Unity – Early Arrival
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Early Arrival
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Wed Mar 31, 2010 @ 12:35am
Location   *multiple locations*
Timeline   SD17 11:00 (back post)

Jarred was in the middle of reading a report about the fight on the promenade when his computer terminal indicated he had an incoming message, as he hit a key to open the message his face dropped for a second then lifted back up, "Better early than not at all." he muttered.

"Computer page Commander Davies, Chief Engineer Freeman and CAG Monteros-t'khellian to bay 18 priority two." the computer chirped its acknowledgement and Jarred tore out of the office down the hall too the turbolift.

Rianni got the page first, seeing it was from Jarred meant it could be about only one thing, "The new ship is here!" Rianni exclaimed, her voice an excited giggle as she dashed from the fighter bay to the lift.

Bruce had his head down sitting in his office when he heard the page. 'Ah our new toy must have gotten here.' Bruce thought to him self lifting his head up from a little nap he had been taking. 'Well better try and not be the last there.' He stood up and made his way to the shuttle bay.

Jarred stood on the flight deck the sleek contours of the new ship gleemed in the light, he walked along the hull to the access ramp, a member of the transfer crew handed him a PADD saluted and walked down. He looked at the pad and read. By order of Starfleet, Deep Space Five will accept delivery of USS Nautilus, Wallace Mark 2 Class, into inventory. Jarred stood at the entry and realized that this ship was new, with alot of new features and a few other surprises.

"I thought you said it was going to be an fixer upper not some new ship." Bruce yelled across the shuttle bay.

"Its' an untested prototype, looks like we'll need to fix a few bugs on it, here's the report" Jarred replied.

"These aren't to bad." Bruce said looking over the list. "Shouldn't take more than a day or two to get them finished."

"We'll have to do a walk through and see what else needs to be over hauled." Jarred commented

Chief Ayers wandered down the hangar bay to the gather group, "this could be a good ship, anyone been aboard yet?"

"Not yet we were looking over what was going to be needing repairs." Bruce replied. "But that changes now." He added walking up onto the ramp with out bothering to wait for anyone's permission. He wanted to see how bad things looked inside.

Rianni followed not far behind Bruce, if anyone needed to see what this ship was like it was her, since technically it fell under her watch, ~And I'm going to fly it first.~

David had the privilege of knowing the arrival time of the new Wallace and was already on his way to the docking bay as he tapped his comm.

=^= "Acknowledged." He said stated simply with a grin on his face as he quickened his pace to arrive at the bay at hopefully the same time as Jarred.

David rounded the corner and was mildly surprised to find he was the last person to arrive, with Jarred already securing the airlock.

"Captain, this bird is fully loaded, new phasers, new targeting, the whole nine yards so to speak." Jarred said "there's even new replicators!"

David grinned childishly as he waited fervently for Jarred to open the umbilical.
"I can't wait to get a look see." He said in anticipation.

Jarred dropped the access ramp, "there's one other extra we should check out, a cloaking device."

"I would have thought that would be standard equipment for a new ship!" Davies exclaimed as he guided Jarred onto the access ramp, eagerly wanting to get a look at the new runabout as well as take in the 'New ship smell' that only newly crafted ship had and glanced around to see Bruce on his shoulder as eager as Davies felt.

"This is something new in federation technology, it supposedly has a lower power consumption than a normal cloak, and also has one other feature, shortened decloak cycle which is a bonus." Jarred said quoting from the report.

"That is nice, however I don't really want to be aboard when we test it. Knowing my luck I will end up in another dimension." Bruce said backing up a little.

David smiled as they approached the docking hatch. "Can't be any worse than everything that has happened lately. Another dimension might be a welcome respite!" He quipped.

"If you have the right pilot you don't have to worry about that." Rianni laughed, her first real laugh since Ayren left her for that thing, "And there's no pilot righter than me."

"Not going to argue Rianni, but have you ever fired polaron Torpedos?" Jarred let the cat out of the bag.

Davies stopped mid step and reached out to Jarreds shoulder, to stop him from continuing.
"Polaron Torpedoes?" How in the hell did we get them? Did the Klingons just 'give' us the tech to use?" He tone was not one of shock, more of confusion. "I was not made aware that the Federation were installing Polaron missiles launchers any time soon, though I had read the tech report that some ships were being retrofitted with Phased Polaron cannons, so is it safe to make a leap of assumption, that this ship also has them installed?" He questioned.

"Only a few are in circulation, I called in few favours to get them loaded. there are only four onboard, but they pack enough wallop." Jarred said, "officially they are not on this station, in any way shape or form, several more are being shipped for another ship that will arrive later on."

"Oh great, just what we need on the station more things that could possibly go boom." Bruce joked.

"Not really Bruce, there less likely to detonate without being armed compared to normal torpedoes that are in use, plus these aren't standard issue, I called in some favours to get these specific torpedoes."

Davies shook his head, feeling more than a little delighted.
"Anything that will offer better protection is fine by me. Now, shall we get inside, or better still, take it out for a once around the station!" He remarked, eager to get inside.

"That I think is going to be a necessity." Jarred said as the ramp lowered.

"After you." Davies said to Dunham, his hand waving after Wallace.

Jarred lead the group aboard the new Wallace class, "Even smells new, looks like they changed dimensions on the maintenance hatches."

"Just to add to the aesthetics." Bruce commented, it didn't really need to be done but there was no sense in having a ugly ship.

Davies smiled. "Agreed, but looks are not everything." He said glancing at the chronometer, "talking of which, new ships will have to wait, I have to get back to Ops." He said with a grin. "Now, don't do anything I wouldn't!" He remarked, sorry to tear himself away.


Lt Jarred Wallace

Commander David Davies

Lt. Bruce Freeman

Lt Cmdr Rhianni Monteros-t'khellian
Wing Commander