my company and whom I do business with." Said Wayne flatly.

"As to what how it aids you I know the union is strapped for cash as the saying goes. I can get your products to markets that would be closed to a Cardassian freighter and sell them at a good price. I make money yes but so does the Union." Said Wayne calmly before adding. "While it would not exactly be reasonable to allow this I would even willing to show you around the flagship of my fleet at least the civilian side of the fleet."

"Rest assured if you were to do business with me your product would reach where it is intended to go and no one or at least no trouble makers would be able to stop my ships."

Ambassador Turvan nodded as he continued to listen. He was already familiar with the inside of Mr. Bradshaw's vessel as well as other vessels within the company, but that was beside the point. He was more intrigued by the idea that this human wanted an entire space station to be under the exclusive control of his company.

Turvan leaned forward and spoke in a slightly lower, but more direct tone. "Why General Bradshaw, why would you need an entire space station in the middle of no where?" He asked.

Any Cardassian with a modicum of intelligence could recognize why a military organization could need such a secluded location. However Mr. Bradshaw held himself out to be a "businessman" and that his mobile battalion was only for "security" purposes.

"Just what do you plan on doing with it?" The Cardassian inquired.

It was not exactly in his nature to explain himself or his reasoning but in this case he felt it might be advantagious to do just exactly that, at least in part. He also noticed that the ambassador refered to him as general rather then mister a sure sign he thought that there was more going on then meets the eye.

"Ambassador as I am sure you are aware my company does extensive business in a wide array of areas my main reason for wanting a secluded base is simple I do not trust people easily that extends to humans romulans klingons or cardassians. I want a place I control where my company can do it's R and D as well as training for my PMC and other activities my company undertakes. Right now I am renting space from starfleet on several starbases to accomplish this goal and it is quite a drain were as if I could put it all under one roof I would have more control over what happened and things like the bombing that killed my grand daughter and injured both myself and my eldest son would not happen. I am sure that you understand the concept of family and while mine is larger then most there is not a single damned thing I would not do to insure that they are made as safe as possible." Said Wayne calmly as he tried to read the ambassador

Ambassador Turvan was well aware of the damage that still lingered from the bombing on the station several years prior. Many Cardassians had lost their lives as a result and it was not something that was easily forgotten.

"Not to mention of course that a privately held starbase would or at least could be considered neutral ground for trade dealings and the like." said Wayne with a grin.

Turvan leaned back into his chair as he continued to study the man's face before him. "Very well, General Bradshaw. I will take your proposal before the Detapa Council at their next general session. I will have a response for you soon thereafter." He said to the Terran.

"That is all I can ask and I thank you for your time ambassador and please call me Wayne or Mister Bradshaw I left the marine behind me when I retired from the corps to take over the family business. I have not been a general for some time now." Said Wayne calmly as he rose from his seat and extended his hand across the desk.

Ambassador Turvan rose to shake the man's hand. He knew better than to assume that just because the man had put his uniform away, that he had put away his connections with the military. War and Life and taught Hydel Turvan too many painful lessons to be that naive. "Of course. . . .Mister Bradshaw." He smiled.

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Union Embassy

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated